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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I understand now; thanks for clarifying what you meant. I have not looked for the kind of up/down cycling through the columns you need. Maybe someone else knows if it can be done.
  2. If you are the original owner of older gear, it might very well be the same kind of fading memory issue I have** . . . sometimes! ? **"I know I used to know how to do this, and I remember that it was simple, but for the life of me, I can't latch on to the hook to remember or reconstruct how I used to do it."
  3. Oh. I have my own sources of various colors of noise. I was just responding to your "Too bad . . . " comment. But for anyone who doesn't have their own noise, it is a good suggestion and a handy file. It sounded like you didn't know about using other sources, but I realize on re-reading your post, you were just saying it would be easier if Cakewalk generated its own sounds (other than pings for beats). My bad.
  4. I tested this yesterday by using MIDI Learn to assign each column to the keys on a usb midi keyboard. Worked for me. ADDENDUM: Using the Matrix Demo/Tutorial Project File, I assigned each of the columns to a key using midi learn--(1) C, (2) D, (3) E, (4) F, etc. With the settings in the demo file, each key became an on/off toggle with each column being like a old fashion radio buttons: C starts (1); D switches to (2); D again turns the loop playback off.
  5. I am not familiar with Ensoniq gear, but if you have it on Omni mode, you want it on multi-timbral mode (or whatever they called it). With all my multi-timbral midi gear, Omni mode = all midi data assigned to any midi channel (1-16) will get played on one and only one patch (aka preset, or maybe instrument, whichever term they use). PS: Also, assuming your files/tracks are multi-timbral, make sure Cakewalk is not forcing the midi data to a single MIDI channel. Found the manual online. Someone has it available on a Google Drive. They call it "Multi" and evidently you can set it up for up to 8 channels. PPS: If you are not using the KS-32 as a sound module (that is, if you are not trying to get Cakewalk tracks to play the sounds on the KS-32, but are trying to load files made in Cakewalk into the KS-32 in such a way as they play through the KS-32's on-board sequencer, that is a different matter and would require more understanding of the KS-32 than I have gotten by just checking the manual quickly.
  6. @mark skinner I am wondering if you are you talking about what I have been calling the "Inspector-based arpeggiator." If not, could you tell me which one you are using? Also, if we are talking about the same thing, did you trigger the notes from an external midi controller and more importantly were you able to get the arpeggiator function settings to respond to external midi controls? Also, I do not use the PRV (except to see what other people are talking about), but you are describing sounds like it might fit nicely with one of my compositional/performance modalities. So, I would be interested in other insights you have or might have. Thanks.
  7. Thanks. I am currently working on a project marking and editing some oral history interview tapes. So basically, I am ignoring musical time at the moment. But I can see how for later use of the material, I might want all the markers to be locked to real time. The explanation and the reason for having a parameter that sets all markers to real time makes sense. It would also be handy (as suggested elsewhere) to have markers exportable.
  8. You have my curiosity. I use markers, but have never used the "Lock to SMPTE" feature. What does it do? How do you use it? Though I don't currently use SMPTE, I have a basic understanding of what it does and how to use it. I have no idea what locking some or all markers to SMPTE time code would do. It might be useful to me at some point. Thanks. Thanks.
  9. If by "piano notation" you mean Staff View and you have both PRV and Staff View in a Docked Multi-Dock, I have noticed a problem when using custom Workspaces which might be similar. I am confused by your use of "piano note view," "different forms of notation," etc.
  10. I only use Midi-Ox as a diagnostic tool, without Cakewalk. Once I know gear is working, if I need to see midi data, I look in the Event List. I didn't use MIDI-Ox to route/view MIDI data going into Cakewalk. Not sure if it can be done. As for learning MIDI, personally I use hex [hexidecimal, base 16] because to me MIDI data makes more sense in base 16 and no sense at all in base 10 [decimal numbers]. I would recommend it. I used to have links for some good midi guides; not sure where they are now, but you can probably search for current sources. If you have a midi controller with a 5-pin DIN MIDI out, you can put it into the MIDI in of the X-15 and set the X-15 to midi merge mode. I did that when I used a "Digital Horn" + the X-15 to play a synth modules: Controller > X-15 > synth modules From the picture, it looks like the UM-3EX has 3 MIDI ins and 3 midi outs. I assume it sends all 3 ins to a computer via usb midi. So, if you use the X-15 and other controllers you could separate midi inputs (controller 1, controller 2, controller 3). No need to have the X-15 in midi merge mode. (1) X-15 MIDI Out > Ederol UM-3EX MIDI In (2a) Ederol UM-3EX usb > PC > MIDI-Ox to test gear (2b) Ederol UM-3EX usb > PC > Cakewalk to use/record midi data from X-15 If you can/want to use MIDI-Ox to route MIDI data to Cakewalk and monitor it on the fly: (2) Ederol UM-3EX usb > PC > MIDI-Ox [X-15 in Input Window] > Cakewalk
  11. I have a couple of these. I believe the manual is online as a scanned document. It is programmable, but I think you have to get down on the floor and use both hands to go into setup mode, and change the settings. Or you can (a) see the default settings in the manual, (b) use a utility like Midi-Ox, (c) record button presses systematically into Cakewalk and look at the commands it issues in the event list, etc. The pedal default to certain CCs, you can change those. You cannot set a range for the pedals (i.e., no min and max values). If you can't find the stand alone X-15 manual, you could look for any of the SGX FX processor manuals. Those might have the info, too. There is an SGX editing utility someone did last century. That might also include the info on the X-15 setup.
  12. I have not tried triggering matrix loops with external midi controls. I am not sure it can be done. However, I did try to bind external midi to the Inspector-based arpeggiator and found what seems like a major bug in using remote control midi with the arpeggiator--either that or I haven't found a setting to make it work properly. In short, I was able to map a foot pedal (and I think other CC generating external gear) to the virtual buttons/knobs on the arpeggiator; however, that only affacted the virtual interface, not the underlying function. For example, I could get the foot pedal to toggle the latch button and the on/off button, but all that did was change the on/off status of the button. If you try mapping external midi to the matrix and it can be done, I'd be interested in knowing if it works.
  13. Thanks to your heads up post yesterday, I looked up the NUM 0 and related functions, so if I ever see that mysterious line in a track (and maybe some other oddities), I will know how to turn that mode off. Thank you for alerting us!
  14. From what I have seen (as a user, not an expert), when the search bar produces a "powered by Google custom search" result, it lists the results for many different SONAR/Cakewalk products. I have not seen a way to limit the Google search engine to just "product=Cakewalk." Maybe there is a way, though. From Help in Cakewalk, I get a Cakewalk [current product line] link: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x184C5 Most of the times when I use the search bar, one of the links in the Google search is for the current product. For example, I looked up "fx chains" and one of the Google search links had "product=Cakewalk." When I clicked on it, it took me a page for the current product line: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.34.html Most of the time, I do not have to edit the link. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my earlier post. I made the suggestion because sometimes the "powered by Google . . ." results don't clearly show a link for the current product line. Maybe someone else knows how to filter the searches so they only show results for CbB. I don't know if they can add a product filter to the Google search engine. Personally, I'd rather they spend their time fixing bugs in the product itself. Many times, I will use the Reference Guide. I usually find things I didn't know.
  15. I usually choose one of the links and change it to "Cakewalk" https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Views.04.html https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.04.html However, that doesn't always work--such as with this one. (It usually works for me about 60-70% of the time.) So I usually then go to the Table of Contents https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/Home Some times its easier to use the index https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ix.html THUS: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.03.html
  16. I just installed these [Manual Scan/Reset from Preferences]. At first I didn't see them. Then I looked at my layouts. I was using the one called 2019-10-19 ALL. So I changed the layout to "Sort by Category" and typed "sa" [for "SAFE*] in the Audio FX Search box. They showed up. Maybe this will help.
  17. Does this mean that only the bass kick drum is on MIDI channel 10 and all other drum sounds are in the same track, possibly going to the same instrument but on different MIDI channels?** Or, is it an entire drum track with many different drums on (or forced to) MIDI channel 10? **For example, if you have a synth (or a synth preset/patch) where each drum sample / multisample is assigned to its own unique MIDI channel and a multi-channel track goes to a multi-timbral synth, perhaps you could use a CC (7-volume or 11-expression seem likely choices if the synth responds to them) just on MIDI Channel 10--assuming you have midi headroom to do so. If the all the drums are set to 100, it would seem you should have some midi headroom to bump up just channel 10 with the bass drum. Just another option in addition to the others, depending on your midi data.
  18. Other things to test (when you get home) if you didn't do so already: (4) If you drop a standard midi file or a midi loop/clip into the TTS-1 Instrument track, does that play? (5) Do the Virtual Controllers trigger notes? Long shot diagnostics: (6) Have you tried transmitting on a variety of midi channels from the controller, and if so, do any of them trigger sounds? (7) If you record on the track, does midi data get recorded even if there's no sound?
  19. Let me see if I understand: (1) The M-Audio Oxygen controller shows up under Preferences > MIDI > Devices > Inputs and you have it checked. (2) If you (a) insert a midi track, (b) make sure the either the controller or all midi inputs are selected as your midi input, and (c) turn midi echo on, the track virtual leds do not light up when you press notes (or turn knobs) on the controller. (3) And, if you insert a midi instrument and play notes, you don't get sound? BTW, for testing audio flow issues, I like TTS-1 because I can press the riff sample buttons at the bottom to test the audio independently from the midi. I am just asking for clarification here to try to figure out what works and what doesn't.
  20. I will let someone else with more expertise about these VSTs answer this question, just wanted to let you know that rather than posting the same question (with variations) for different VSTs, you can edit a previous post (such as to add additional questions, specific VSTs, etc). In my experience with the several DX and VST instruments I use, the ability to assign midi controllers varies based on what the plug-in manufacturer allows, but I don't have experience with the ones you mention.
  21. User 905133

    Track Strips

    It looks like the default width of your tracks is set to super wide. I never adjust that, so I'd have to look up how to do that. I'm used to resizing track widths manually. So its not a problem for me. Maybe this will work. YUP! I was able to set my default height as super wide! (1) Set any track to the height you want to be your new default height. (2) Right click in the blank area of the track header. (3) Select "Set as Default Height." PS: I was able to set it back to minimal height as the default using the same method.
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