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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Have you changed this before?
  2. Yes. You can use the virtual keyboard within Cakewalk. Nothing wrong with that. Here emmy nominated songs out that was used sith only the keyboard of your computer and mouse using the virtual keyboard the comes with cakewalk. It's also not as limited as some of the comments say and claim it to be. All you need is a little patient and know some chords. Dont let people tell that you can't use it or its better to buy a physical keyboard. Use what you have at you disposal right now and make the most of it.
  3. Lets make this a package request on Naming. Also the option to insert multiple tracks with the shortcut CTRL+T with a dialogue for both Audio and Instruments and to RENAME them.
  4. Oh! HIGHLIGHT the clip in the project SOLO IT and then SHIFT+L -- go up to export, expand RANGE choose Time Select (ed) - [ion] then click on the clock (or music note - not sure) and do the other steps above and EXPORT.
  5. Okay. If I understand correctly from top of my head: In order to get the clip names - you have to expand the WHAT TO EXPORT CATERGORY and in the drop down menu right there choose CLIPS. Remove the filename (don't think its necessary for clips) click the tag icon and under TRACK/CLIP PROPERTIES click on the clip tap to get the clip (s) name. Forgive me for not making a video to show this. We never had snow before where i'm from and it's been snowing the past 5 years every year. So as you can imagine, i'm upstairs in bed with the heat fan blowing watching Netflix. Not use to this extreme cold and the studio is not equipped with a 2-in-1 AC. Global warming is real.
  6. You have to clear (delete the default name) before entering the tag menu and choose the correct correspondence category for tags. There's room for improvement. Example when choosing what to export - one would expect the naming to bee automatically by default and have the rest adding in manually should you require any of the extra tags.
  7. @Jim Fogle I think he is referring to the way he had done this in the past by bringing light to the pros and cons to those. He pretty much does say the video is only pro. It's literally the only way to do this in the DAW at the moment. You can also pretty much leave the compressor on the Bus. I just prefer the direct approach to this.
  8. Maybe ask a moderator to move this to the Q&A section and we'll be happy to help you answer your Question.
  9. Great stuff Noel. Is it really necessary for tracks though? I mean sidechain with tracks serves a different purpose. It's double the work for you and an unnecessary feature. Only do this for Aux tracks. They're more flexible than Buses. ☺
  10. Is it still doing the same in the latest updates? You can try this release https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/28721-202104-update-1-updated-17-may-2021/
  11. I will try my best in uploading them next week. ☺
  12. ☺ Thank you Jim. It's something i've been using forever sending stems to clients. There's also more than 3 ways of doing sidechain within CbB.
  13. Excellent on the new 99build. Is it possible to make the menus dark as it was with the soft synth menu in the 98 build. Obviously the original look is fine. My complaint was just from being on the dark menu going suddenly into the white menu that caused that eye blurriness and sharp sting feeling yesterday. The dullness was soothing to the eye - especially if your studio has that dark vibe. Sorry for all this troubles.
  14. https://youtu.be/AX-NNen14rs There you go. Sorry for taking this long. Was busy with a Client. Noel there's absolutely no reason to break your head over this. ☺I know im making this sound easy: The solution to you're answer above is because Aux tracks are not included in the Export or Bounce menus. Its only tracks and buses - that's why inhouse bounce on Aux tracks are not possible.
  15. Technically you don't have to move the plugin from the bus channel. All you need to remember is to tick the BusFX box in Mix Enables on the Bounce to Track window. The reason why I chose both little boxes was because it's a habit seeing that I always have an extra compressor and EQ after the sidechain compressor. Experiment with this until you mastered the technique. Play it loud.
  16. ☺ It's actually really easy to only bounce the sidechain track. ☺ I'll create a video.
  17. Hey GreenLight. Are you asking how to export individual sidechain tracks?
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