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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. The way country music should still sound like. You have all the elements in place esp your vocal. I appreciated the clarity of the lyrics - made it easy to appreciate them. Great job!
  2. You guys are really good. Great video, pretty cool watching you guys play together. Not being much of a guitar player myself, I don't know what a Kemper is and I always wonder how come the lead guitar player never needs a score sheet? ☺️
  3. Doug, The usual good instrumentation and production work, but this is one of the few songs of yours that doesn't quite work (for me anyway.) The spacing between words is too long IMO. Found myself wanting to jump in and sing the next bit of lyric. So I think the lyrics could use some tightening for better flow.
  4. Steve, You make some really good "exact" covers, this one and some others I've heard. Kinda curious how you go about doing it. I'm thinking something to do with equalizer profiles? Anyway, I enjoyed listening to your version.
  5. Jesse - the Experimental/Alternative sub-genre king! ☺️
  6. bjornpdx

    Miles To Go

    Noynekker - thanks for the comment. I've been to Vancouver and Victoria BC a few times and Quebec. One of these days I'll make it out to Alberta and Saskatchewan which aren't that far from where I live. Daryl, thanks. I'll take another look at the bass line. Paul G and Doug, Thanks for listening and commenting Paul B, thanks. I appreciate the strings suggestion.
  7. Lynn, Nigel and tom - Thank you!
  8. bjornpdx

    Miles To Go

    Miles To Go All MIDI. I'm getting around to finishing some old projects. I like Bolder Sound Fiddle and Indiginus The Steel. They're fairly easy to get the articulations you want and they sound pretty good too. Thanks for listening. NI Sunburst NI Strummed Acoustic 2 Indiginus The Steel Bolder Sound Fiddle 2 Addictive Drums NI Session Strings Ilya Efimov Modern Bass
  9. Daryl, You gave me a smile on a gloomy afternoon.
  10. Definitely the best song of yours I've heard so far. Man, I really like the driving beat underneath everything. Sort of gives me that passing of time kind of feeling. The lyrics are yours but they also nudge me into making my own associations with them. Very well done!
  11. I'm coming back as a house cat in my next lifetime for all those reasons in the song. Love the song and production of it. My only suggestion is the voc could use some thickening perhaps. Two thumbs up.
  12. I tend to start a song at too slow of a tempo which I don't even notice until someone points it out. And then like you said it makes a big difference to bump it up a few BPM. The lyrics seem like they relate to a real life event. I'm not sure what's going on but that just adds to the mystery and your voice fits the theme very well.
  13. Bapu Thanks. The lad seems to like monkeys. David Thanks. Yeah, silly lyrics = me. ☺️ Keven Thanks. It only seems that way. But some days... Daryl Thanks again for helping out, actually doing almost all of it. Sounds much better now! Wookie Thanks. Amusing R Us ☺️
  14. Took me a minute to get over my claustrophobia attack seeing that picture. Wow you guys know how to make a song sound Epic. Love the vocal delay and the guitar accomp and solo. Excellent drums. Very catchy chorus. Nicely done!
  15. Doug, once again I'm in awe of your guitar musicianship, song writing/arranging skills and also your prolific output. I'm thinking about all the work it takes from getting an idea then writing lyrics, chord progressions, etc etc, all of which you seem to have down with max efficiency.
  16. bjornpdx

    Sleepy Time

    Nice and calming. I agree with Barry above about adding more reverb on the gtr. Would make for even more of a dreamy mood.
  17. bjornpdx


    Paul, your songs have a distinctive character to them. This one has a catchy chorus and I like the vocal doubling there. I thought the voc could use bit more thickening, maybe bit more reverb or something? But well done song. Enjoyed it.
  18. David, I like this one esp the violin starting around 0:35. Very good orchestration throughout. -Bjorn
  19. Hidden Symmetry Thanks. Yeah, Daryl did a great job! Fred Thanks for listening and commenting. Jesse The chorus says it all - everything's okay as long as I have all this music inside. Doug and Tom Thanks. Appreciate the comments!
  20. I posted this a while ago. I decided to change some of the lyrics and have someone else sing. I asked Daryl (daryl1968) if he'd do a collab and he agreed. Thanks Daryl! The lyrics were funny when they left my house. Not responsible for what happens to them on their way to SoundCloud. Guess you could say it's been a bad day Since early this morning it's been that way Heard my baby say I love you madly But she was on the phone, she wasn't talking to me So we had us a mighty big fight she packed up her bags and drove out of sight I miss her already we've never been apart I hope she returns my Fender guitar Well I'm out of granola, out of beer and gin The garbage disposal ate my phone again Went looking for my shoes and I stepped on a tack the ceiling's falling down and that rash is coming back chorus Guess you could say it's been a bad day But I'll take all the lemons and make some lemonade Don't worry about me, Gonna be just fine So long as I got all this music inside My shirts are dirty and the washer doesn't work my computer got a virus went completely berserk The raccoons are back, they're living in the attic hey take a look at this do you think it's infected my doctor left a message, wants to see me he said don't drive yourself over come by ambulance instead The raccoons left the attic now they're living in the den And down in the basement, the surf is up again Big altercation at the Dew Drow Inn Fists were flying, the cops rushed in I got the call at two in the morning Had to bail my mother out of jail again chorus
  21. Kevin, Doug, Freddie - Thanks for listening and commenting Bajan - Klaus Schulze is one of my all time heroes. Glad there's another fan here. Steve - I used to only do spacey stuff like this. You'd think arps and drones would be easy but they're not.
  22. Barry Your music always takes me back a few years, back to when music was good. I like how you're not quite rock/pop and not quite country either IMO. Professional caliber singing and playing like others have mentioned. I do agree with Allan above though about the lyrics. You wouldn't be wondering how she felt about you if you're sleeping on the floor. I think the clues about her not loving you should maybe be more subtle. But just my 2 pennies.
  23. Yeah, very nice tune for your daughter's wedding. I was reading the poem without the music and wondering how I would have fit the words in a song. Did you write the melodic part for the singer or did she improvise it? -Bjorn
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