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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. and it will leave the other booze in the dust
  2. Impulse buy for me. I might think twice if ever bought again going through PA instead of direct. It's now about consumer trust. If it goes on sale or price drop will it be end of release?
  3. LOL I thought either that or a troll. I don't really care anymore. Many aren't happy as PA put your plugin in the race to zero. The intention was not buy it low in hopes of getting the next version free since few knew about it. At least you want to set yourself clear.
  4. You must be the same guy at Waves support that almost denied my free plugin because I bought it at EP for a less price than what fit in the Waves category.
  5. https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/3-types-of-audio-plugin-i-regret-buying
  6. I wonder how many people's involvement in music is only listening says, "I really dig the sound of that tape machine"?
  7. I've done that by accident many times. I guess I would be prepared if I have at least 5 machines.
  8. That's because this one reeks of fanboy.
  9. I think most of us in this thread are here for the drama kinda like Vi-control.
  10. I built a 9900K for less than that. No soldering required. I just can't find myself entering the Apple monopoly no matter how great they are. I guess they learned their lesson by not allowing a user to make their own upgrades. Some of those cheese grater Macs are still in use.
  11. I rarely buy from Amazon when it comes to PC hardware. I'll take Newegg any day.
  12. Now why did you have to say that. I'm telling myself I probably have 72 other equivalents installed.
  13. It's not if you don't have Reason,
  14. They are no longer going to stay in the 3rd party VST business. Quotes from IL We have not made any such announcement. We have stopped selling the VST version. As I said in another post on the topic, we will be making some announcements in the future that will clarify what we will be doing. FL Studio sales have been doubling every other year for the last 8. Before that it was more like 10-20% year/year. The product is desirable, robust and growing like a weed. We will do whatever we need to do in order to focus development on the core application. The reason VSTs have been out of focus is they account for a tiny percentage of revenue. Single digits and we needed developers working on the core application. What we have in mind for VSTs will take a little while. Until then. They work as they did last month and are being updated about as frequently. So who knows if they would be considered end of life. They got tired of making sure they work in 10 other DAWs. They do have beta versions released. I was one of the last to get in on their everything version with VSTs. I only did because I'm a fanboy and don't use them outside of FL anyway,
  15. kitekrazy1

    Windows 11?

    Cue in the....... subscription pandemic Linux is better (said no major DAW developer ever)
  16. kitekrazy1

    Windows 11?

    The #1 reason why I don't like Cubase, Now an OS.........
  17. kitekrazy1

    Windows 11?

    A comment that basically describes modern development in just about everything is "I'd love to see actual feature improvements, not just eye candy." Who care if it works as long as it looks pretty.
  18. Well no matter how great these are I wont be owning one anytime soon unless I win one.
  19. I read this thread and bought. This library is really closer to a one trick pony. I'm also a pony easily tricked.
  20. This one seems to get a lot of positives and probably worth $20.
  21. of course there is the subscription pandemic crowd.......... I don't see that ever happening. It would be a wet dream for Linux fanboys. 3rd party developers would suffer since I can't imagine users wanting to constantly pay for an OS. It may work for office and photo apps for the casual user but we are talking about an OS here.
  22. You insulted Apple fanboyz.
  23. I doubt it. Retailers are given the boxed software. If only the serials are delivered the left over boxes probably create problems.
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