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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. Some new tracks and a total remix. UPDATED: There is now a video for this song: https://baselines.com/?p=7090 It was looking like a throw back Monday The whole human race was on my back And coming off a dreadful weekend I was looking for a four leaf clover Jack Given half the chance I'd roll up In a little ball and go right back to sleep Flip the safety off a Nyquil bottle Take a hit and then I'd backstroke Neptune deep Bought a coffee and a Charlie ticket I took a little risk and blew off work At the far end of the subway platform Saw a crazy old codger who was going berserk I watched him crab-walk toward me Pretty soon I felt him pulling on my sleeve Heard the screech of a braking trolley Jumping on I heard him tell me to believe Without the pain there is no gain You've got to keep on looking through Enchanted Glasses Getting slammed into a balance hand pole I felt a sudden sharpness against my chest In the pocket of my leather jacket I found a pair of multi-colored tricked out specs Just for a laugh I tried them When I looked around I thought that I had died Everybody had a golden aura The subway car looked like a Magic Kingdom ride Without the pain there is no gain You've got to keep on looking through Enchanted Glasses
  2. Another great memory - thanks for covering it - you're version is really cool! Love the vocal. Best advice I can give on clipping is to address it a track at a time and handle it during recording rather than afterward wherever possible. If you keep an eye on it throughout the process, you won't have to deal with it at the end. RX10 also handles de-clip very well if you need it. Steve
  3. Nice Jack. Somebody needed to address it - what a weird time we are living thru. Steve
  4. # nine dream is an incredible song - blew me away at the time, and I still really enjoy hearing it once in a while.
  5. A great choice for a cover - really nice job. I think you should boost that vocal up!
  6. You've got that great Surfer guitar sound mastered! Love it.
  7. Love the unexpected video! This was so cool - you have a multitude of talents and an eye for quality.
  8. Cool guitar tones and I like the snare. I'm a fan of 4 minutes or under in most cases. It sounds great - if you put any more into it, I would build up the lyrical ideas. I'm missing what's really going on in the story, but maybe that's just me.
  9. Great vocal sound and quality voice. Really nice.
  10. Driving beat, wah guitar and great timing changes - what more could you want? Great work.
  11. I'm a huge Beatles fan as well! Here are a few of the covers from the Blog that I've done of the Beatles, if you are interested. https://baselines.com/?p=6973 https://baselines.com/?p=6590 https://baselines.com/?p=5535 https://baselines.com/?p=5475 Cheers!
  12. Thanks! That Azronika has a great Beatles/Elton voice - much better than mine!
  13. Ha! Yeah. I worked for a German company for a while and on my trips to Munich I had to be more careful. Thanks for visiting!
  14. Hi Terry - thanks for listening, and thank you for including that video - I love that song but never saw the video before. I agree about your comment of rock after the 90s - part of it is I'm just getting old, but I really think a lot of it is drivel now - I like listening to the songs that get posted here more than the songs that are on the radio now.
  15. Thanks a lot Larry - I put a lot of work into it, I'm glad you liked it!
  16. Thank you for watching. I'm in the US and it seems these days that everybody is offended by anything, so that is why I phrased it like I did. Things are really weird these days!
  17. Thank you Lynn - This was kicking around for a while because I was unhappy with my original vocal. I redid it all as one take and I was happy with how it came out. Thank you for listening! Steve
  18. Really cool - great to hear this song again. Well done.
  19. Hi - I hope I am all right posting this and don't make any faux pas. I'm not always the most aware. This video has a little history in it, and it may not be politically correct whatever that is. I'm curious - I know that there's a lot of you Brits out there (that is OK to say? I know people get so offended these days and I certainly don't want to do that.). And I know there are a lot of people probably as old as me, maybe older God forbid. (again - is that alright? - geez). I'd be interested in hearing any experience you guys had during or directly after WWII. Anyway, here's the video I am going to post: https://baselines.com/?p=7086 Lies and Consequences: Youtube link as well:
  20. Hi - I am hopefully going to get the people at YouGrow to find a playlist for this song. If you have some time, could you give it a play and send it to your pals so they can help me with the number of streams? Thank you for any help!
  21. I just wanted to leave a post about Mixea - I tried it for the first time and was impressed. I passed in a song I recorded in CW and mastered in Ozone and was happy with, and it was immediately improved with the default settings. I brought the Mixea version in to Ozone 10 as a reference track and tried to match what I had done previously. The biggest differences were this: - The low mids needed a substantial cut. 300-900 range - the hi mids needed a slight boost. 2K-5K range - 900-1K needed a notch cut. - I had to match LUFs to around -10. With all these adjustment, I got pretty close, but there was still an intangible clarity. The Mixea version sounded more professional, instruments more defined in their own space. I'm going to get the yearly subscription which offers unlimited Masters for $99/year. Hopefully I can figure out exactly what I need to do to go the extra mile. Steve
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