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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. No, it's not! All other password changing procedures I have had at various workplaces and indeed most work-related and consumer-based websites that require password changes did not cause the problems that I had with Plugin Boutique.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I understand that companies update their websites. However, in today's computer/Internet environment with all sorts of places being hacked when a password has worked for years (including a few weeks before) and without any warning at all, the password suddenly has been expired, it is not unreasonable to ask if the company's site has been hacked. In my admittedly limited experience as an Internet User, companies usually have a periodic update requirement that has been in effect and has been known about or they will announce a change. The fact that the reply was worded to imply they routinely have users update passwords every six months is concerning; it flies in the face of my experience. If they weren't hacked, there are other possibilities that I as an Internet user consumer need to consider. While anything is possible, I am 100% sure I did not choose the wrong option unless lying when I didn't forget it is morally wrong. ? In fact, their website confirmed by e-mail that I chose the correct option: I got this after getting the infinite loop several times from choosing the "Forgot Password" option and being asked to supply my current password, being told my password was invalid/expired. It is possible that they have (or had) several access points for their "Forgot password" option and after several tries I tried a different "Forgot password" link that wasn't tied in to the "Password Expired/Renew Password" web page hierarchy. I have seen this kind of thing before where for some reason a link on one page contains an error while it is correct on another page. In that sense, I might have selected the "wrong" option because the link didn't work. I suppose it is also possible that once I got the Expired/Renew page (even after logging out, logging back in, restarting my browser, etc.) the same page(s) with the same link(s) were pulled from my PC. However, that almost never happens. As for why all of a sudden my password became expired, if changes to their website/server caused the password to become expired, IMO they should not lead customers to believe this is what they have been doing all along. Several years ago I got a call purportedly from an area police department. Allegedly someone used my credit card in my name to purchase several multi-thousand dollar gift cards from a nearby store that's part of a national chain. Allegedly the police were concerned because this is/was behavior associated with drug dealers/distribution rings. Needless to say, if suddenly I find my password has become expired for no apparent reason, red flags start flying, alarms go off, etc. I have also seen how a company that provides a support service (such as accounting and/or billing) for another company can have a breach that has a cascading effect. Even if the company owns up to the breach (usually minimizing it) the damage has been done. Maybe I wasn't clear. I didn't just complain about the issue to friends and family or even complain here in the forum; I contacted Plugin Boutique. Please note: Until this thread, I had no idea that others were also having their passwords unexpectedly expired.
  3. Please note: In their reply, they denied they were hacked. They made it seem like they routinely have people renew their password ("every 6 months"). Maybe they meant to say, "We have changed our login system and now prompt users to change/update their password . . . ." Have others had to change their password every 6 months?
  4. Maybe they fixed the website after I complained about it a few weeks ago. In my case I repeatedly got into an endless loop because my current password was not accepted, even after I pretended I had forgotten it. I thought they had been hacked because it made no sense to ask for the Current Password after someone chooses the Forgot Password option.
  5. Clarification: If the password that used to work became invalid because it was expired once a person enters the expired password in the top box and a new password in the next two boxes how did you get past that when the following page was a repeat of the "Renew Your Password" page? Or are they asking for the same password to be typed in all three boxes? The same thing happened several weeks ago when I pretended to forget my password.
  6. Are you saying you got past the endless loop by typing "Current password" in the top box?
  7. If the password expired, how did you get past the page that asked for the current password? Didn't entering the current password in the top box just get into an endless loop? ADDENDUM: This was a very specific pair of interrelated questions. It was not a generalized request for help wrt password updates. I generally appreciate the intentions of well-meaning forum members, but most of the replies seem to have misread the questions. It happens.
  8. BTW, I checked the handy keyboard shortcut tool (great for finding what keys and key combos are assigned to which functions and for reassigning shortcuts)--Preferences > Customization > Keyboard Shortcuts. Without a project loaded, the Locate Key button said Alt + F6 and Alt + Shift + F6 were unassigned. Once I loaded a project, the key combos were shown to be assigned as From = Start and Thru = End respectively. Since keyboard shortcuts are affected by customizations (including custom Workspaces), YMMV.
  9. Unless I'm mistaken, when you use the mouse to make a Selection, you are setting the From and Thru points. When you then press Alt+F6, you change the From point to Start.
  10. When I first read this ^^^^, I also thought that you were making a selection and then extending the events selected to last until the end. This clarifies it for me and presumably for others as well. I almost never use the Piano Roll View, but I tested the Shift-Alt-F6 trick to change the Selection from whatever it was to keep the initial selection's From point and change the Thru point to the End of the project. Correct me if I am wrong, you want a shortcut that will change the From point to Start of the project and keep the Thru point from your initial selection. If you look at Menu Bar > Edit > Select, you should see the relevant short cuts. You want Alt + F6 if I understand you correctly. In fact, I just tried it and it worked. Thanks for adding to my understanding of how to use the PRV.
  11. Several years ago I looked into some of the finer details of MIDI files. IIRC BPM tempo is calculated. See for example the following which is one source that describes the Meta-Event for Set Tempo. I remember reading more about how the calculation to BPM is done, but I don't remember the details. I do remember that I was working on a DIY MIDI hobbyist project involving a microprocessor (an Arduino), an LCD, a whole bunch of sliders, a piece of BPM gear as a MIDI clock source (a hardware sequencer/sound module). The BPM hardware was based on 384 PPQ, I needed to count MIDI clock bytes, and derive a formula based on clock bytes per time, etc. I am guessing that 94.9999999955566 BPM is close enough to 95 BPM for all practical purposes.
  12. I just found it here via a Google search for "Ton Valkenburgh CAL" .
  13. PS: The picture on page 17 shows Note mapping, but there is a button in the left-hand column to Show Mapping For: MIDI CC.
  14. I don't have Slate Drums, but based on other it seems to me assigning a sustain pedal should be a function of the drum software. Page 17 of the manual says: I am assuming your sustain pedal send out what is commonly called CC64--an on/off midi command that almost all midi understands a "Turn Sustain On/Turn Sustain Off." Soft synths these days frequently implement tools to map CC commands to different parameters in the soft synth. Maybe someone who uses SSD 5 can confirm this method will work in SSD 5 and can put together a set of basic steps for you.
  15. Thanks. I was just adding that in as a clarification.
  16. That's very possible. It could be a preset that uses a clock-based modifier** drawing from the DAW that's been tagged as a sequence. **such as an LFO
  17. Try setting the Sequencer in Pigments to BPM (Rate Type).
  18. I am still waiting for clocks to be based on multiple of 10 instead of 6. ?
  19. Preferences > Customization > Base Octave for Pitches [under Display > Other]
  20. A year or so ago, I copied my custom Workspaces from an older Win 10 PC to a newer Win 10 PC. I used Everything to look for where the *.lns files were [LNS as in lense, not INS] put them on a thumb drive and moved them to the newer PC. In my case they are in C:\Users\{My Account}\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Lenses\User .
  21. Not sure what you have, but I have tons of *.cmp files which begin with arp and that seem to be related to z3ta+. I also have some that seem to be related to FEUD. But they are not in the Cakewalk Projects folder. Can you give us any more clues about the files?
  22. There are newer threads where people have asked similar questions. There have even been some clarifications since September 2023. If I had more time, I'd look a few up and post some links of other people asking similar questions and posts with additional information.
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