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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Tom I really wanted a lead instrument to come in around 2:40 Bass sounds very good, stands out clearly. Good interplay with the bass and drums. Seemed like the volume wasn't consistent
  2. Wow this is nice. There's a little hesitation in spots but doesn't distract. I like the little embellishments here and there which make a big difference in the performance.
  3. bjornpdx

    Tamiami Trail

    Wow there's a blues song for you. Someone mentioned toe tapper, and that it is. 0:20 great driving bass line Never would have guessed Tamiami is pronounced like it is.
  4. I don't think I've ever heard this genre on the forum before. Can't call it a blues song cause the bouncy tune put me in a good mood. Very inventive to say the least. Could be background music in a Betty Boop cartoon (and there's a cultural reference you don't see every day)
  5. Wookiee A little more introspective than your others. I like the kind of mystical quality to it. Is there a z3ta+ synth in there? I missed that part where you had surgery? Which explains the cone comments. Wish you the best.
  6. I'm going to forward all the nice comments to Aunt Betty. I just know they'll put a smile on her face. Thanks everyone.
  7. US Army here. '68-'71 Spent a couple years maintaining radar site on remote hilltop in Germany. Managed to avoid Vietnam.
  8. Bhav Not sure what genre it's in but I like it. Piano accom to poetry reading. You could almost cut everything else out and it would work. Well just my opinion. I use Nectar on my vocals (it's essential really) always high pass shelf up to about 150Hz then boost some of the mids. Doing that removes a lot of the roughness in my voice to the point of a near acceptable tone. And then there's Melodyne... Often I just give up and do the talk/sing thing.
  9. Bat Can you come over and show me how to play a guitar? Thanks. Excellent as always. Nothing else to say.
  10. FJ Pretty cool. Not like my recording sessions where I always worry if my neighbor will start up his lawnmower. She's an excellent vocalist.
  11. JB Only Time Seemed like a mismatch between the upbeat music and lyrics. But then nice transition at 1:17 with the brooding strings. Need more of that. Vocal is quite good. Not sure if that voc fx on "woe, woe" is really needed or what you were trying to do there. The rhyming and cadence are very good. I was confused about: "wish there was a way to leave you" implies you're still in the relationship "only time can heal me now" implies that relationship is over but the pain remains. Ominous: "something that I cling to" "Why would you care?" Overall, I did like the song quite a lot. I get the feeling that I might have missed something about the lyrics.
  12. bjornpdx

    Skin Tight

    Excellent production. Love the guitar solo and bass. Definitely an 80s tune. I kept hearing bits of Eleanor Rigby in there.
  13. bjornpdx


    Robert Bass and drums sound good. Nicely orchestrated but could use more structure. I'd suggest another lead instrument since the one in there now is kinda cheesy.
  14. bjornpdx


    David I was expecting something out of Hee Haw. Cool interaction of instruments, like they're talking to each other. Really liked the violin and harp around 1:22. I think I'd try a delay fx on the harp at the intro.
  15. Douglas I made a few notes while listening: All your songs have that ready for radio sound to it. Seemed like you could raise the key maybe a tone. I was waiting for more of a hook in the chorus to differentiate it from the verse. Actually I wanted more melodic element in the whole song, but I'm starting to recognize that's just me. Cool drum track. Excellent guitars as always. I'm using your tracks (and some others) to learn about accompaniments.
  16. Bob Aunt Betty liked the song a lot and that made the whole project worthwhile. ramscapri Thank you. Appreciate the listen and comment Douglas Thanks. Aunt Betty doesn't paint anymore because of her health, but in her time she was one of the best. Tom Thanks. Appreciate the comment. Gary The only kind of feeling I can express in my guitar playing is the happiness I feel when hitting the right note.
  17. Thanks David. Yeah, the guitars are all VSTs, mostly played into Cakewalk via keyboard and many edits in PRV. Vir2 Acou6tics and RealGuitar
  18. An Artist I made this video for my wife's aunt Betty on the occasion of Betty's 90th birthday. Betty is an accomplished artist so I put together a few of her paintings and used a poem she had written years ago for the lyrics. I had intended this to be a sing-along kind of a thing at her birthday party so the lyrics are superimposed on the video. Thanks for any watching/listening.
  19. Jesse Big thumbs up. Freddy expressed pretty much what I was thinking, esp about the rhythm and lead guitar parts.
  20. Bob Really cool intro. Love the sound you get out of that guitar. I know I've said it before but the whole production just sounds so professional.
  21. Paul Wow. Best song I've heard from you. Kind of old school pop tune. After listening for a while I was thinking that right here would be a perfect spot for strings, and there they were. Love the melody - it's stuck in my head now, probably all day. (That's a good thing.)
  22. Promising tune. I think it does need to be slowed down just a bit or you could rewrite the lyrics using fewer words. The guitar part is really nice.
  23. bjornpdx

    Rocky Flow

    Lovely sound. Excellent reverb/delays and pitch bends. Gave me a nice floating feeling.
  24. Very playful fun tune. I would try slowing down the tempo a bit and putting in a delay on the main instrument, synced to the host maybe 1/8. And when that doesn't work I'd go back to the original track. ? It does sound a little Asian, just a hint. Would be educational to find out what scale you're using.
  25. FJ, Tom Thanks for listening and for commenting Leizer I love Maj7 chords! But I didn't realize I'd put one in there. The creepy voice is one of the presets in u-he Zebra (agemo) Steve Yeah I guess that is Toccata and Fugue influenced. What else you gonna play on a pipe organ?
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