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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx


    Kakku Yep, very Kakku song. Lots of changes in there. That bell like synth sound at the very beginning seemed perfect in a song about summer, but the bass kind of overpowered it. Cool song.
  2. David I like it. The horns at the beginning bring up a picture to me of a busy major city street. Reminds me of 70s cop shows with the jazzy background music. Doing jazz isn't easy and I think you did a great job with the composition. Might be too episodic at this point but I'm guessing it's more a work in progress.
  3. amiller Thanks. Appreciate the listen. Tom I tried lots of different violin and string vsts and they all sounded too much like violins - that kind of scratchy sound they make that I don't like. The factory violin in Kontakt sounded pretty good to me. Gonna try using straight ahead synth sound instead as per Daryl's suggestion below. JohnB Thanks for listening and commenting. Daryl Thanks. See my comment to Tom above.
  4. bjornpdx

    A New Day

    douglas vocal is really good as expected and I thought you did very well with the piano. this song isn't up to the level of the others you've posted I think because this one's not quite as melodic. something like that not sure.
  5. Piano is a bit mechanical sounding you always do wonderful things with the guitar cool that you recorded the storm and used it in the song
  6. Got it and got it going now. Thanks for the tip about updating biab to latest build.
  7. Daryl I always like what you do with your lyrics. In the 1st verse: "You've changed" in line 1 Then: "It's strange" in line 2. And then Shame/blame. Being the lyrics guy I am I'd suggest that same kind of rhyme in verse 2. Except for that nit I enjoyed the song quite a lot.
  8. Thanks Rik I did have it as an oboe and harp at one time and it almost worked IMO. I should look at that again.
  9. Rik You posted a Django song a while ago and mentioned his finger injuries. Didn't know that you too have those issues and despite that you play really well! Excellent sound! I have this pattern of learning the guitar and then quitting, then starting over again 15 years later. So I restarted again a couple of months ago and it's coming along. My goal is to play Creole Bell like how Mississippi John Hurt played it. Listening to you and all the other great players around here is an inspiration.
  10. A work in progress. I like the melody but the arrangement could be a lot better. I wrote this a few years ago with a flute and guitar instruments but I decided to change to violin and piano which sounded better to me. The piano part isn't how a piano is usually played I guess. I used the violin and concert grand instruments from the Kontakt Factory Library so nothing fancy there. Thanks for listening.
  11. You captured that bouncy spirit of summer sound very well. I thought the vocal was good and the song itself worthy of more development.
  12. John, Yeah lo-fi I guess, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a really nice song. Way better than what I was doing back then. Great guitar playing too. Back in the late 80s I used my home stereo and a cassette recorder to record my music. I didn't do anything that required a mic like sing or play guitar. Had my Atari 1040ST with Dr T KCS and Ensoniq ESQ-M. Eventually I transferred all the tapes to wav files and I listen to them now and then, mostly when I'm feeling nostalgic.
  13. The PDX in my user name is the airport code for Portland, Oregon. I use that so I can be distinguished from all the other Bjorns around here.
  14. bjornpdx

    Valse a deux,

    Rik I really enjoyed listening to your excellent playing. I had never heard of Django's injury before. Boy, there's an inspirational story!
  15. I hate it when that happens. Ouch! ?
  16. Jesse Thanks for the comment. Always amazing how advanced our science is and yet our basic human nature remains the same. Kenny Thanks. There's a lot of free video stock out there which I used for the 1st time in this project. Really would like to create my own - flying asteroids and swirly colors and such - but the software to do those effects are kinda $$$. Grem One of the radio stations in town used to play a space music program late at night which was called Hearts of Space. I think they're still around. Hmmm maybe they take submissions.. Larry This thread turned into Physics 101 but I'm glad it did b/c it made me go back and make sure I didn't have the wrong concept all these years. Freddy Thanks again! Paul Thank you! Douglas Yep, Carl Sagan was one of my heroes back then. Still is I guess.
  17. David Since I'm always midi correcting my playing I thought I could spot the "cheat" you mentioned. Nope. Superb composition. You have a really nice touch which demonstrates the importance of dynamics in a performance.
  18. Magnetic Resistance Could be soundtrack for soothing video but also stands on its own Very cool Fx on Resurrection. Mind sharing what software you used?
  19. RS Cain I'm not familiar with that particular song but I could tell it was a Steely Dan song just a couple of measure in. Agree on the guitar tone. Real nice!
  20. Thanks Larry. As usual, Magix never sends me these announcements.
  21. Larry, GPS satellites are about 12,500 miles above the earth and Sirius XM satellites about 22,000 miles. There's no atmosphere up there. Amateur radio operators routinely bounce radio waves off the moon in a technique called EME (earth-moon-earth). It's not easy but they do it. The Hubble telescope is about 340 miles above the earth. It's there because the images are much clearer above the atmosphere. I'm citing those things as real world examples of radio communications through a vacuum. If light can move through the depths of space then radio waves can too since they're both forms of electromagnetism. Same speed but different frequencies. And radio waves can be modulated to send information so that's how that image from Voyager 1 came into being. I'm no rocket scientist either but smarter people than me have made these discoveries and I have no reason to disbelieve them.
  22. Jesse This is the best song I've heard from you. Great interplay of whatever you did with the vocal track and sterling drums. Really like the drums.
  23. Joad Thanks for listening. You can always enjoy the space music induced flashbacks. Kakku Thanks amiller Glad you mentioned the transition. I worked on that a lot and it's still not quite there yet imo. Larry Thanks. You can indeed send electromagnetic waves through the vacuum of space. Local examples would be GPS satellites and Sirius XM radio signals. Ones and zeros sent in patterns at the speed of light and then decoded at the user's end. This stuff just boggles my mind and yet I take it all for granted.
  24. You guys play really well together esp considering the intricate arrangement of the song. Well done.
  25. I posted this a while ago. I made quite a few changes then turned it into an audio track for a space video. The video is a bunch of NASA images and some free video clips from pixabay.com. Omnisphere Z3TA Arturia Modular V3 (great synth for space music) Zebra Diva Thanks for listening.
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