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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I'm picturing chipmunks on a merry-go-round eating beans and cheese. ?
  2. Lynn, I like the crease in time concept. Vocal is all your own and is also outstanding. There's a lot going on in the background and maybe bit too much? Rockin' guitar - I'm jealous. -Bjorn
  3. Cool video Sounds like they're in the same room. Your better half has a terrific voice!
  4. Wookie, really like the bass that starts 0:25 and the whirlies at 1:30 You always inspire me ... let's see, I have a vocoder around here somewhere (NI The Mouth?)
  5. End of a Long Year I used only Z3TA+ in this project. I tried for some Vangelis pitch bends but not sure if they worked so well, but I like them. Thanks for listening and any comments.
  6. I like the Celtic sound of this song. From the description I take it you're using real instruments? Very good performance. Kind of wanted more bass but I'm being too picky probably. Good job!
  7. bjornpdx


    Kurt, I really like the crunchy guitar playing a middle east scale which isn't the instrument usually heard for that genre, but it works. There were a couple of phrases that could be varied some IMO but overall it sounds good and also a bit exotic.
  8. I really like the vocal and the treatment you put on it. . Great mix, very full sound with maybe 3 or 4 instrument tracks? Overall very good job on this!
  9. I like this very much. You guys work together very well ?
  10. Kind of a 50s homage with the vocal harmonies and even a doo-wop in there. Nice melody and lyics and very clear vocal which I appreciate.
  11. bjornpdx


    Well what else can I say? Just another great song, both in writing and performance. ?
  12. I'm not seeing Sound Forge, Zynaptiq or the Boris fx at that link?
  13. I picked up the Pigments sounds a couple months ago. Very good! Based on that I bought a couple Omnisphere sound sets today. Also impressive. Thanks again Larry.
  14. Hits the emotions and it's melodic. Also very nice piano performance! Yeah, way better to fit the images to the score than vice versa. I like the Ctl+Z bit in the video. Wouldn't that be nice?
  15. The lyrics have a lot of meaning for me. The style of your music (someone mentioned Steely Dan) is intricate and weaves in and out. Something I wouldn't attempt but you do it well. I enjoyed your muse inspired creation.
  16. bjornpdx

    Free Flight

    Well, I'll just second all the comments above. I think I've seen a couple of other videos of yours. Great video and it's pretty cool to see you guys playing.
  17. Man, you are a crooner for sure. I don't have any suggestions, just compliments on a job well done.
  18. Ah yes seems like I remember something about that the last time. Thanks!
  19. I just downloaded v2.2 and it's 909,767KB file . Name of file is Scaler-2.2.0.pkg. I don't think I've ever seen a .pkg extension before so kinda leery clicking on it. v2.1 was the standard .exe file.
  20. Sounds good like electronics should and some melody too. Nice transition effects here and there too. On to part 3!
  21. bjornpdx

    Hate Me

    I like the added synth which brought the song up a notch or two. Lyrics could be tightened up. Noticed the TH-U listed in a previous song of yours so I bought it (on sale). Way more than what I need but very cool in the right hands. I ain't there yet.
  22. bjornpdx


    Doug, I like your guitar melodic parts and fills and accompaniment bits. I always learn something from them. And I've always liked all the songs of yours I've heard over the years (years? I guess so). Just a suggestion though to maybe change the format a bit? Nothing at all wrong with what you're doing. Just wanted to suggest you could shake it up some.
  23. I listened thru headphones. I don't always trust my aging ears to make comments but anyway... Overall a very good production with an engaging melody. The strong lead voc is impressive but the lyrics seemed to get drowned out in places eg ~1:15 (however that could just be me.) -Bjorn
  24. bjornpdx


    Love the spacey sound - the sci-fi feel you mentioned. Not sure if the silent parts worked but that's ok. Good job.
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