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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. WARNING: The above post might seem legit, but the Sample tank 4 link is to a site called getpczoneone dot com for a coreldraw 2018 download. That plus a few other things (post one from an unknown entity in a very old thread that contains the solution in a post from 2021) makes me think that the post is probably spam rather than someone who doesn't know what they are doing. I could be wrong, but the above post seems phishy to me. Trust Pilot has 2 reviews for the website with a 3 and a 4 rating both from 2018. UPDATE: I have just verified that the solution posted in 2021 works. And just in case the previous post is legit, download the proper file as instructed and read the Quick Guide.
  2. My controller does have a footswitch pedal input, but I also mapped a knob on the controller to CC64 to latch onto (i.e., sustain) notes that have been turned on for the current MIDI channel the controller is setup to play. Not sure if your controller has knobs, sliders, or buttons that can be mapped to different CCs, but if so, this is another option. I don't use the PRV on a regular basis, but you can use an automation lane set to CC64/Hold 1/Sustain to draw the sustain on and off. Another option is to use CbB's built-in Virtual Controller and use the hold button on that in addition to using your hardware controller to play notes. I suppose another option is to lengthen the notes in the PRV.
  3. The issue discussed above is that the Add-an-Instrument-Track Advanced option for the Add-a Track Wizard to insert an Instrument Track for each output the plug-in has doesn't work the way it used to work. Consequently, other aspects of the Add-a-Track Wizard might also appear to behave differently from before. If TTS-1 as the default in the wizard was taken out with build 098 (such as to "MIDI Only" as the default) as @John Vere suggested, the change seems to be the cause of the new issue. IIRC the ad/count-down issue was fixed with build 096 as per the now closed EA Thread:
  4. @msmcleod Thanks for taking a look and thanks to @John Vere for doing the comparison. I just quadruple checked what I was doing earlier today with CA's Quadra and others with multiple outputs and even changed a few things under 2024.02 build 098 . I can click on Instrument Track Per Output and I get the little white corner brackets as shown in John Vere's second image. But I cannot change the on/off indicator blob to on (orange with the theme I am using at the moment.) Multiple outputs do not happen. So, I reverted to 2024.02 build 096 and the Instrument Track Per Output works as it should for TTS-1, Quadra (Multi Output version), etc. When I reinstalled 2024.02 build 098, it was broken again.
  5. Thanks for the clarification.
  6. I just tried a couple of tests using the [ + ] button to call up the Add Track(s) Wizard for two VST3 instruments I know have multiple outputs (Cherry Audio's Quadra which has 5 output channels and MeldaProduction's MDrummer16out and also found that the Instrument Track Per Output was greyed out. Maybe it's a regression error or something like that? Note: I am 100% sure I did this ^^^^ for myself and then re-did it several times to make sure I was posting the steps correctly when I posted that. Perhaps @msmcleod or someone can take a look at this issue to tell us if something changed or if we are doing something wrong?
  7. Are you saying that you remixed and posted it six years ago? What about Semantics? Maybe you should let Homeland Security know as this might be the result of attempts by malicious agents testing some account / algorithmic hacking strategies for nefarious purposes. In 2016 I kept getting video recommendations that were clearly not based on my personal viewing history / preferences. News eventually emerged about malicious agents finding a way to manipulate algorithms for purposes of propaganda.
  8. Nice that Waves partners with YouTubers to help them get exposure.
  9. Not sure if you know, but you can copy the link to another thread and post it here (or somewhere else) if you want others to follow the continuation of the discussion. You can also copy and post links to specific posts within a thread.
  10. Then there was the time a collaborator got us a mini-gig playing background music for a wine-and-cheese opening for an art gallery. As we were packing up, one of the attendees came up and said, "You guys are really good!!!" followed by more praise I thought was more the result of the wine and cheese. In reality, we were so-so at best, but it gave me a chance to practice being polite as I was wrapping up cables and packing up gear. I haven't thought of that incident in ages. Thanks for asking!
  11. Decades ago (probably late '80s), someone said about a tape I made of my original synth music, "That would be great driving music."
  12. Interesting. My first thought was, "Maybe there's some midi data in the file." So I took a downloaded Music-Minus-One style MIDI file with multiple MIDI Tracks, pointed it to TTS-1, and started deleting Sysex banks (such as GM/GS reset, etc.) and CCs, RPNs, NRPNs, etc. That didn't make a difference. Then I reset volume and chase (see above). Between tests, I hit the GM2 Reset button on TTS-1. I also muted all but 5 MIDI tracks to focus on which tracks changed volume on the TTS-1 sliders. I almost never use Automation Lanes, but I checked each of the MIDI tracks and sure enough the jump-to volumes were there in the automation lanes. So I deleted them. Then it hit me, "Maybe the automation volume settings came from the way I set the MIDI Console sliders (not the TTS-1 sliders). So I changed those and sure enough (1) the TTS-1 sliders jumped to those settings when I hit Play and (2) the MIDI Tracks now had Volume Automation with the values from the MIDI Console sliders. I never mastered the use of the Read and Write buttons because I didn't need them for what I did. (I didn't record and playback automation since I did everything I needed to do with CCs and other MIDI data. Based on these tests, I now suspect somehow Automation happens whether I choose to use it intentionally or not. I have no idea what your workflow is, but I thought I'd share my results in case they shed some light on your issue.
  13. Well, it is advertised as a RETRO Bundle.
  14. I keep forgetting to check my local library's online resources, so thanks for the reminder. I just discovered my library offers something called hoopla which also has movies I can send to my Roku device. Up to 4 items per month. ? Not quite endless, but 4 items per month is a nice perk. Good thing February has an extra day this month. ?
  15. Thanks for the follow-up on this issue. It is indeed good news that the issue wasn't caused by a random scammer.
  16. It is still possible to reorchestrate pre-made midi files without GM sound banks. It was possible decades ago and will still be possible. Yes, it might require more thoughtfulness and effort, but what's wrong with that? Decades I picked up a commercial 3.5" floppy disk of fully licensed Led Zeppelin tunes. While they played OK with my sound card's GM bank, it was a great experience using sounds from various sound modules (including samplers and romplers). Maybe people who come into DAW forums like this one with zero knowledge of MIDI wondering why the MIDI files they downloaded don't make any sound would be inspired to be a tad more creative. BTW, there were plenty of uses of the bundled Edirol VCS and TTS-1 other than playing back pre-made midi files.
  17. Disclosure: Last week I dug out one of my M-GS64 Sound Modules and connected it to my current Audio PC (Win 10 Pro). It works, and although even though I almost never used it as a GM device, it does have a GM sound bank. It performed admirably with the old standby tune, Canyon.mid. During the past decade (2010s) I used it extensively for multi-channel, multi-timbral textural improvs. I suppose if I wanted to I could make tunes using just the GM sound bank.
  18. Several years ago, I saw Roland MT-32s [pre-GM sound modules] listing for (and even selling at the time for) $400+ . Those were without the after market, third party mods! I did some internet research and evidently, for a while they became desirable by gamers with seeming unlimited resources. Summer Games Miami does indeed capture the vintage game vibe! A fun happy tune.
  19. I have several Roland hardware sound GM/GS/Sound Canvas devices from the early to mid 1990s. There are only two drawbacks: (1) no digital outs and (2) they use 5-pin DIN connectors. Other than that, they are more than capable of handling any of my GM needs.
  20. Or maybe it's time to Just Say No! (to GM)! ? Seriously, GM is so 1980s!
  21. Good to know that UWP gets a step closer. Good luck with it.
  22. Long shot idea: If Preferences > MIDI > Playback & Recording > Driver Mode is MME, without a project loaded try changing the MIDI Driver Mode to UWP. I always MME there, but my gear is older. UWP might work because it is a newer product and uses Windows Bluetooth which I assume is also relatively new. If that doesn't work, remember to change it back to MME. Also, I have no experience with Bluetooth MIDI Devices, but if I had one, I would research it to see how it works. Others here might be able to chime in on these issues. If so, I defer to their knowledge of BT MIDI devices.
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