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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. You are making excellent progress teaching yourself Theme editing!! Definitely don't neglect the family!!!!! Looking at the Matrix View, if I can keep my colors for other views (which I suspect is very possible), I might want to borrow some of your choices!
  2. Is the issue that you have floating windows? If so, are you using the "Advanced" Workspace intentionally? Also, starting in the EA and also in 2020.08, there have been some changes to the way Workspaces are loaded or not. We now have an option to have Workspaces open or not. (Don't ask me for details; see the write-up on 2020.08. See "Workspace enhancements" here.) With the changes, the "None" Workspace might provide even more consistency in opening up projects than previously. As for me, I am still exploring the changes myself--but I am leaning towards applying a custom workspace, saving the project, and then switching to "None." Just a guess, but I think doing that in essence applies my desired Workspace as the basic default screen set for the project which gets reinstated when I load each project.
  3. I have had the FX Suite and Tools since I can't remember. Not sure if the new installer saw that and didn't update mine. Not critical as I assume the functionality/performance of the newly installed versions are what I had. But, out of curiosity, what are the versions numbers of the ones being installed for those new to Cakewalk? Just wondering. PS: I'm not unhappy that newcomers are getting these for free while many of us have them because we paid for them as bundled software over the years. In fact I think it shows how responsive the developers are to comments/suggestions from users. As a long-time user I just wish that people who have been away for 10-15-20 years or more, people who come from using other DAWs, people who are having frustrations, etc. were to appreciate the continued responsiveness and to all of the improvements and new features and not cop an angry / belligerent / hostile attitude. Yes, sometimes its a cultural / language issue, but sometimes frustration-expressed-as-anger is overwhelming. Kudos to staff and users who treat comments with respect--even when some of us might want to hold up a mirror to the hostile comments.
  4. This topic is a problem for Google translate [if on, turn off auto-translate to read]: "SE CUELGA AL CONVERTIR EN MONO" became "HANGS UP WHEN BECOMING MONKEY" !!!!! ? However, the actual post is a bit clearer: "Después de la actualización de windows 10 última parece que cuando ejecuto 'convertir a mono' se cuelga el motor de audio." became "After the last windows 10 update it seems that when I run 'convert to mono' the audio engine hangs." I never knew "mono" meant "monkey." Now I do.
  5. Maybe its Edirol? I have never been able to get my Edirol VSC to work under Windows 10, but it still works under XP.
  6. I have used SI-Bass Guitar a handful of times and I never use Melodyne, but I was curious about this and did a quick test. Using the built-in "Groove It" bass pattern [under "Electronic & Pop"], I played a few different basses. For all of them, SI-Bass seemed to respect note duration. If you try that and get he same results I did (midi durations/note lengths work), perhaps that points to an issue with the durations in the midi file? Just a thought. ADDENDUM: On a hunch, I played some patterns with the guitar in mono mode and pressed my sustain pedal (CC64) and got what sounds like you described. Any chance there is a hidden CC64 [sustain] in the file? HMMMM: Just to clarify: in the event list, the items checked in the manager just tell the event list what to display; it is not a midi event filter in terms of playing notes. So, if you uncheck everything there, no midi events will be shown, but the track will still play all midi events.
  7. Thanks for the reminder. I had been meaning to do this with "ExpressFX" [Sound Forge] plug-ins, but just generally kept the folder closed and ignored them. Out of curiosity, other than saving me a line in the Browser (which I ignored), does excluding them have any other benefit?
  8. Super interesting behind-the-scenes/historical details, too!
  9. Excellent attention to detail in your updating efforts!! And thanks for mentioning the blurriness issue--I wasn't sure if it was my eyesight or my PC when I posted this:
  10. I do not have FB and can't imagine I ever will; however. I have used several sites that have open-to-the-public content. On the other hand, I have explored Bandlab (the online app) with the idea of maybe someday using it collaboratively. I guess you could say I'd be a candidate for the Semi [or Selectively] Anti-Social Social Club--the SASS Club as opposed to the one you named!
  11. I think its great that you have taken this on. I can imagine the steps in this discussion might help others who want to rescue other old themes that have previously been shared by their original designers.
  12. I have super high regard for those who can do full themes; I have only done a few tweaks (some of which you might have seen in the Theme Guide thread). I know I do not have the patience or the artistic skills to do a complete theme. Perhaps you could take an updated theme you like and make minor tweaks borrowed from Dark Aqua, and build it step at a time. The theme editor offers the ability to revert to the elements used by the original theme that the new one is based on. So perhaps you can: Make a copy of Dark Aqua, rename it MyTweaks, and revert elements that seem to be problematic. Load an up-to-date theme. Import MyTweaks and save it with a name like MyTheme. The idea is that you can create files of personal customizations and import them on top of other themes. Out of curiosity, what's not looking right? Maybe others here can help you locate the correct elements that need to be fixed. Based on my admittedly limited experience, finding the right element can take considerable time. Of course, the theme guide is a great help! BTW, in order not to hijack this thread, if you want to create a thread on "Updating the Dark Aqua Theme," I would delete this here and repost it there.
  13. Good news: Surge v.1.7.1 seems to have solved the AntiVirus issue. (v. 1.7.0 still shows 5 flags at TotalVirus; 1.7.1 only shows 1 which doesn't affect my PC). Like others, I had noise [crackle] and then the dreaded audio drop with some of the Jacky Ligon patches--even after upping my audio card's ASIO buffer 3 fold!!!!! As noted above, it did not seem to be related to extreme CPU usage. Anyone know where strings are hidden? EDIT: With the new version, Surge continues to function as an FX processor--a little like Z3ta+ FX, though so far as I can see, there is no midi learn for Surge FX controls).
  14. Maybe a virtual midi port utility might help, as suggested in the following thread (re: LoopBe)?
  15. I used to use this for hardware and would assign instrument definitions based on midi ports and channels. Can we use this method with software synths?
  16. I have seen this mentioned many times in the forum: Workspaces is about preserving/restoring the UI (and the functionality related to that), not about all customizable settings. So, for example, having the Event List functionality (including related keybindings) missing from the Basic Workspace is related to the UI. The count-in timer setting isn't. At one point I suggested in the forum having a "Preferences" section among options in Wokspaces [formerly Lenses], but what I mentioned was not a UI feature parameter.
  17. User 905133


    Congrats, and kudos to Nigel for figuring out how the VSTi could make it happen!
  18. I am confused by this--as long as I can remember, it was saved with the project. So, I opened a project that had 0, changed it to 2 measures, saved it, closed Cakewalk, re-opened Cakewalk, re-opened the project, and the 2 measure count-in was there. Addendum: But Wait! Maybe you meant templates? So, I opened "MyBlankTemplate" (which I have set as the New default), changed the 0 to 2 measures, saved it as a template, closed Cakewalk, re-opened it, selected New, and the 0 was indeed 2 measures.
  19. I am only aware of some recent changes based on discussions in the current forum; not sure of earlier changes. I will look for links to some relevant discussions. See post immediately below. Also, I think Colin Nicholls has updated his themes guide; that might be helpful as well.
  20. I know what you mean about some color combinations working for some people better than others. To me, flexibility and customizability are two of Cakewalk's huge "selling points." I was led to that theme (and others) from this thread. Hope it helps.
  21. Just a footnote since you seem happy with your current theme, but it looks like I downloaded Dark Aqua on 2020-07-10--less than a month ago. I moved it from my download folder into Themes and took a look. It does not work well with my eyesight (mostly neon blue against solid black), but it looks like it does not have the tweaks needed (assuming 2020.07 EA has the same theme elements as 2020.05).
  22. If this is made an option for those who want it, I would prefer the current method be the default.
  23. Best wishes for continued good health, and thanks for the follow-up on the activation issue! It makes sense. I have a new-to-me refurbished PC that came with Win 10 Pro v. 2004. I didn't want to risk trashing the "new" HDD, so I disconnected it and connected a totally unused SSD. I did not use the license I purchased via the Computer World offer, but since I had downloaded the Media Creation Tool, I did use that. I followed the instructions and somehow, magically (at the right time), Windows 10 showed the license with the original ID that came with the refurbished PC. So, I assume part of the licensing/activation process involves dialing home (MS) to look up my specific PC. Evidently it was recognized as having a valid licence and the ID was sent to my SSD.
  24. I was under the impression that the E-Mu files were from a ROMpler, but originated with bona fide E-Mu samples. I assume actual underlying samples may have been tweaked so they can be altered by the Proteus synth engine However, if they are not what you imagine in your mind's ear, it makes little difference what the source is. Also, the suggestion to look for a multisample might not be a good one. I looked at a Tubular Bells preset I have. It seems to have only two samples--a D4 and a G6. So all the notes below D4 are just pitched down.
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