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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Milton Sica With which plugins specifically? If you can provide a test project for us to verify it will be useful.
  2. As I clarified in my PM there is no one size fits all solution. There are known cases with major vendors where running vst2 and vst3 versions side by side cause crashes. So the default is set to favor VST3 migration. Note that migration ONLY occurs if it is explicitly supported by the vendor so it the vendor doesn't want this to happen they should not allow it. This is not a new behaviour and has been in place since 2013
  3. >>5 - Unhandled errors and heap corruption is detected (Default) @Colin Nicholls What is your exception handling level set to? In 155 it defaults to 5 if you haven’t set it. You can try setting it back to 7 to catch even more unhandled exceptions.
  4. @Milton Sica Are you sure about this? There is no cost unless of course an error occurs. Have you tried it with a setting of 5 instead of 1? 5 will at least detect heap corruption. Please check and let me know if you can actually demonstrate a slowdown by timing it or posting a video. I’ve not noticed any slowdowns with many plugins.
  5. This is the most likely culprit. Did you recently reformat your hard drive or disable short file names in the file system using some “optimizer”?
  6. Thats not far fetched. We should throw a warning to confirm if export length exceeds some reasonable size.
  7. @Alvaro Diez Cakewalk is not extending the project duration. Some event such as a tempo event or an envelope node got added (likely a bug) as a result of some operation. If you send your cwp file we can tell you what the issue is and how to fix it.
  8. @Skyline_UK you can just send the cwp file. The audio isn't relevant to this issue.
  9. This is unlikely to have anything to do with updating. Have you checked what the duration of the project you are uploading is? The exported region is shown in the dialog title bar. Sometimes projects have an automation node or event far in the future causing it to try and render a very long file.
  10. If it fails to open (or close) capture a dump file from task manager and send us a link. That will show why its hanging. Instructions for capturing a crash dump manually are in the FAQ and my signature.
  11. Its not abnormal for the module to be a different file because a single plugin may reference multiple dlls depending on what operations are done. In the latest update I've improved the reporting so that the main plugin name will be displayed in the crash dialog. The latest release added more extensive error handling which may be why you saw this error.
  12. Sorry that you are having trouble. From your post it would appear that you aren't actually running the Cakewalk by BandLab program which is not a web application. You maybe referring to the BandLab web app which is completely different. To install Cakewalk you have to install it via BandLab assistant from here: After installing the latest version if you still have trouble post here and someone will help you. You can also contact Cakewalk support. It may be clearer if you post some screenshots of your problems. PS: this forum is only for the Desktop application. For help with the web applications please contact BandLab support directly.
  13. Hi Philip, I'm glad that you were able to get your original issue resolved. If there is a bug in the spitfire instruments causing them to crash there isn't much we can do to solve that. You will have to work with them to rectify the issue. In the latest early access release I dialled back some of the stricter error handling. If Cakewalk is closing that means the error is not being trapped. You can turn on the strict error reporting and it should locate the crash and give you an error message. To do that: Open preferences | File | Initialization file and add this: Option: ExceptionHandlingSeverity Value: 7 Set it and restart the app and load the instrument again. If you get a crash message send the details.
  14. @SteenE I PM'ed you a link to a build with some extra information. Can you please check it and PM me your findings.
  15. @SteenE Did it actually upload the project however despite the error message? It looks like you ran into some sort of boundary condition where the back end returned an error we weren't expecting. The fact that you got the toast that it uploaded successfully seems to indicate that we think it was successful but an unexpected status code was returned. Is this happening on any project you try and upload? If so I'll send you a build that reports the status code and we can see why its happening.
  16. Its linked in the error dialog itself. For more information read the problem reporting link in my signature
  17. @greg54 Which version of Waves? Have you tried it with this build? If so please send the dump file.
  18. Perhaps you should contact iZotope about performance issues with their plugins. We can't solve those.
  19. @Thomas Roller Where did you get this information from EastWest?
  20. John ASIO is not an option when using USB input only devices. It should be fine to use WASAPI in this scenario. If there is a problem we need to fix it not work around it.
  21. @immrama technically the issue is masked Only Motu would be able to actually fix the underlying problem which was flagged with the higher ExceptionHandlingSeverity. But its good that the problem is resolved for you.
  22. @Fabio Rubato please try the build we posted yesterday that has relaxed some of the error checking. This should resolve your issue if it worked in the prior release. This doesnt fix the crash which is in the iZotope code but will mask the error most likely. You should send them the dump file for them to analyze. Insight crash: Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA685E5AD1 (kernel32.dll) in Untitled_05062021_154914.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. > kernel32.dll!IsBadReadPtr() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for iZInsight.dll] Annotated Frame iZInsight.dll!000000003892251a() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. The waves error is also similar. I will pass this on to them for debugging. Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA685E5AD1 (kernel32.dll) in Untitled_05062021_155320.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000130. > kernel32.dll!IsBadReadPtr() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for WavesLib3.105_10.0_Win64.dll] Annotated Frame WavesLib3.105_10.0_Win64.dll!00007ffa23d27335() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found.
  23. @M CTo clarify, in WASAPI shared you can use a completely different audio device as input from the audio output device. This is one of the advantages of WASAPI mode. However we don’t support using multiple different output devices at the same time. Let me know what specific combinations are not allowed. If you post a screenshot of your audio settings it will be clearer.
  24. @DescendingIntoVertigo while that is a legitimate crash please try the new version scook linked to. The 2021.01 release had better crash detection and its possible that it is catching issues that you may not have seen earlier. In Update 1 I have changed this to be opt in so some issues may not get reported. Let me know if this changes anything.
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