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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Are you 100% sure the product lineup and pricing structure will be consistent with the year-end Synth Stack sale of the past couple of years?
  2. CLAP!!!!! I see that Full Bucket Music makes CLAP versions of their plugins. Might be good to get a demo version of Reaper just to try out CLAP. The last demo version I had was probably 8-10 years ago. Not sure what the "CLAP: round MIDI velocity values returned from plugins " fix is all about. Maybe the fix is related to this: Personally, I don't use velocities below 9, but it's good to know about if this is indeed what the fix was about.
  3. Not sure about your question. I assume that since you are selling the keys which have not yet been registered, it probably doesn't run afoul of CA's NFR policy. From what I have read people are allowed to buy codes from 3rd party vendors to give as gifts to people since CA doesn't have any gifting mechanism with purchases from their store. I am curious if it doesn't run afoul of the forum rules. I might want to offer up my unused keys from my April bundle. BTW, after hearing so much good stuff about Mixcraft, I tried the key for that. Having been a long-time Cakewalk user, I can't see ever using Mixcraft 9 or paying to upgrade it.
  4. I don't think you can use the past as any sort of guide. Several months ago, CA adopted a NFR policy (you own it, you can't give it away). My feeling at the time was the giving away of products for charity-oriented bundles might impact the way Synth Stack loyalty updates would be priced. For example, given that 9 products were basically given away for the bundles, would those products have the same loyalty value as the same products purchased at the market rate? Or would they be revamping the Synth Stack product and pricing structure entirely? JMO: If you don't have any of these and you like them, $20 is a very good price. If you don't plan on using them at all but just want to have them in case the Winter Synth Stack is like previous years and having these 4 might give you a better discount than not having them, a $20 gamble now might pay off. BTW, of the 4, Eight Voice is my favorite. If you want to demo it (or any of the others), you can do that before making a decision on the bundle.
  5. Obviously this is true for some people and false for others. If you really love rotary encoders, I would encourage you to build your own with as many encoders as you want. There's tons of info available on DYI projects to be found. And, it's easier to drill holes for rotary encoders than sliders!!!
  6. FYI, Just in terms of Cherry Audio Synths, this one has different CA stuff than the Level Up! Music Creators Power Pack Humble Bundle from April: April's Bundle included: CA2600,** Voltage Modular Ignite,** Memorymode**, P-20, and Galactic Reverb** . This Bundle includes: Eight Voice, Mercury-4, DCO-106, and Polymode. **I have18 days to decide to cash in those codes. The only one I don't have is the Galactic Reverb (not that I need another reverb.)
  7. Meta as in Mark Zuckerberg? Answered my own question.
  8. Thanks for the images. Not much to add to what Variorum said and to what others added. I have a little experience with a DIY project using a whole bunch of sliders and an Arduino Mega 2560. It was about 10-12 years ago, but I do remember having some "jitter" under some conditions when the sliders were not moving and trying different ways to minimize it as well as speculating about other options with the help of more experienced DIYers. I have no experience with the Teensy 4.0, but based on the information at this site my guess is that the midi controllers using the Teensy 4.0 could minimize the impact of small voltage fluctuations in any of a number of ways.
  9. I looked around for a manual that that might help explain why it is constantly sending out data. If I had purchased one of those products, I would write the maker to see what's going on and if they can fix it. Did you buy yours before 2022? If so, did you update the software? Finally, if I had the issue you described I would suggest to the maker to code the editor to have a per fader sensitivity adjustment for sending out data. Oh yeah, I didn't see any mention of calibration. Does the editor have a way to calibrate the sliders? If not, I'd suggest that to the maker as well.
  10. I am almost totally unfamiliar with Kontakt and the Silka Choir plug-in. I thought Kontakt was a multi-timbral instrument. If so and if you are triggering audio samples in the plug-in via MIDI note triggers, could you have different presets/patches assigned to different MIDI channels?
  11. What kind of data are they sending--CCs? Active Sensing? Sysex, Timing/MIDI Sync Bytes? Other? Is the unwanted data the result of dirty/defective pots or encoders? Is it really constant or just in a few problematic spots? I will defer to others who might know if there are midi data plug-ins that will suppress data changes outside of a certain range of values or other plug-ins that will detect intentional changes as opposed to unwanted changes. It seems to me that a solution should be based on the cause of the unwanted data. BTW, have you looked at the manual for possible intended causes?
  12. Thanks for clarifying why you posted video of Alice Cooper.
  13. Are you saying Alice Cooper used Audio Anadromes?
  14. This reminds me of something my kids and I did when they were young. Somehow, somewhere they had heard that "A pair of sleepy red moose" sounded like the title of a Beatles song when reversed. We had fun taking whatever it was, reversing it, mimicking the pronunciation of the phrase, and then playing it backwards. (I just listened to it; the title in reversed sounds more like "horse" rather than "moose.") I see there's also a file of "Nam Gay Me--ahh" backwards which sort of sounds like lyrics from another Beatles song. Whacky stuff! Funny and Fun for a few minutes. Just gotta laugh. "It was a fake moustache!" I wonder that happens is we take the words of politicians, play them backwards, and then try to come up with words they MIGHT sound like. LOL!!
  15. https://www.luftrum.com/ Disclosure: I got a Luftrum Sound pack for Pigments that I like (Luftrum 23) and thought I'd share the announcement of the Autumn sale. I don't get any benefits from posting info about the sale.
  16. Makes sense. BTW, when I run the setup/installer I linked above: "Offline Help and Documentation" is now checked verifying that I haven't updated it yet. Since my Studio Instruments are current, the setup/installer web-based apparatus has "Studio Instruments" unchecked. But my guess is that I wanted to force them to be reinstalled, I could check the SI Additional Installer. People need to make their own decisions. I can't say why jkoseattle doesn't have SI Drums, but if I was missing the Studio Instruments bundle, I'd use the link to see if they could be installed. And if that didn't install them, I'd contact Cakewalk Support.
  17. Interesting: I am up-to-date and the pop-up even says I am up-to-date, but there is also a pop-up saying there is an update to to the CakewalkHelp Documentation. So I downloaded it (CakewalkHelp_Documentation_1.0.0.21.exe). I haven't run it yet.
  18. Did you try to download and run the setup from this page?
  19. There is a list. I saw it back in April IIRC. I think it was in one of the Compare/Versions tables. Let me see if I can find it. UPDATE: Sorry. The document I was thinking of just lists the new libraries. It lists all of the instruments included, but not a comparison of v2 with v1. ALSO: It looks like Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is new to Sample Tank 4 MAX v2. If so, that should add a bunch of acoustic instrument. But to be honest, all of the variant bundles IK has confuses me, so if Peter doesn't chime in, you might want to ask IK Support,
  20. As for confusion, you are not alone. I have been purchasing IK products for 3 years and still get confused by all their marketing twists and turns. To help sort them out, I usually look at specific webpages and check out any Compare/Versions tables that might be there. Last year, I also made a tracking spreadsheet to help sort out what I have and don't have. IK's history is to offer bundles that invariably include products consumers already have. JMO: This is part of why some longtime IK consumers have felt their pricing often favors new customers. For example, ST4 MAX V2 includes 76 products I already have licences for, but for the same purchase price, you will get 88 products. One advantage of maintaining a spreadsheet was that I was able to see that with what I already have, ST4 MAX V2 would give me 12 new libraries which comes out to $5.83 each or $4.08 each if I use $21 in Jam Points. For you the per item is much lower!!!! If you get it, I would recommend starting with a spreadsheet sooner rather than later! When new bundles come out which will include IK products you own it should be less confusing.
  21. Congrats on completing this and thanks for sharing. I also listened to movement 1 earlier. Just finished all 4. Much fun seeing the scores. Thanks. Lots of cool stuff going on inside!! Love your music!!!!
  22. There could be any of a number of different reasons. The more details you provide, the better other users will be able to make suggestions.
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