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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Never mind. Different words, different data, different order of steps but basically the same process with the same results--using the "Event Filter - Select Some" dialog box.
  2. Ahem . . . as long as we are being "precise," "File" is the first item on the Menu Bar; Views is the second item on the Menu Bar. The feature request was over a year ago and I seem to recall (1) understanding Terry as referring to the Menu Bar > Views > Event List when he said "Event View," (2) understanding Mark's response as referring to the Menu Bar > Views > Event List when he suggested setting up a keyboard short-cut [technically a key binding, I suppose] for Event List View > Open Event Manager, and (3) thinking about saying something like your clarification (though not to the same level of detail), but I was more focused on showing how to set up a key binding to the Event Filter - Select Some dialog box because I thought Terry was asking for a feature that led to editing as opposed to viewing. Now I am not sure that my prior understandings were what Terry and Mark intended. I will have to re-read all of this at the start of a new day, not at the end of a long day.
  3. SynthMaster owners who don't yet have the Everything Bundle might want to SHOULD check their e-mails. **It looks like the the code is a unique, per account code. **** EDIT: amount of discount and final price also removed. Evidently those are also unique, per account amounts, too.] NOTE: The email also has info that would be of interest as well. My e-mail includes other details (including download** / purchase instructions) on: Alonso Sound Future Rave for SynthMaster 2 released NatLife Disco Funk for SynthMaster 2 released Bluffmunkey Cinematic Sounds for SynthMaster One released **Just an FYI: Your version of SynthMaster 2 /Synthmaster One might have slightly different wording. For the second step, I chose "Restore my preset banks." The first step worked exactly as stated.
  4. I had some trouble with my PC So I had my fortune read I had some trouble with Windows 11 And this is what the gypsy said The gypsy cried cry-eee-y-eeide cry-eee-y-eeide . . . (sung to an old 1960's Lou Christie classic)
  5. Thanks for the reply re: Windows Update. I understand! (I'll spare the details.) I hope the new audio interface solves the issues.
  6. (1) I wrote the following up before all the rancor but was hoping others would chime in to help. Is there a reason you haven't updated Windows 10? 1709 is something like five years old and Microsoft has updated a lot that affects audio (sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad ways). Just a guess, but maybe newer versions of Cakewalk work better with newer versions of Windows. Maybe not, though. (2) New thoughts which might be related to the meat of the issue (that is, not all the rancor). I do know that Windows Updates have changed a whole lot that affects Sound (Audio and MIDI) including the Sound Troubleshooter and the Information / Settings / Configuration pages. For the longest time on my PC Windows Update would spend a lot of time downloading and installing only to fail and then undo the update. Then one time they changed something with the update installer and pinpointed a specific issue that led me to uninstall something called VirtualBox. After that I have been getting Windows Updates without issues. I did lose the use of a legacy PCI Sound Card, but Windows Sound (Audio and MIDI) has been much more stable. Hope this helps and everyone can stop with the rancor. Not blaming anyone at all.
  7. Potential tip for people who get higher than wanted CPU usage with Cardinal due to "legacy" PCs: ---> On my 2011-era PC 4x slows the refresh [draw] rate, and lowers CPU draw. Closing/Minimizing the window also helps. Based on the File > Demo / Example Projects, the audio quality doesn't seem to be compromised by the lower visual refresh rate. (YMMV)
  8. I Googled "Polyphonic Elastic Audio" and all of the posts listed were related to ProTools.
  9. LOL: I looked it up and at the bottom where KVR has "Products similar to Asper . . . " the first item listed in MODO DRUM. ? Really????
  10. User 905133

    NI FM8 for $12

    I already have Oli Larkin's VirtualCZ (from Plugin Boutique) which meets my needs. When I first got it, I found some CZ patch dumps I had saved years ago as syx files, loaded them in quite easily, and found that tweaking them was easier than tweaking them in the CZ. I understand from others in the forum that Arturia's CZ V's sound is a bit closer to the CZ. From a video I watched today, the CZ V GUI brings editing CZ sounds into the 21st century. My goal was not to mimic factory CZ presets or to make new presets that sound like they would if done on a bona fide CZ, but to have a soft synth that I can use to duplicate as close as possible a couple of dozen unique / original CZ patches I did back in the 80s. VirtualCZ has allowed me to do that without hurting my wallet. But thanks for the recommendation.
  11. User 905133

    NI FM8 for $12

    Yup. I still have my CZ 5000 (the CZ 3000 with the built-in sequencer). I even found my FSK patch/sequence dump cassette tapes a few months ago. But its the VZ line that has algorithmic flexibility for the iPD and can make real FM-sounding patches as well as all sorts of creative sounds, miles beyond the CZ. In fact one VZ fan made several banks that put the factory patches (built in and expansion cards) to shame. Previously I did not find a software FM synth that let me re-create the VZ algorithms. But I haven't given up. If anyone is skilled at creating Instruments in MSoundFactory and is interested in trying to re-create a VZ-type instrument, I'm open to working on this. Or if someone knows a soft FM synth that can implement this, please let me know.
  12. User 905133

    NI FM8 for $12

    I never cared for the sound of the DX7 and the others in the DX line. Too boring for my tastes. I opted for Casio's iPD [interactive Phase Distortion] in the form of the VZ-8 which was the same as FM or was totally different depending who was making the legal argument. From what I have seen, yup!! Even though I have found FM8's implementation to be quite intuitive, I found a number of very helpful videos to fill in some gaps in my personal knowledge base and hands-on experience.
  13. User 905133

    NI FM8 for $12

    I was looking at the F.'em deal--even had it in the cart. In the nick of time I saw the FM8 deal which was better for my budget. The comments here were very helpful, so I decided for my needs FM8 would be useful and was within my budget. I am still going through it, but I am very happy with the purchase even if there are better FM soft synths available. Part of it for me is the full slate of 600 or so parameters I can choose from to play with using Voltage Modular (not all of them at the same time). Of course, I do have a number of other more costly FM options already. So, thanks to everyone who chimed in with factors to consider. They helped me and I hope they help others make their decisions.
  14. User 905133

    Pause function

    Yup. I just tested this with the / key. Works well!!!
  15. Ummm, well . . . thanks, but the tip was from az, although I had thought of posting what pwalpwal had suggested about looking into changing hosting provider. My provider offered the https switch and I think all I had to do was authorize it by flipping a single switch in my account dashboard.
  16. Makes me miss Georgia Championship Wrestling with Gordon Solie!
  17. I had trouble getting used to it yesterday, but that's mainly because some things are not where they used to be. I am sure I will eventually get used to it. BTW, the new logo looks very retro to me--like something out of the '40s (give or take a decade or two!)
  18. Based on the number of vocal advocates for the PRV in the forum, it would seem to be a benefit to PRV users not to have to use the Event List to change patches/presets (as long as it doesn't require non-PRV users to have to use the PRV). Having a patch/preset lane makes sense since there are already options for Velocity, Wheel, Channel Aftertouch, CCs, RPNs, and NRPNs. For me your "workflow logic" is not universal. Having a tab in the MultiDock set to a patch change track right next to a tab for a MultiTrack PRV works quite well for me. I can click in a P number in the patch change track and the specific event is selected in the Event View (and vice versa).
  19. You reminded me of a song I used to listen to but haven't heard in a while, "Flakes" in which one of the "characters" Zappa impersonates says "I'm a moron and this is my wife. She's frosting the cake with a paper knife." and so on in a classic social commentary lampooning style tune. Thanks for reminding me; it was fun re-listening to it.
  20. Thanks for posting the link to the installers and asking for opinions. I gave it a quick try (approx. 20 min. total), and for my needs FM8 for $10 at a current/recent sale is a better value for my money ($10 / £12 / €12 through September 6). Rather than share details of my preliminary exploration of octasine, I will plan to verify my observations in some additional hosts. One of my first testing places for new plug-ins is Voltage Modular (using the Plug-In Host module) which sometimes has issues when plug-ins have idiosyncratic UIs. I have plenty of plug-ins (paid and free) that don't have major issues UI in VM. So, just briefly, in my admittedly limited tests I observed (1) higher than usual CPUs needed for the graphics and (2) GUI instability leading to a VM shutdown crash. I suspect (1) might be an issue in other hosts but (2) should probably not be an issue in other hosts. Since its v.0.7.0, perhaps the GUI instability will not be an issue once it gets to a v.1.x.x release. Disclosure: I will have to check my PCs services, but this: "Synthesis is SIMD-accelerated in many cases (SSE2, AVX)" might be part of the two issues I experienced since my PC is a "legacy" PC. Update: A basic test of Octasine in Cakewalk on my PC confirms (1) Octasine causes a higher than usual CPU usage as compared with several other plugins (free and paid)** and (2) the GUI instability doesn't happen. **For this test Octasine was compared with FM8, Odin2, bloo, Surge XT, Proclethya, Cardinal Synth, Syntronik, plus a few others. MSoundFactory CPU draw ranges greatly depending in specific instruments/device, so I tested 5 MSoundFactory Instruments with "FM" in the name. One had the less CPU draw than Octasine, 4 were either comparable or had higher CPU draw. However, closing the MSoundFactory's plugin window reduced CPU draw far more than closing Octasine's plugin window. On different PCs, with different tests, results may vary. Also, the CPU draw might not be an issue for some users. Hope this helps.
  21. When I first discovered IKM here in the forum, I just assumed it meant they put the needs and interests of musicians first ahead of anything else. Then I decided that it probably means they are musicians. I also started to wondered if they have jams at meetings, etc. In any case, I assume they all share a love of music, not as listeners, but as people who do (or have done) music: that is as musicians.
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