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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. The birth and death and maybe re-birth of the universe in under five minutes. Using DaVinci Resolve with some video clips from Pixabay and iStock. Soundtrack NI Reaktor Kontakt Rise and Hit Arturia CS-80 Air Music Hybrid Omnisphere Cherry Audio Memorymode Thanks for watching/commenting. -Bjorn
  2. Outstanding video and music! I can only imagine the work that went into its production. -Bjorn
  3. Guitar accompaniment is very good and vocal is outstanding as usual. Tempo seems a little slow to my ear. Great job Rex -Bjorn
  4. Very heavenly music. Appropriate reverb and delay for ambient genre. A flute would fit in there nicely. Reminds me of Brian Eno in places. Nicely done. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx

    Experi Mental

    I never know what to expect from you Jack. Creative use of fun sounds in this one which I enjoyed listening to. Only crit I have is that it's a bit repetitive in places. -Bjorn
  6. You nailed that epic cinematic sound for sure. Great job! -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx

    Europa - video

    Makke, Antler - Thanks. Appreciate it. Andrew - I like the Jarre reference. One of my favorite musicians. Daryl - I think the lines that look like roads are cracks in the ice that covers the moon. Thanks for listening and commenting. -Bjorn So after a week I listened to it again and now I'm thinking meh. Gonna have to do some editing.
  8. Very nice. I like it. Kind of inspires me to come up with some melody bits to lay on top. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx


    Dreamy. Sounds good. One thing that kinda stuck out though: ~2:30 sudden volume change in the right channel. But could be just me and my ears. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx


    Nice vid David. The smiley face dancer reminded me of Twin Peaks. You're using DaVinci Resolve I think. -Bjorn
  11. Une très belle chanson. Le chanteur chant fort bien. Il se peut que la voix soit un peu trop forte dans le mélange. Je crois que je reculerais pas mal sur la réverbération. J'aime la chanson. Merci de l'avoir postée. Beautiful song. The vocalist is very good. Vocal seems a little too loud in the mix. I think I would back off on the reverb quite a lot. I like the song. Thanks for posting. -Bjorn
  12. Drums are really good. Love the subtle bass. The vocalist steals the show. Great job! -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx

    East Bay Ray

    Sounds good to me. Cool video though I didn't understand where it was going, but that's okay. -Bjorn
  14. Doug Well crafted song as usual. Love the little bits in the background like the accompanying guitar riffs. Wish you well deserved success. -Bjorn
  15. Love the moodiness the music gives to the video. Excellent choice of chords and pacing to this. -Bjorn
  16. Nicely done Larry. Fits the genre perfectly. Simple and clear as you mentioned above. -Bjorn
  17. The music and images make for a great and somewhat disturbing Halloween video. Didn't really understand the story, but that's okay. -Bjorn
  18. That rezzy main instrument sounds good. Seemed more like a bassline than a lead, but it works very well. Nicely done. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    Europa - video

    Steve - thanks! I think this was the best video I've done in a while. Doug - thanks for watching and commenting. Larry T - Thanks. I didn't start off with the monolith in mind. Just sort of developed. Noynekker - Thanks. I had a more musical score at first but it became more sound effects after several edits. David - Choosing a synth is becoming harder since I have so many now. Used to be I only had two or three hardware synths with all the MIDI cables.
  20. bjornpdx

    Secret Mission

    Secret Agent Man vibe. I like your compositions Makke and your playing. -Bjorn
  21. Took a little too long to get to the main verse and there's a lot of measures where nothing happens. Otherwise, promising song. You're really prolific. Are these songs you've put aside for a while and now finishing up? -Bjorn
  22. Mark, well I don't have any suggestions. Just thought I'd say say that I tuned in, listened and liked it. Thumbs up. -Bjorn
  23. Daryl, glad you're back! Pretty cool to collab with your son. Hope you stay off your ****. -Bjorn
  24. Great song, Lynn. Arrangement is really good and the organ fits in very well. Really like the female voices in the BG too. Good work on this one. -Bjorn
  25. Beautiful song, especially when the theme starts up with that wonderful guitar at 1:45. -Bjorn
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