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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Just tested a few simple things (listing projects from different sources/folder locations, and launching projects and *.mid files to test). Seems to work just fine. Thanks again for adding the silent skip-unsupported-older-versions feature!!
  2. re: XP: not an issue for me; I was just wondering. Allowing the launcher to run by skipping older non-Producer SONAR variants sounds like a good plan. Glad I can now use it! I ran some quick launches. For the most part, programs seem to launch as expected (including appropriate warnings about files being made on newer versions, missing plug-ins, etc.). Thanks for the launcher as well as your other tools!
  3. Yes! I haven't done any complex tasks, just browsed which files show up via the different sources with several different versions I have installed (Sonar 3 Producer, 8.5 Producer, Cakewalk Core). I could test some specific tasks if it would help. I assumed that if I got this far, the other functions should work. I don't have X1 Producer on this PC; not sure I can have both X3 Studio and X1 Producer. (X1 Producer is on my XP SP3 PC--and still works!! Will the tool work under XP?
  4. Although Windows Defender was stopping it from running, once I looked at the file properties, I saw this: So, unblocking it there solved the Windows Defender problem. I don't think its a problem with your files.
  5. After reading through the thread, I went back to your original question. It seems like there are several explanations for why snap-to-grid does what it does. In addition, it seems like several possible solutions were offered. I think the one you really want is to turn off snap-to-grid (just guessing here). That way you can place notes anywhere within a cell or even overlapping cell boundaries. Plus, it's super fast!!!
  6. Re: LaunchPad: Do I need to uninstall unsupported versions, or can I just exclude them from being searched somehow? If so, is there a list of supported and unsupported versions? Thanks.
  7. First of all, thanks for raising this question and for all the responses. Though I have used Cakewalk for ages, I do not use PRV and so my experience with snap-to-grid is with the Staff View. So, I decided to use the Q&As here to teach myself about PRV--to add to my Cakewalk skills one small step at a time. To me it looks like there is sort of a quantizing effect built into the PRV's implementation of snap-to-grid. That is, if I place a note event in the left hand side of the "cell" [the space between two grid lines for a specific note], it "snaps" to line up with the left grid line. If I place a note event in the right hand side of the cell, it snaps to line up with the right grid line. As I understand the snap-to-grid feature, this is what it is designed to do. And as such the alignment to me seems to be a starting-point quantizing effect with the duration being constant (i.e., the duration I have pre-selected/chose). Is it possible you can get the behavior you want by customizing the snap-to-grid tool? OK. I think I got it. Let me know if you want to know the settings I used to get this: Addendum: With my method, I still get a quantizing effect--approx 25% of the cell before and after "snaps" to the nearest grid (based on my duration and resolution. See the following post for what seems to be a better solution.
  8. I have one version saved as part of some custom Workspaces [formerly Lenses]. When I switch to factory Workspaces, the factory default custom buttons get loaded. If you know this, maybe it won't confuse you when you do stuff with Workspaces. I suspect its because the factory Workspaces (at least Basic and Advanced) have either the Custom Module and/or the Control Bar Layout saved (maybe). I haven't explored the specifics--yet. Footnote: Thanks for this discussion. In my Staff Entry Workspace I have an empty, narrow Control Bar band, but this discussion leads me to want to add some small horizontal modules (screensets and custom) if I can. Now I just need to change the images so I can see them! BTW, if a function in a custom module is not in a personalized Workspace, it appears grayed out. (I have a reduced View Set in my Staff Entry Workspace. I might add back Event List, but I really want to stay away from micromanaging ticks--too easy to get side tracked from doing notes in favor of tweaking.)
  9. Same here; had to log into BandLab on my PC. (Now I need to find out how to direct BandLab's audio to my current audio device.)
  10. I believe this is one of the suggestions made in one of the other threads related to noise, distortion, crackling, etc. If I stumble on the link, I will add it here. It might have been in the feedback thread for the 2019.11 release. I believe there are comments posted in some of the various threads that explain some aspects of the distortion, noise, crackling, etc. problem(s). They might help answer the "why" question (i.e., why switching audio driver modes helps in some cases). I am just a plain old user (i.e., not staff or even a power user) and couldn't explain it, but I remember seeing explanations. Not sure if someone can tag the posts/threads posts with "distortion," "noise," "crackling," etc. so they might be easier to find than just doing a keyword search of all the times those words are used. This might interest you. It includes a link to the feedback thread, too.
  11. @David Baay Thanks for opening up the opportunity for me to clarify. I should have emphasized the method, not the specific numbers. The method was to start low with problematic audio and increase each of the two parameters a notch until the problem went away and to confirm the solution by backing the numbers down. I had those graphics handy from looking at MME mode (based on another noise issue, IIRC). @Tim White Sorry if I misled you with those specific numbers. I am sure at some point I used the same process to set the settings for ASIO mode. I recall tweaking numbers to get rid of an audio glitch that occurred when I had audio playing back and switched Workspaces (formerly Lenses). Generally, I have my sound card's ASIO Control Panel set to the lowest value possible--usually 2. For many tasks, that is sufficient. (See screenshots below.) I will change it notch at a time depending of what else my computer is doing--such as when I am designing a Workspace and I don't want the glitch. For that I moved the setting to 3 then 4, again using the ASIO Control Panel for my Sound Card. (See screenshots below.) Today, I discovered something unusual with a Workspace I have been working on and decided to grab real time video using OBS Studio. That upped the distortion quite high since my PC was working much harder running both. I didn't grab any screenshots, but I did bump up my settings so Cakewalk would play smoothly and I could capture the visual oddity I was experiencing. After that I put back the lower settings. Again, apologies for not spelling out the method and appearing to be recommending what is probably a higher latency than you need. <== My usual ASIO panel setting <== Cakewalk's settings based on 2 ms in ASIO panel [44.1KHz] <== Manually upped as needed <== Cakewalk's settings based on 4 ms in ASIO panel [48KHz] Please note: These screenshots are from 2 different projects, one at 44.1 KHz and another at 48 KHz. Not suggesting you use these numbers; just trying to show one method (I am sure there are others!) for reducing noise/distortion while trying to maintain low latency as needed for specific tasks. If this helps meet your specific needs, great. Steve
  12. Three things: I find searching the pdf sometimes get me to the info I want more quickly and more accurately than the on-line search. Not sure if you would have a similar experience. I also find sometimes the online ToC and Index are often more helpful than the search box results. The problem that I generally have with the online search is that it usually lists links and descriptions of those links for pre-CbB products. As for asking about Workspaces, since I am making a concerted effort to teach myself the ins and outs, benefits, and disadvantages, etc. of Workspaces [formerly Lenses], as a plain old user [i.e., not staff or even power user], when I see questions/comments about them, it gives me an excuse to explore them more and maybe discover things I hadn't explored yet. Footnote: yesterday and today I have been working on developing/refining a "Staff Entry" Workspace for my personal use.
  13. Not sure if the RTZ / Transport issue affects your workflow, but I just noticed this and thought it might.
  14. You can choose to have W to function as "Rewind + Stop." While the default is to return to the beginning and continue, I was able to change it back. I tested it before I posted my screen shot (above). I will test it again. ADDENDUM: YUP!!! Track View > Options > Click Behavior > Transport Seeking Stops Behavior
  15. As a user (not staff or even a power user) and on the outside chance that my experience yesterday might help one or two cases of noise/distortion, I add my experiences from yesterday:
  16. Try this: Track View > Options > Click Behavior > Transport Seeking Stops Behavior See previous discussion here.
  17. User 905133

    Piano Roll view

    Officially, the bug (now fixed in 2019.11 build 54) is named "MultiDock draws unexpectedly after being minimized then closed." Thanks to the development team for reproducing and fixing this rather obscure problem!!
  18. Last Friday I test drove the "Get Started" initial configuration wizard and made many glowingly positive observations I had been planning to write up. With the pending non-early release, I just wanted to get this out sooner rather than later. I had been planning to try to track down a consistent method for triggering a unhandled exception error (c0000005). It is entirely possible it is related to my specific ancient PCI sound card which I don't think anyone else uses any more. I think the UI/audio/MIDI device configuration wizard should help reduce initial setup issues newcomers to CbB (beginners and those more familiar with other software) sometimes experience and have written about. (Kudos to the team for designing and implementing the wizard and being responsive to comments posted in the forum.) I really like that when users select a starter Workspace, the Control Bar gives them a taste of what it will look like. Probably not an issue with newcomers: Undocked/Floating Control Bars [Workspaces]. Clearly the wizard is designed for new users, so this might not affect any new users; but, when a floating/undocked Control Bar blocked (in front of) the wizard, it puzzled me until I could figure out I could move the wizard and/or make it appear in front of the Control Bar as a sample of lens/workspace. (I haven't tested this with newly created workspaces; not sure if there would be a difference.) Nevertheless, having the Control Bar show up is quite convenient for sorting through previously created test Lenses. IIRC the c0000005 unhandled exception error came about initially and later with experimentation when testing non-ASIO modes, before I realized the icon on the audio I/O page would allow me to choose more than one default I and one default O. (Please note on my tower I almost always use ASIO mode so I am not asking for suggestions about this. I felt bad that I didn't report a prior "forced" theme in the basic lens one of the releases ago and am just writing this up in case this turns out to be an issue worth correcting.) IIRC, at one point, I was able to select my Sound Card as I suspect Windows saw it and my on-board Realtek chip-as-sound card. I think the c0000005 error was triggered when I went to switch/add Audio I/O ports from Preferences[P] (MME mode). Sometimes I would get an Audio Driver Error warning. I believe this prevented the crash. Sometimes it crashed. I suspect it might be "user error" that the wizard/Preferences[P] didn't catch. You can't make it 100% "idiot proof," but in case there is an issue, I am attaching my running all-in-one set of screen shots from last Friday. BTW, I did not yet clear/rename AUD.INI to see if that would eliminate the issue. Also, I started to test different audio/driver modes, but never made the time to get back to the issue. Very minor suggestions: Could (1) the wizard box be resizable and/or (2) the audio and midi device lists be scrollable with a mouse wheel? Also, in the wizard and Preferences can there be a "Deselect all" option for audio ports and for midi devices (certainly not a "Select all" option)? Again, Kudos to the team for the Get Started configuration wizard!!!!!
  19. I hope that if they do update the rgc/z3ta+/DimPro/RapPro line they include the ability to funnel audio from other sources through the FX (like z3ta+ 1.5) .
  20. Why not just create your own file with religious quotations, anarchistic quotations, riddles, anything?
  21. I agree your advice is more accurate to simulate actual performances.
  22. Can you use flac files instead of wave files for your purposes? If so, tags can be edited from the CbB Media Browser using MS's Properties > Details. Just a thought.
  23. Thanks for the explanation of possible switching improvement (smoother/faster). That makes sense! I will give more thought to the second point to see if I can reconcile (and perhaps better explain) what I had been thinking with your comment.
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