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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I know I imported some banks of something into NI software. This would have been around the time of Kontakt Player 4 or 5. It was on an XP PC and they were either E-Mu banks or Cakewalk banks. Not sure I still have the HDD with those on my XP PC. It would probably be quicker for you to do a conversion than for me to find out if I still have them. UPDATE: The backup drive that had been on my XP PC is now on my Win 10 PC and it looks like the files I successfully converted to Kontakt *.nki files were from the E-Mu Protozoa CD. I seem to remember that once I figure out how to do one set, the rest were easy. If I also converted Cakewalk/rgc sound libraries, I haven't found them.
  2. As has been pointed out, it varies from soft synth to soft synth. Just some footnotes regarding program changes in VST3s. I was doing some research based on your question(s) and found these which might interest you: (1) Discussion board at Steinberg from February lamenting "No Program Changes in VST3." (2) from the 2019.09 "Features Overview" here (emphasis added--"for plug-ins that expose . . . program changes"): Hope this helps.
  3. How about customizable naming of categories of markers and selectable (on/off) "marker lanes" --structure/parts, flaws, editing notes, section names, priorities, etc.? Maybe in selectable widths? Choice of marker size?
  4. Thanks for sharing the solution. No need to delete as at some point or another who hasn't forgotten to look to see if something isn't plugged in? The good news is, this incident will probably serve as a reminder to check to see if something's unplugged for a year or two or more!!
  5. I think I know what you mean. As for me, I would prefer the ability to float customizable channel strips each individually, but I think you mean something like one of these, but (1) as a Control Bar module and maybe (2a) horizontal, or perhaps (2b) just with numbers, or (3) maybe with options to include the slider, the scale, etc. If its too cumbersome to have a lot of options for a modules, perhaps as a Control Bar Module it should have options: auto, small, medium, large, collapsed.
  6. Kudos to whoever fixed the issue with inserted/linked images/screenshots!!! It is nice to be able to take screenshots, resize them, and share them in the community and that the forum will enlarge images if they are too small to read.
  7. I can relate--when I first saw that BandLab had taken over Cakewalk in early 2018), the only thing I saw was "BandLab"--the web/browser based software. It wasn't until a few months ago when someone stepped me through installing a newer version of BandLab Assistant and then downloading "Cakewalk by BandLab." You want Cakewalk by Bandlab so you can open up TTS/Cakewalk/SONAR projects, though the preview feature that allows importing and exporting Cakewalk projects and a BandLab Library looks promising for potential collaborations and other uses.
  8. you have file some extensions hidden. AUD = AUD.ini. Note that its type is "Configuration sett . . ." [Configuration settings].
  9. Have you checked the WayBackMachine at archive.org?
  10. I came to this thread after testing VSampler In Cakewalk today ; so, thanks for various comments here (from you and others), in another thread, and at the previous site. After running it in Demo mode and finding I could easily load a number of banks (including E-Mu EIII and Formula 4000 ISOs and some others, SF2s, etc.), I decided to pull out my Sonar 3 disk set and try to register it to unlock the full potential of VSampler. Unfortunately, I only have the original Serial Number--no registration number. I know I played around with it minimally back then; not sure though if I went to the site and registered it back then. Currently, the registration utility goes to a dead-end. So, I am wondering if you (or anyone else) has been able to solve the "No Registration Number" problem. Thanks.
  11. And thank you for asking the question which elicited such a nice array of tips, suggestions, and detailed advice!!
  12. Do you have the keyboard selected as an input on your instrument track?
  13. Thanks for pointing out that we can create a hierarchical system of folders and sub-folders. If I used that before, I had forgotten and now that I have been adding plug-ins, it is a handy feature.
  14. User 905133

    Drum Beats

    >> At 4:57, the program starts to records his notes. When I try to do that, it won't record anything. Do you know what I could be doing wrong?
  15. I was backreading this recently bumped thread and this comment reminded me where I got my WinJammer from. Not only that, but I was able to walk right over to where the book was. Roger Jennings, Discover Windows(tm) 3.1 Multimedia, Que, 1992. According to "Companion Disk" comments, it also included Cakewalk Professional for Windows (demo) among a few others. I have an idea where the 5 1/2" floppy might be. I also have an idea where my Windows 3.1 HDD is. IIRC, it booted the last time I checked--maybe 10-15 years ago--most likely in a Win98SE tower. Not sure if SONG5.MID was bundled with that version of WinJammer. There's no mention of any *.MID files on the "Companion Disk" page, just "Sample Sound Files." I like the orchestration you (Valiorum) did. UPDATE: The inside front cover says: "Ready-to-play sample MIDI and .WAV sound files!" Listed are: Medley of Spirituals, Original piano composition, Seven Scott Joplin rags, Several orchestral arrangements. Hmmmm. Maybe I made a backup of the files, like on a generic bulk CD-R, although I seem to remember tossing out a bunch of those several years back because they were little more than clear plastic disks with grey powdery stuff on them. ADDENDUM: My current PC has "LINER.TXT" (a file from 9-12-1992, referenced in the "Ready-to-play . . . " section). It lines up with the list from the inside front cover. No "Song5" file.
  16. Does this thread address what you are looking for?
  17. Thanks for the nice list of advanced examples; these are the kinds of ideas that interest me. From your tutorial/setup videos I totally got that it can be used to map one thing [buttons, knobs, sliders, etc.] to another [CbB functions, etc.] very nicely. So, your "pushing the limits of the ordinary" list is great! And I took your suggestion and looked around at your forum, but I didn't find the kinds of extra-ordinary ideas you listed. They are probably in your Forum, but my aging eyes can't browse pages of text for as long as they used to.
  18. Footnote re: 1903: My laptop updated to 1903 several weeks ago. Not sure if it was just coincidental, but the overheating-from-excessive-CPU-usage problem seemed to go away. In the past I had to kill Windows functions (e.g., Indexing, Presentation Foundation, etc.) to reduce the CPU % that seemed to cause overheating; so, if 1903 has fixed that, kudos to the MS team that made it happen. Thanks for the video and for reporting your results.
  19. User 905133

    Piano Roll view

    Thanks for trying to sort it out. I had a thought yesterday ("only" 4GB RAM as the cause?), but awoke this morning with another plausible explanation. my PC is an older one (BIOS (c) 2011). When Solo Rack / VCV stopped working, I did some research. My PC's chipset will support the minimum Open GL that was needed by the change; however, Windows 10 throttles it back and doesn't allow the PC to use the newer OpenGL functions. I have bookmarks for the resources (as well as an OpenGL and some other testers) and without going into more detail, it is possible that the Win10 "feature" which prevents me from using Solo Rack / VCV allows Cakewalk to give me phantoms and ghosts. I think l read that Cakewalk doesn't use OpenGL, but even so it is possible that the disabled/rolled back set of graphic abilities causes visual anomalies (phantoms and ghosts). I am not "ready" to get an entire newer PC, but perhaps a "new-to-me" graphics card might get rid of the extremely rare bogus double project pane issue. BTW, the extra project window (as expected) has no functionality. Thanks for the time you spent trying to re-create the problem.
  20. User 905133

    Piano Roll view

    Glad to hear it was an easy fix. +1 for switching Screensets to make visual elements re-appear.
  21. Is this thread relevant to what you are trying to do?
  22. User 905133

    Piano Roll view

    Yeah; I added an "Update" comment, left the pix, and did some strikeouts--just in case either someone gets the same issue or someone can identify the cause.
  23. User 905133

    Piano Roll view

    Thanks for testing that! I will have to assume somehow my PC is inhabited (and inhibited) by phantoms and ghosts. ? Since the consistent aberrations/apparitions appear to be unique to my PC, I will update my prior posts on this. (I'll add this to a list of excuses to upgrade my PC!)
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