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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Douglas I checked out your Soundclick page and listened to a few more of your songs (you have a lot of songs!) and I found myself wanting to hear a little more variety. You've nailed that rock/pop genre and I like everything you've done there, but it would be cool to hear, for example, a 12 bar blues number from you. Just something a little different.
  2. John I was trying to imagine what it was like to record that song during the grieving process. Not sure I could do it. Kudos to you for having the strength to so. I thought the vocal was quite good actually and not rough at all.
  3. Definitely not what I usually listen to, but I did like it once I got into it, that didgeridoo (?) sound especially. You can make some creative sounds with Native Instruments Absynth or Reaktor (Prism, Razor, etc) which might be of interest to you.
  4. Great video and song! You had me smiling the whole way through.
  5. Coolest thing NASA has ever done, except for all those images of galaxies and stuff. Hey, Ian Anderson is still alive
  6. bjornpdx

    Halloween Night

    I made a few small changes to the Halloween song I posted last year. Now it's 50% more scary! Thx for comments.
  7. Kenny I enjoyed listening to your song quite a lot. To me it has that melancholic homesick mood to it which you captured quite well. I downloaded the backing track you mentioned and I'm going to play around with it. Also, in the SC photo, are you standing in front of a mural somewhere in Portland, OR? Pretty sure I've seen that somewhere.
  8. Tim Kind of classical meets space music? I can hear a story developing right from the start, complete with dramatic pauses. Love the interplay of instruments as the melody develops.
  9. Lynn I was starting to wonder where you went! Glad you're back with another thought provoking tune. That little piano run works really well between the phrases. The more I listened the more I liked the arrangement of the song too. Well done Lynn.
  10. amiller A busy mix but it works. The change-ups surprised me and that's a good thing. And again, great guitar work.
  11. bjornpdx

    Blind Boy Blues

    Rik Love that slow blues style. I think you squeezed every ounce of expressiveness possible out of that guitar! Really really nice. Wish you all the best.
  12. Sorry, that wasn't quite right what I said. I meant the creator, Paul Schilling, used Arturia Jup-8 V and Modular V, to create the sounds for Analog Lab. I have Arturia's latest Collection and find myself using Modular most of the time. It's really good at getting that spacey TD, Klaus Schulze kind of sound.
  13. bjornpdx


    David The horns sound really good, like the real thing to my ears. I thought you got the dynamics and expressiveness down. Hard to do with brass (I've tried) Well I don't understand how the piece is inventive but I'm just the listener. If I were the composer and really into classical I'd likely appreciate all the nuances. Wondering how it would sound as a guitar solo which you say it was originally. You're probably aware of websites where you can download public domain classical mid files. Here's one I've used: kunstderfuge.com
  14. Eve The song just sounds good to me over all. Very professional. Couldn't make out most of the lyrics but that's probably just me.
  15. Douglas Boy I really like your guitar track. Very nice. Vocal is very good too as usual. I found myself wanting an earlier break from the drawn out lyrics, but that's a matter of taste. Some of your music seems to be in the 60s-70s era, you know back when music was good. ? And so are your songs.
  16. Dr Hash Not familiar with the song or with Kiss either but I really like your version. Well done on the usual guitars and bass but there's more stuff going on in there which gives the song more depth. Great vocals and nice job all around.
  17. I have the Tangerine Dream tribute which is really good and some of the arps are maybe too good. They sound really close to the familiar tracks of the original TD albums, but you can twirl some knobs and make them different. The guy who programmed those is very talented and nice to know that he used Analog Lab to come up with them.
  18. bjornpdx


    Moodscape music that you have to dedicate a little time to listen to. Good fusion (I guess you'd call it) of classical and ambient genres. The free instruments sound really good. I wanted that wobbly synth to fade out a bit while the strings opened up more but that's just me. Nicely done.
  19. John I always listen carefully to your songs because I like how you do the accompaniments - esp the piano and bass. Nice interaction there with the vocal, filling in at the right times. Like you I write music for the fun of it. Guess you could call it a hobby but it seems more than that.
  20. Daryl Absolutely love the lyrics. Wonderful word play and rhythm and great story. "Will you still love me when we meet for real." ? Mrs Daryl's voice could be raised a bit in volume but that's about all I can nitpick. Great stuff.
  21. One of those songs totally out of my experience so kind of hard to comment, but I thought the overall mix is very good. Definitely a dance-able beat. I was trying to figure out the "Africa" in the title but not sure if that's in the vocal part or in the drum track?
  22. bjornpdx

    Swedish Song

    Thanks every one. I appreciate all the comments. @DeeringAmps (Tom) The reverb is part of Efimov acoustic guitar. I think Ilya Efimov's vst's don't get as much interest as they should. He has some great stuff.
  23. Nigel You got your sentiment across very well in the video and lyrics. The vocalist's performance is excellent. Life in Africa depends on whoever is in control and some of the leaders have been beyond despotic. Much of the continent is beautiful - the landscape and the people so it's especially tragic when an oppressive government takes over.
  24. Thanks everyone for watching and commenting on the video. @David Baay Yeah, I agree on the sync. I had the vocal synced to the beat on earlier versions but it just sounded too robotic to me. So I eased off on that and went for a more narrator style which went too far the other way. But it was getting late so I declared it done. ? So far my impressions of DaVinci Resolve are positive. The workflow takes a little getting used to and some of the keyboard commands are different from Vegas and Premiere. You can do pretty much everything in the free version. (Can't believe it's free!) The paid version costs $299 and updates are free. Rendering is fast and the results are very good. About the only negative for me (but a big one) is the inability to have the edit window on a 2nd monitor in full screen view like you can in Vegas. Don't quite understand the reason - has to do with inaccurate colors on the 2nd monitor which I'm not that concerned with when I'm just cropping video clips. Anyway there's a rumor that an upcoming update will allow previewing on another monitor.
  25. Wookie Boy that sounds like the music I was doing around that time. "Dripples" could have been a preset making those drippy sounds? Very relaxing and enjoyable. Thanks for posting.
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