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Everything posted by Will.

  1. When inserting a new Aux track in the console view, it gets added before the previous one. Instead of being added in numerical order as Aux 1, Aux 2, Aux 3 . . . It adds it as follow: Aux 3, Aux 2, Aux 1. Little inconvenient to manually re-order the inserts everytime.
  2. Incorrect: this actually happens randomly from time-to-time. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/31739-running-track-on-solo-but-another-track-is-always-audible/&do=findComment&comment=258159 Here I helped another member, but unfortunately the videos are not available anymore.
  3. Bumping this up again. I think Presonus took this idea and added it to their new release, which works awesome. I've seen a video of it, it works for pitch as well. ? Wonder if they get ideas from here. ?
  4. Was trying to help you many moons ago in the thread with to give you what you were looking for, but you went left with your reply, so I didn't bother. ? Sorry though. ?
  5. So, I haven't been working in Cakewalk for months now (Business related) but not that anyone cares. Playing today with some new test projects in this new update, i've stumbled on a bug. I have teh pro channel module disabled and the icon module, but every time I save a new test project it resets all the settings. Pro Channel and Icon module is enabled upon opening the project again. I have test this with various new testing projects i created.
  6. Behringer is known for that beautiful hiss and hum of analogue quality. Sweet to the touch! That's from its preamps. This i guarantee to be the answer to your question. You can also try the following steps as a test: First issue that comes to mind, is that your laptop mic is enabled, but not active. Than the obvious once would be, the plugin that you use. Some, EQ's, Compressors and Delay effects, mimic the sound of the "Analogue" world, bringing the warmth and introducing the "hiss." Try a different EQ and a separate Analyzer (Span would be perfect for this and it is absolutely free) and see if you still have the hiss. You can also try turning the Pro Channel off, if you have it on by default. But, as stated above: It is the preamps of your interface.
  7. To have a popup menu option (asking) when inserting a sample as either a Mono, Stereo or Split Mono audio tracks. Certain samples display in cakewalk as "stereo" when its in fact a Mono file. This would just help with visual information when working in the Track View. When collapsing or coverting the sample to mono, it raise in volume by +3db too. Having the option when adding an audio track would be a plus, for quicker/faster inserts.
  8. Next time: Just hit the note or chord that's ringing out endlessly. It literally used to happen in every project I worked on in CbB. It is an old bug.
  9. Don't know, but I'm in love with this design. I'm going with that. This is my current project over the next few weeks - maybe until mid January.
  10. Yeah! ? Thanks for reminding me. Do you think two is a bit too much? I'm doing the panels tomorrow but i cant decide on the color for the material. Something that looks like a million dollar studio, but not really. Focus on the acoustic designs.
  11. You even said it here what i've asked. ?
  12. What you've said here, is what i've asked. ? Just trying to understand what you mean. No need to be rude! I know all that small things you've just mentioned.
  13. Example: To just Highlight the tracks to be grouped and with a flick of a right click, from anywhere in the window you select GROUP THESE TRACKS? Like the option for inserting an AUX or BUS Track, but in this case - a "GROUP TRACKS?"
  14. How do I request this so that it can be understood? Experiment: • Create two bus/aux tracks and insert the same reverb with favourite preset on both and name the one "Routing" Buss/Aux and the second one "Send" Buss/Aux. • Insert a dry vocal track/sample. Here comes the listening skill. Route the vocal track output to the buss called "Routing" and make a mental note out of it. Got it? GOOD! Now default the Vocal track output. This time: Send the same vocal track to the "Send" buss. Did you hear the difference in volume? If not . . . feel free to flip between them a few times |OR| export the two files in difference. I know this has been in debate a few times, but this results speaks for itself. That +dB increase in volume has always been a pain trying to balance things. So, if the bakers can manage to balance it's sends volume to the same value as that of Routing the Output - decision making will be a breeze with effects. Here's that Thank You that is mentioned in the title.
  15. I've been slowly moving away from Cakewalk The last two years. Being familiar with the DAW for nearly 12 years, starting out as an intern and becoming the owner of Sonar x1, venturing on my own journey - It's sad to admit that I had to shelf and replace Cakewalk in my brand new studio, due to client and business demands, from recording and sending/recieving and requesting Project Files. This demand has led me to a whole new world. To start with: I was one of the luck group of people to have been fortunate to grow throughout the pandemic, while it was destroying lives. This transformation brought a totally new make-over to my studio. The first one was to invest in a brand new Desktop Mac with the Montery 12 OS - followed by Logic and Pro Tools in the spare bedroom down stairs where the studio always been. Sold basically all my outboard gear, as it was not compatible with the MAC and only kept the two interface Focusrite Solo and Presonus Audiobox which I had linked up with my mixing board. Sadly: the windows PC and interfaces are sitting in my study now. I decided to use PT as the default DAW in my new setup (as i was already familiar with it) but slowly Logic Pro grown on my. I mean: Have you heard how its stock plugins transform your sound? They are that good! "Jam!" It's now my default studio DAW. One feature got me hooked in logic . . . • Stereo Pan • Balance • Binaural Pan Now cakewalk can do this too - as a workaround with its "TOOL PLUGIN," but there's just something special about having this on the channel strip which speaks for itself when you use and hear it - its honey! Coming back to the forum after spending time away both Cakewalk, especially with this new EA - the New ARA2 and Upgrade to Elastique SDK. It's stepping up! I'm missing out on its future developments, but i wont be a stranger here - and that is my word! Don't know why Mac are the standard machines in studios, when Windows PC's are out shinning them today. My achievements in 2021. Progress: August. Finished Project: First Client. Still a few finish touches that needs to be done. Like the long pain stakenly process of making the difussers, absorption panels, Bass traps and some acoustic panels for the booth. Waiting for some outboard gear to arrive. Nothing fancy, just a proper working desk, preamp, compressor and eq for now. Just to mix the analogue and digital world together. Super proud on my achievement! I've seen two companies in my time with the DAW. So, I pray and wish the BANDLAB company can cross that bridge over to MAC soon - so that it can take over these record labels and major studio demands. I will obviously keep promoting this DAW to the youth on my side and keep fighting for them. It doesn't mean much, but . . . Thank you Cakewalk for wonderful years.
  16. Vote here on a request I did in June. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/30553-replace-samples/
  17. It's a bug. It comes and go every second project or so, but its there as you can see in the video attached. Same with the video that was deleted in the link.
  18. So this carried over to the 2021.09 Update. There's no indication if the clip is grooved. Link from the 2021.06 release. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/31280-202106-feedback/&do=findComment&comment=263420 Now in 2021.09 Groove Clip.mp4
  19. Dude, we have been telling you this how many times in the previous thread you had. ? Another issue I had figured out a couple weeks ago. I had gotten a new motherboard MSI MEG X570 Ace (Its for gaming, but I find it better suited for music creation) and all its ports are USB3.0 no 2.0 Ports on all 7 of them. I then ran into some data tranfer issues. So, I enabled my investigation mode and crawl under the desk to check my cables for wear and tears. All my cables said 2.0 cables: so I had to spend a little more and replaced them. Now, things run smooth and its a beast of a board. I'm a long way from the Max 128GB in ram it can take though.
  20. Will.

    I need ASIO4ALL

    The point is: You can only run one device on a dedicated ASIO driver. With Asio4All and Asio link and others alike - you get an open source emulation of an this. Yes, its a WDM wrapper, but with a touch advantage to it to run more than one budget interface on your system. And theres less than a handful of these devices that has a dedicated open source Asio driver.
  21. Why not just crop the clip to the section you want it?
  22. I too requested these pan pots cause it acts as a stereo to mono interleave and also narrow or widen the track, but was told i'm asking for a new plugin to be built. So we have to rely on plugins for this purpose.
  23. I get what you're saying/asking/requesting. In other words: The Mp3 ID3 option can just as well be added to the new EXPORT window and remove this final window entirely. So that means, if you choose any mp3 track tags it will automatically be added to these fields/columns? Make sense to have one window for this.
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