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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. What could they have given away that was a realistic wow factor? I'll take the generous discount over trying to click for that free one. This probably overwhelmed their support and made some angry. This year I got a more realistic change of buying their libraries with the likes of 80% off.
  2. LOL want Largo but Noir and Breath took up drive space. The older libraries have the option of 16 bit. Not sure the is any enticing free ones since they gave away smaller libraries.
  3. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/free-games
  4. Noire and Noire 2. Noire was on my list but the discount isn't enough for me to bite. Noire 2 is a bit more limited in instruments. BTW check the bundles page for bigger discount.
  5. I bought this. It's still a 40gb program. For what it seems to do It seems like a lot of software for the starting price.
  6. That's because Kontakt player is free.
  7. My drive space says the opposite. No affliction due to my hoarding addiction.
  8. I'm thinking they would have to reinvent the wheel this time. If there is something given away it might me something that will be free without limits. It seems instead of free stuff the discounts haven been larger. Never did you see Maximo for that price. I have a lot of their stuff, even legacy products. I came close to buying again the same thing I've had. That alone tells you they don't get use. Everyday I get some info on getting something for free like loops, plugins, rompler sounds. I'm no longer sensitive to it. I'm part of the crowd that would prefer the larger discounts over the battle of ISPs to land something free before anyone else. Their last free offering was available to everyone.
  9. Maybe I'm wrong but when I see a username and product with username it seems like free advertising to me. This shouldn't be too hard to miss.
  10. Odd that they still haven't added this to be a stand alone app. You can create your own stuff with MSound Factory.
  11. Odd that for the first time Analog Lab did not do this and the rest did.
  12. Well in some ways they did. Cakewalk added a step sequencer and working with loops has been fine. Strange as it is people unaware of FL don't know it was a midi first app. I remember trials of FL came with the retail Home Studio CD. I started to like it over what seemed to be a more cluttered GUI in Sonar. Cakewalk was often first in innovation. They were first with 64 bit. They started with the idea of the .OMF format. The sad thing is when software is acquired the end user rarely benefits. Sometimes those that acquire can run into problems. See Magix. I guess Magix Acid is not a competitor either I have no issue with a company sponsored forum blocking such things. Image Line did it long before here.
  13. Meanwhile I see some posts that seem to appear as free advertising.
  14. Meanwhile I would check the other deals on their site.
  15. No shortage of poor web development these days. AI isn't the answer either since who do you think programs those?
  16. kitekrazy1

    Black Friday Whoops

    I find it interesting that when some developers create a new version after Sept. you don't see a BF deal. One developer didn't need to so it since their upgrade price is a great deal to begin with. That's the Yamaha boys who still have a great upgrade price. I do hope in a few years Sonar will not be sub only. I collect DAWs and I'd add it to my collection. I'll assume most of their new users are not in North America. I guess there are still users using their older paid versions of Sonar.
  17. https://yurtrock.com/ Finally got the complete battery bundle for $40.
  18. raise the price thinking no one will notice Seen that quite a bit
  19. Great products, horrible licensing. If there licensing wasn't so unappealing they wouldn't be the leaders in the race down to zero. The hobbyist eventually realizes WUP is a turnoff after getting those free and cheap but great plugins.
  20. I think I'm getting more turned off with free with purchase. We spend more time searching for that bottom dollar item to get it. You basically end up with 2 things you rarely use
  21. Pricey for something that is basically a preset. That's always the case when an artist name is attached to it.
  22. Most of the anti PC is a myth. Then again people bought cheap laptops will eventually look toward buying Apple. I know I would but I detest portability and small screens.
  23. Same here. I'm done with developers that do this. There's no shortage of good plugins these days.
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