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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Beautiful song, especially when the theme starts up with that wonderful guitar at 1:45. -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx

    Europa - video

    Europa is the smallest of the Galilean moons of Jupiter, and is also the one most likely conducive to supporting life. I got most of the images and video clips from Pixabay and some I bought at iStock. I Photoshopped a couple of scenes together making Iceland a moon of Jupiter. This project started off as music, but as the story line developed the soundtrack became more tied in to the video. Not sure if I can call it a story line since I made it up as I went along, one thing suggesting another. The ending is pretty much what you want it to mean. I had to read the manual for DaVinci Resolve for some of the FX. I just barely scratched the surface for all that this program can do. Thanks for watching/listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  3. I think you should leave out the "Early Retirement" from the name of the song. 'Cause you have the "Maybe you should think about..." several times in the beginning but I already know what's going to follow that because it's in the title of the song. And then after that you could come up with other things one should think about. Well, just a suggestion. -Bjorn
  4. Doug, I'm always impressed with your arrangements, not to mention the excellent guitar playing. I almost didn't recognize your voc because of whatever treatment you have on that track. Or I just need to adjust my hearing aids. Whatever, great job on this one. -Bjorn
  5. Beautiful melodic flow to this one Jerry. The oboe has an engaging quality to it that I like a lot. -Bjorn
  6. Beautiful haunting song Treesha. Love how you composed a song from the story and perhaps kept the memory of that event alive. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx


    Pretty cool. I've done a few of these old movie clip projects. Fun to do. Guessing you did the background music? -Bjorn
  8. I still have Transfusion by Nervous Norvus on one of my playlists. -Bjorn
  9. Best song of yours ever Freddy! Love the No,no,no don't call my wife bit. Great job on BG vocals too. -Bjorn
  10. If you're in a bad mood, just watch this bass player. The smile at the end is a joy to behold.
  11. Love the accompanying bits in the background. Nicely arranged. Couldn't make out a lot of the lyrics tho. I'll add this one on my list of your top 5. -Bjorn
  12. Steve, I like it. Very playful sliding notes. Has that distinctive Xmas music sound starting ~0:50. Fun project. -Bjorn
  13. Wookie, I always try to guess how you're going to change up the pattern in the next measure. Sometimes I get it, usually I don't. I found myself expecting the tempo to gradually increase in this one, faster and faster and then boom the gas giant explodes. But that's just me. ? -Bjorn
  14. There are songs that have a certain something in them that just hits my brain in the right spot. Could be a chord or a riff or whatever, can't really explain it. This is one of those songs. I really like it. -Bjorn
  15. Cool song! Tight arrangement. I could have used this when driving in Scotland a few years ago. "stay to the left...." -Bjorn
  16. Pro quality production. Sounds great. I could listen to this for hours. -Bjorn
  17. Not familiar with Tallis or choral music in general. Interesting how different a song can sound when performed with different instruments. Well done! -Bjorn
  18. Tom, your video productions keep getting better and better. Your video fx are really creative, they go well with the music and most of all they're not excessive. Some guy named Walt Collins left some nice comments on my Soundcloud page a while ago. Thanks Walt! Love the guitar work on this track. Very very nice. -Bjorn
  19. Or you could download the original Dracula movie from the Prelinger Archives and fix the audio yourself. Or add your own suspenseful music soundtrack since there isn't one in the movie.
  20. bjornpdx


    antler, Andy, Paul, Jack C, Larry T - Thanks for the comments. Appreciate it. Nigel - Thanks. I don't think my moons will be colliding into Wookie's gas giant for another billion years or so. Musekamp - The guitar is an Omnisphere patch "Glorious Steel" with a bunch of reverb. David - I didn't think of Pink Floyd and you may be right. Yeah, I like to put in pitch bends for interest. Wookie - Thanks so much. Seems like assigning myself a project like this keeps me motivated.
  21. bjornpdx

    Blue guitar

    Very nice. I like the melody which needs some lyrics I think. -Bjorn
  22. Jesse, master of the Alternative - Experimental genre. -Bjorn
  23. Paul You definitely have the 80s sound there. Love the lyrics! Kinda describes that giddy feeling at the beginning of a relationship that changes once you realize (s)he's not at all like you imagined. -Bjorn
  24. The horns bring out the power which fits the title. I like the playful back and forth of the horns. Very nice, enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  25. First thing I always think when I hear one of your songs - "this guy is freakin' good" The song grabs you from the get go. Love that chord or whatever it is about 0:10 and elsewhere. Boy I really liked this one Mark. Gonna have to find a horse barn plugin now. -Bjorn
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