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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. From what I remember from playing with lenses, in 2019-07, the user created lenses were in the User folder and the factory lenses were in the Factory folder. I am not sure about pre-Bandlab folders as I didn't play with lenses before. I believe starting with 2019-09, the factory lenses are now copied into the User folder during installation. Maybe that's so (1) users can tweak the factory lens copies without messing up the official factory lenses in their own factory folder and so (2) the updated factory lenses are in both the factory lens folder and the user folder. Just tested this by loading the Advance Lens and re-saving it. YUP: what scook said (as I was pasting in the screen shot).
  2. Interesting idea: daisy-chaining midi plug-ins. If there were "MIDI Chains" like "FX Chains" that might be fun to play around with to algorithmically (including randomly) manipulate midi data.
  3. Have you tried this method: "When UACC is activated you can change articulation by setting CC32 to specific values that correlative with different articulations?"
  4. @Jon L. Jacobi Not sure if I started a public reply to the following, or if I sent it as a PM.* But this might be related. If you have created a favorite lens (or two or more) and you want to be have the Screenset option on the Control Bar, try loading the lens, go to Lens Manager, check [ ] Screenset as a Control Bar Module and resave. If that doesn't work, maybe there's another issue. *I vaguely recall starting to identify in that thread some of the differences that I saw and that others have described, but I felt I didn't know enough to be able to be do a competent explanation, and I don't think I was able to find the threads/posts where others identified some differences and made recommendations on using them. ADDENDUM: Found the posts I had been looking for when I was trying to respond to the redundancy issue: here and here. I remember being too tired that night. Hope these posts are as helpful to you as they were to me.
  5. Maybe collapse would meet your needs? Either keyboard toggle "I" as suggested or the << or the v then collapse might work for you. Not sure why you don't have Screensets listed as a module. I switched to the Basic Lense and then right clicked on the Control Bar. I know I made a lense without the Virtual Controller item under the Views menu. Not sure if you could have made a lense without Screenset. Addendum: Yup, what scook said: quickest way to see if its a lens is to switch to None! Addendum 2: Another yup--I created a lens w/o Sceenset option under Modules; so, it's possible! [3 ancient images deleted 2023-12-28]
  6. Interesting, if I understand what you are asking for. I was in a "Matrix" screenset which had no Inspector window. Upon pressing "I" it returned as a floating window. A second "I" closed it. When I docked it, to get rid of it (i.e., not just collapse it) requires two steps--undock and close. Correct me if I am wrong, you are looking for an additional option here ("Undock and Close"). That way the "I" keyboard shortcut can be used to open and close it. I tried what arlen2133 suggested with the Inspector docked in two different locations. "I" collapsed it as opposed to closing it. BTW, I agree that for stuff like this, screensets are handier than lenses. [ancient image deleted 2023-12-28]
  7. With this proposal, if "bus" were a property of "folder" such that all tracks in that folder were assigned to a specific bus, what would happen when a new track were moved to the folder? Would it automatically be forced to the folder's designated bus? Would it retain its original bus? Would there be a check box someplace to make the default behavior one or the other of these two (and maybe something else)? Right now, as I understand it, the option exists to assign all audio tracks currently in a folder to be assigned to an existing bus, a new bus, etc. en masse by holding down Ctrl and selecting an output. At present, I don't make extensive use of busses, but probably will during the coming year; I do make use of multiple outputs and folders and I am wondering how this proposed option might work. It seems to me that a checkbox that says "[ ] automatically assign all audio and instrument tracks in each folder to the output of the first track in the folder" should be unchecked by default so as not to catch users by surprise (maybe with an "Are you sure?" warning). I suppose there could also be another checkbox that says "[ ]allow new tracks added to a folder assigned to a single bus to retain their assigned busses." Interesting possibilities.
  8. Forgive me for sticking my nose in here; I was casually following this thread and just have to ask-- is your friend trying to run a 32 bit OS on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC with something like VM Virtual Box? If so, was that being done to try to "install and authorize some free plugins in (32 bit) Sonar Le 8.5 from Izotope?" I can't offer anything to try to solve the problem, but there's an itch in my brain on this ("Huh?") .
  9. Its really a matter of personal taste (let your ears be your guide), but I like low-end for filling in the audio spectrum. Not sure you have considered adding a double bass to your orchestration. If you are using staff view to write parts, having each instrument on its own track has some advantages. The suggestion of doubling parts seems like a good one given your instrumentation. Other possibilities include your choice of rich/full patches/sounds, "thickening" the sound/patch used, production techniques, etc. Are you are scoring for an actual ensemble of a set number of performers? If not, you could do something as simple as double a part (duplicate track), put it on a different instrument/patch/sound/multisample at a lower octave for starters and then tweak the part for variety. Obviously, if you are scoring for a string trio + piano, you might have to make it a string quartet to do this. Anyhow, just some thoughts. Hope they help.
  10. Thanks for following up and thanks for asking. I had at least two files open with different midi clock sources and switched between the open projects from the Windows drop-down menu. One was set to use midi sync, the other set to use audio. I confirmed that at least twice today before posting my question. Later in the day, I got a code 13 dropout; I am not sure what prompted that. (I dealt with it and moved on.) I will see if I can replicate it now with the code 0. Results of quick test: With three specific files, after switching I got code 13 four times. With two of the files open, I got code 0 four times when switching. It is possible that something within those files other than the midi clock source makes a difference as to which dropout code I get. BTW, when I consider having two projects open at the same time with different clock sources "User Error" (i.e., not a bug). Easy fix: Don't do it! Update: Currently narrowing down possibilities when switching with the two-files loaded. Drop out code 0 seems to happen when I switch with the transport off (not playing back). When playing back just not (several times), there was no audio dropout, though there was a consistent audible glitch. (Dropout Msec = 250) It is possible the code 0 comes from (1) Cakewalk not receiving midi clock (i.e., not being sent) and (2) the transport being stopped. To be tested. Update: I need to sort this out for my own needs (real-time performance stability), so I will be doing further testing, probably tomorrow. But for now, I can get audio dropout code 0 both when my external clock source (1) is and (2) is not transmitting midi clock. This is prior to putting Cakewalk into external midi clock standby mode (i.e., prior to pressing play on the transport and getting "Press <Esc> to cancel. Waiting for MIDI Sync.") Once in external midi clock standby mode, the Window drop down menu is disabled, so no switch can take place until after the transport has been started from the external source. Then an external stop command successfully stops the playback, Cakewalk goes back to midi clock standby mode, there is no audio dropout, etc. as expected.
  11. Just a footnote about ghost cursors. I just had one, but it's gone now, so there's no way to diagnose it further. I am guessing there can be multiple triggers/causes. Here are somethings I observed: 1. I was exploring the potential to cut and paste from one project to another. I had multiple projects open. 2. When I switched to one project's main window (Track View), I got a ghost cursor. 3. When I switch back to the other project's main window, I could see that the ghost cursor had been in the position of the first project's main window. It's gone now, but perhaps this leads to what I previously thought, possibly the ghost cursor comes a re-draw function. I have no experience coding GUIs, using GUI APIs, but in case the ghost cursor continues to affect users, maybe this info will be useful.
  12. I have had floating windows from two different projects on a second monitor (i.e., parked so I can take a quick look or to drag it to my main monitor to edit. That being said, I had some issues with multiple projects open and the floating/undocked windows (panes?) when I was testing different lenses. Other than that, I can't tell you much more, because I stopped exploring lenses. Also, having different midi clock sources (midi v. audio/internal) caused problems (dropouts and possibly shut downs--i.e., crash and dmp report generated). That's all I know--if I understand what you are asking for: it can be done; I have found some problems. I am guessing there are others with more knowledge and experience who can clarify what can be done and what can't be done with multiple monitors. I defer to them. ADDENDUM: I know its too small to see any detail, but the image shows multiple window panes from three projects on two monitors. So far as I know you cannot have more than one main window open. If not, maybe that's what you are requesting.
  13. A link was posted in another thread*--link to online document. (*from 2019-09 Feature Overview.) UPDATE: The online doc (dropout codes) for 2019-09 opened in my browser when I clicked "Help" in the lower right corner.
  14. Showing dropout codes as a tool to empower users to problem-solve (including reporting the code for support if they cannot remedy it themselves) is brilliant! Is there a preferred place to report what might fall under "unknown" reasons? For example, a week or two ago , I uncovered circumstances that seem to consistently cause audio dropouts. I didn't ask for help because (1) it falls under "user error" (IMO) and (2) I know the user-error cause , how to avoid it, and how to undo it if I forget and do it again. I don't think its a bug in the software, though telling users "Hey, this is what you did; the dropout will happen again if you make the same mistake" politely with an error code might be helpful. UPDATE: The online doc (dropout codes) for 2019-09 opened in my browser when I clicked "Help" in the lower right corner. NICE!!!!
  15. Thanks for superb responsiveness to feedback/discussion, for the abundant fixes, improvements, and new features, and for the succinct yet detailed write up, including the well-chosen screen shots.
  16. hover + scroll [up/down] works here, too, between track view and multidock. My default is the console, but docked staff view and event list worked, too). Thanks for this wonderful time-saving tip!
  17. > Is it possible to select a track while looking at another track? I think I understand: As an example: looking at/watching drum beats at 62 BPM = listening to Ballad Groove rhythms (from Groove Monkee) slowed down to 62 BPM? select a track = open up a track to record/write your bass parts, possibly in multiple takes? Is that what you meant?
  18. Mapping my nanoKontrol [1] to Cakewalk is new to me, but I have scene 1 transport buttons mapped to CW's transport and several sliders/button sets mapped to CW's console/track volume, mute and solo all via AZController/ACT. In scene 2 I mapped slider 1 to z3ta+ FX delay feedback with a midi track I call "CCs to zeta+ FX on TTS-1." MIDI IN = nanoKontrol MIDI OUT = z3ta+. I used MIDI learn in z3ta+ Effects to learn directly from the nanoKontrol. I am very new to the use of AZController/ACT, but I think for my Scene 1 parameters, I have AZController learning and mapping to Cakewalk's functions. While for the control of the vsti parameter, AZController sees that I mapped it using the vsti MIDI learn. Not sure what plug-in(s) you are using, but maybe my experiences can be applied to what you are trying to do. Steve
  19. Just a guess, but perhaps it will help if you state (1) where specifically you are looking ["looking at another track"] and (2) what specifically you want to see after you add another track. Perhaps it is a simple question of "Where in the Track View do I click to I add a second track after I already have one track I created. Or, it could be a more complicated question, such as "Let's say I inserted TTS-1 as a simple instrument track and created a drum part on TTS-1 Part 1 on MIDI channel 10. How can I see the staff notation for that track and add more notes to it on a separate track, so if I don't like the new stuff, I can just delete that track and my original track is intact?" It is tough to know what to ask / how to ask something if you don't already know how to do it. On the other hand, the good people who want to help probably need more clues. As I said, just a guess.
  20. I am not sure how its supposed to work because (1) the search window also shut down while searching on my laptop and (2) I couldn't find detailed online help for the tool or a detailed explanation in the Reference Guide. Update: There is, however, a help button which has more detailed information on how the CWAF Tool works. You might want to ask your son if he uses any non-Windows file search tools. I only know of one I found years ago, "Everything." On my PC I have customized a filter to find things like *.wrk and *.cwp files, *.ins files, vst folders, and others in addition to the ones the software comes with. If the files are still on your computer, one of the search tools should be able to find them. With "Everything" if I am looking for *.wav files, I look for all wave files, sort by date, and then look for it. If I know a specific word is in the file name, I use that word to narrow down the results. Before yesterday, I only test drove the CWAF tool years ago. I seem to recall it found Cakewalk Projects and audio files referenced by those projects. I seem to recall if a file were moved and opening the project didn't find it in the expected spot, the CWAF tool could be used to find where the missing audio was. I hope someone with more knowledge of the CWAF tool can help explain (1) how it is supposed to work, (2) if it would help solve your problem (and how it would be done), (3) where the detailed explanation of the tool can be found, and (4) why mine shuts down before it finishes searching. Sorry if I pointed you in the direction of a non-helpful suggestion, but maybe there's hope.
  21. I have never really used it, but would the CWAF Tool help? I am not sure the Tool works. I tried to run it twice just now and both times it just closed down.
  22. I am new to using ACT and AZController and have successfully mapped some buttons and sliders from a nanoKontrol to Cakewalk (Transport/Shuttle and Console Sliders). Based on a video, I set both in and out to the same controller because I am interfacing the external controller with features in Cakewalk. With this discussion, I am now wondering what kinds of other things can be done (possible advanced techniques/applications). I imagine the possibilities are totally wide open, so I am looking for a few suggestions to give me some ideas (i.e., a simple list of options, not detailed how-to-do it). Thanks.
  23. Rather than be OT, I created a new Topic. Sorry.
  24. At present, the mouse scroll wheel only scrolls the text when the Notes Browser is in read mode. Can you add that feature to edit mode? Thanks.
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