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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Couple of people mentioned the guitar riff and I totally agree. Just four notes (maybe five) and varied a little bit but they added so much to the overall mood. -Bjorn
  2. Thanks Wookie, I appreciate the comment mark I used the Boulder sound fiddle which I really like. Lots of useful articulations. Tim, it gets to be a challenge finding just the right video clips at the free video stock websites. I've had to resort to paying for them and they're not cheap! Thanks Doug, I appreciate the listen and happy new year to you too! Larry T - Thank you! Appreciate it. Paul B - Thanks! Appreciate it. Steve - I was trying for a nostalgic bit of day dreaming and the first thing I thought of was a couple of kids running in a golden field and it surprised me that there are a lot of video clips with just that theme. The kid with the airplane fit in with the dreamy premise too. I ran out of clips so used some of my own that didn't work quite as well. tom, Thanks again for the comments. Appreciate it. David, thanks so much for the kind words.
  3. Great lyrics tom! I was down that road myself once, a hard lesson learned. I really like how you make the lyrics sound like what they mean. Nice job over all. -Bjorn
  4. Well I was thinking it was a bit repetitive at first but I got into it. Kinda hypnotic you could say. The female whispers are very effective. Nice! Reminds me of Heavenly Music Corporation (which no one has ever heard of). -Bjorn
  5. Mark and et al, just an excellent production all around. Can't think of anything else to say except you guys are good. -Bjorn
  6. "Chill" is right. Really like the mood of the piece, like everything has slowed down as winter takes over and you have to adjust yourself to the season. The static at the end brought to mind some lonely guy stuck in a cabin trying to tune in a radio to hear a human voice. Well, probably just me thinking that. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx

    Ocean Blvd.

    I played this one three times back to back and liked it more each time. Just beautiful. I wanted to hear that last note at the end linger a bit longer like Mark said above. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    New Year Jazz

    Tim, I'm always impressed by improvisational playing and you did a great job here. The piece fit the holiday just right. -Bjorn
  9. You won't really feel old until that day the sweet young employee at the music store calls you "sir." Ouch. Happy Birthday Larry.
  10. Day Dreaming Afternoon This is a video using a song I wrote a few months ago. I downloaded some video clips from Pixabay and iStock and used some of my own. This is the 1st time I've uploaded a 4K video. Let me know if you have any problems with it. My laptop stumbled a bit near the beginning but OK after that. Thanks for watching/commenting. -Bjorn
  11. Just taking notes while listening: The first 20 sec hooked me. Put me in mind of something Eno might do. Seemed like the mood changed around 1:20. Bass track is very good. Holds things together well. I like the Mobius strip artwork. -Bjorn
  12. This one caught me by surprise, Doug. More orchestral than your usual and it works very well. I like it! Well done. Hope you have a good new year. -Bjorn
  13. I know exactly how you feel, Jerry. I wrote a song a few years ago expressing about the same. In the daylight you think about those things on an intellectual level but at 3am they're gut level terrifying. All the best to you in the new year. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    A Dead Star

    Wonderful procession of sounds Wookie. Yeah, more soundscape than tuneful, but still captivating. Modular and CS80 are my fav Arturia vsts. I'm liking Cherry Audio MemoryMood a lot.
  15. bjornpdx


    I feel like I'm repeating myself here Steve but you really do get the emotion across in your music. Just listening closely I can pick out all the little things in the background that contribute to that emotion coming out. Very well done. -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx


    Too personal for me to post but I appreciate your interest David. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx

    Io - video

    Io This is the last video of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter. The video was supposed to be about Io, but I got carried away with FX in DaVinci Resolve. Omnisphere Kontakt Analog Dreams Pigments u-He Ace Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx


    David, hearing your beautiful song, Franny, inspired me to post my song, Memorial. -Bjorn
  19. Gary, if you were going for a 40s crooner sound you nailed it. I love your version of White Christmas. How did you do the backing vocals? Oh and I like the snowmen too.
  20. Calming beautiful music. Good job on this. -Bjorn
  21. Yes! A lot of my songs turn into crap overnight. ? There's a music group where I live that plays instruments from Renaissance times, even the sackbut that David mentioned. Anyway, very nice composition, Tim. The flute and guitar play off each other well. You might be interested in an Indiginus Vst called Renaxxane which is a nylon guitar that has a Renaissance vibe to it. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx


    Every time I hear a guitar tremolo lately I think of Makke. Nice comp and playing as always. -Bjorn
  23. Sounds good, Doug. Your songs always have the professional touch to them. -Bjorn
  24. bjornpdx


    Thanks Treesha. I do appreciate the comment. -Bjorn
  25. Jerry, I don't know if I'll live long enough to see a word builder program work well enough to be truly useful. What you've done here is a nice workaround. It's true enough (for me especially) that it's hard to understand lyrics sung by a choir in a setting such as a church. But as I listened to your choir while following along with the printed lyrics it seemed like I was distinctly hearing every word. Nice. And excellent composition as always. -Bjorn
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