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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Awesome work on the updates guys. Can't wait to test this out later. I see "Mouse Wheel Scroll" for Insert audio FX from the FX bin has not been updated. So clicking is currently still the only option going through plugins. Great job on this release though. We're moving places.
  2. Is that the "Kakewalk system? Lame pun. ? You cannot mix without it. I approach mine slighlty different. Perfect little trick and works like dynamite - both mixing and mastering.
  3. Glad you admit the problem you have. Changing the track color, automatically change the clip color too. The feature is already there. With the theme installer you can do wonders. There's even an option in preferences too. FYI cakewalk is already way advance than most DAW. You just need to learn it.
  4. For me? I don't see how. I group all my tracks and only have the group track in color. It's saved as a template like that, so I don't have to do it while working. The ability to eliminate certain tasks with "customed saved templates" is already a luxury for me. From rock, pop, hiphop, edm, future bass -- every template is custom color saved as group tracks. 808, kick, drums, percussion, guitars, strings and FX risers. So I literally, only, record and mix. Again others will find it to their taste. Never said it's not a bad idea.
  5. @Lord Tim @Craig Anderton really appreciate the help. Managed to solve the issue. I've reverted back "5" version's of this saved template. Guess it was some sort of setting that was saved as such - don't know. Deleted those 5 newer ones and kept this one as "latest 0ct20th." Just have to copy it to my external drive, once I'm done with the custom keybinding - this time staying out of preferences. Thanks guys.
  6. ? but why isn't it happening in (Hate to say it) Pro tools? I tried Ableton lite too - works as it should. Using Focusrite Solo, set to output on Master Bus as default. When creating a new track it routes automatically to the Master Output, but even changing the track output to run solely the interface its still there. Connectivity is RCA inputs (Solo) to TRS jacks (Monitors.) My QUESTION still stand. Why only in Cakewalk? Really appreciate the effort to help here TIM. And like I'd said, when sitting in my "Sweet Spot" it's not noticeable -- only if you put your ear close to monitor. I discovered this few months ago, when I had my wallet fell down the back of my right speaker.
  7. I don't see how it will improve the DAW. Nothing wrong with the request though, there might be others that will enjoy the feature with you though.
  8. We can't do this, cause I've tried another DAW, nothing like that happen. Bingo! There's nothing on the opposite channel on the WAV when you export, but Cakewalk projects sound coming from there. I even tried looking into "DIM SOLO," made sense at the time lol. Fiddled with PanningCompactLaw as well it was on "False." Checked my panning law too. It's set to "0db Center, Balanced Control." One answer I'm not getting is if anyone else hear this when they go close to their monitor of feel the woofer doing something?
  9. It's off. Was one of the first things I had checked. Interesting. Does the windows 10 one counts? Plus, the motherboards onboard updated version - which is MSI.
  10. Hope this got some attention. Clicking to get to a certain plugin, is irritating. Why can't we just scroll through the plugins with the Mouse Wheel?
  11. Will.

    Need help.

    I guess you're right - think i'm going to give it that 70's feel.
  12. LOL. You're reading to much in what is being said. You don't touch anything under the "Sync and Caching" TAB. ONLY IN DRIVER SETTINGS TAB. Here's mine Picture 1: Only set these settings to taste. Picture 2: Don't change anything here as what was said to you and what's explained in the Documentation. Also make sure that you choose your hardware driver (Should be ASIO) under the "Playback and Recording Tab."
  13. Who thinks a strictly dedicated "Master bus" without the two pan pots, that sometimes causes problems, would be a great addition to the DAW -- with only the Mono/Stereo interleave dead center?
  14. I think your "Dim solo" is on in the control bar. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Playback.15.html
  15. Bingo! Like I said, your interface/Asio drivers need to be Sync'd with that of your hardware. Set those back to 256KB and just fiddle with your ASIO buffer size under "DRIVER SETTINGS"
  16. All the way and so is the output Craig. Even when I route it to dedicated mono channel it's still there ONLY when I move close to the monitor speaker. I can feel the vibrations too in the woofer. If I sit in my sweet spot, I can't hear it. Weird! Can the cause be from unbalanced cables perhaps? That's where me head is at right now.
  17. I'm gonna try to keep this short and direct. Here it is, I never get true " Mono Pan" in Cakewalk. There's always a little bleeding on the opposite channel - even when the illusion of "True Mono Pan" is being projected. With other DAWs this is not there. Hence - I have to add, this is only noticeable when going really close to the opposite speaker/channel. It was never an issue until I had my wallet placed on the right speaker and had it fell off behind, when I first noticed this. Since then its been bothering me. Anyone that can help me with this.
  18. Try to keep your system smooth. You can try some of these steps below. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/16404-solving-known-issues-please-try-this/ Remember, your system needs to be treated just like your car - it needs to be serviced. Every 3 months, I'd clean my fans, CPU fan and rams - also check my CPU if it needs more Thermal Paste.
  19. So what was the point trying to "correct" what I said, if you're jut gonna repeat it in different words. Just like buffer size "Direct Monitor" also has an affect on certain machines with latency. I had the problem with a laptop I was using on the road. It was an i5 4th gen if i'm correct - if not older, with a standard 500GB HDD, 8GB ram with Windows 10 (Can't remember which build,) My Solo gave me latency with direct monitoring on. Yes, you're spot on on few things you've mentioned, but I think it was time wasted. Until we know the specs of the system and hardware used by Konskoo, there's no way to claim an answer. Right now, you have to assume that he is using "Asio4all." Different setups, totally different problems and approach on latency. Before the interface and a upgrade on the laptop (with a group that hired me everytime the went on tour,) I ran a successful on-the-road setup for demo projects, with only a USB midi, USB Mic, with the laptops onboard recording interface to record guitars, a pair of Alesis 3 monitors; using Cakewalk Sonar LE and only ASIO4ALL, with the buffer size set to 1024msec and Playback buffer at 256KB and guess what? NO LATENCY.
  20. If the buffer size is too low, you may encounter errors during playback or may hear clicks and pops. If the buffer size is set too high while recording, there will be quite a bit of latency which can be irritable. It's hard to say with minimum specs given. There can be numerous reasons - out-dated windows drivers is one of them. Cakewalk sets both Playback and Record I/O to 256KB by default, so set it back to 256KB. There might be a clock sync issue with your system? Try to reset your configurations in preferences and update your drivers. Your ASIO drivers needs to be sync with that of your hardware - that's why it is important to update to the latest Asio drivers, I think it's v4.65 for focusrite -- nowhere near the studio right now to check.
  21. Priceless reaction. ? Yeah! Seems like we either learn new stuff or arrogantly forget the power and flexibility this DAW holds.
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