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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx


    Hi Lynn, Vocal stands out nicely as does the background accompaniments which you do so well. I was expecting the chorus a little earlier but that's just me. Well done. -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx


    I don't believe I've ever heard that spooky sine wavey thing before in the intro. Great transition to Berlin school! Liked that a lot. Great job on this one Wookie. -Bjorn
  3. Hey Steve, hearing your wonderful cover of this song brought back a lot of memories, some bad but mostly good. I checked out some of your other covers and I'm impressed by your talent and your not so common song subjects eg Willoughby. -Bjorn
  4. Ecstasy. (Hope that's not a forbidden word around here.) Ashokan Farewell does it to me every time. https://youtu.be/uZmxZThb084?si=wLmAv2RZHEDqo3mX
  5. Studio One 6.6 hangs when I open a project with Diva so I had to roll back SO to previous version. Apparently Scaler doesn't work either per Presonus forum discussion. U-He has updated version of Diva. I haven't tried it yet. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=603439
  6. Excellent work on this! -Bjorn
  7. Lynn, I always listen to your songs several times to appreciate the accompanying bits you do so well (and maybe steal them ?) No exception here and I agree with Daryl about the chorus which is still playing in my head hours later. Great job. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    Morning fog

    Serene and relaxing tune, well played. I enjoyed it a lot. -Bjorn
  9. Deleted User on Soundcloud told me he was confident he could get my track played on the radio within seven days. Also he promised me 205 new followers and 3300 listeners just by clicking on a link.
  10. Great guitar work as usual, Freddy. Love the do-wop back up singers too. -Bjorn
  11. I remember this one Steve. Got me all misty eyed then and all misty eyed now. -Bjorn
  12. Sounds really good Wookie! I'll have to check out that Moogerfooger plug in. I'd love to hear a future song featuring Z3TA+2, one of my favorite synths even after all these years. -Bjorn
  13. Jack: Thx for commenting. I think you're right on with the need for changes. Wookie: Good suggestion. Thanks. Ross: Thanks. I try to mix it up. Some styles work better than others.
  14. Just Around the Corner Another old song I got around to finishing. It's just a nice little melodic piece to lift the spirits. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  15. Sounds sad and mystical and at the same time puts me in a good mood. Nice job with the backing track (mandolin, whistle), and the vocalist really puts it all together well. -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx

    The Voyage

    Kind of a Celtic feel to it at the beginning. I liked the cinematic space music mood after that. Would make a nice soundtrack. -Bjorn
  17. Nice and smooth. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  18. Hi Nigel, The dark mood comes across really well in the lyrics and video but mostly in the bleak mood of the music. That woman on the cover really needs to see a dermatologist ? -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    War Money

    Whatever you did with the vocal works for me. I can make out the lyrics in this song as opposed to some of your others. Or maybe it's the new battery in my hearing aid. I like the song and the sentiment. Nice one Jack. -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx


    The spoken word format here works extremely well. Great job! -Bjorn
  21. Love it. I'm imagining myself cruising down a country road on a warm summer night. Really really nice vocal track. -Bjorn
  22. Thanks Jack! Old Joad, thanks for the nice comment. DaVinci Resolve makes special fx easy and fun.
  23. Love it! Once in a while I tune in to country radio and hear songs that are pretty much the same bland formula and instantly forgettable. I listened to your song a while ago and I can still hear it because of the melody, chords and lyrics. IDK maybe a catchy melody is considered too corny for air time nowadays? -Bjorn
  24. Just A Dream Kind of a trippy video. Thanks for watching/commenting -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx

    Love is Real

    The link worked for me.
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