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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Nilo777 we’ll have to work with you collect some information. Ben has sent you a PM so please follow up since we need to understand what is different on your system leading to this issue. You can also run MSINFO32 and collect a log of your system configuration and send it to us.
  2. The FXRack menus use similar UI to the arranger so that part is not surprising. Did you report this issue previously? Anything customized differently in Windows with fonts etc that you are aware of? Finally have you tried the early access update 1 build posted today yet?
  3. Hi @Nilo777 what language are you using and what version of Windows are you running?
  4. Thanks for reporting it. Yes the notes were not being read properly. Its fixed for the main release now. Note that these are the project notes read from the revision description and Not the lyrics from within the revision editor itself. While I can read the lyrics in BandLab, they are stored at the song level unlike Cakewalk that stores lyrics at the track level. So there is no easy way to map lyrics going back and forth.
  5. The latest early access build should fix the menu display issues
  6. Which module was crashing can you send the crash dump?
  7. Thanks to @David Baay for helping isolate the punch issues. We have fixed all reported issues in the early access Update 1 released today. We'd appreciate anyone who had the punch and record compensation issues to retest and check if they are solved.
  8. Try this build that we posted. Post feedback in the main 2021.04 feedback thread instead of making new threads.
  9. Please try the latest early access Update 1 preview that we posted and report back. Please post feedback in the main 2021.04 comments thread instead of making new threads.
  10. Did you open the project or Import it? The notes are transferred to the Project Info that you can find in the Browser. Not lyrics - notes are not lyrics.
  11. Hi all, We just posted a early access build for 2021 Update 1 that we plan to release next week. We'd appreciate it if you could try this build and let us know if it fixes any of the listed issues you may have encountered. Thanks for all your help in reporting issues.
  12. Well everything is a workaround depending on who’s perspective it is :) The whole idea of parameter changes being tightly coupled with the process call is a terrible design that leads to problems like this. In VST2 there was no such dependency. While it makes sense to send parameter queues during the process call there should have been a clean independent API to set parameters independent of processing. Instead they hacked that into a “dummy” process call. This is why so many issues arise. I had crashes from day one where plugins were crashing when we passed null pointers even though the spec says its OK to do that. In fact I asked Steinberg to add this as a unit test to their VST3 plugin validator, but of course many developers don’t test with that :-/
  13. Thanks for the information that's useful. I'll get in touch with them and sort it out. The information quoted is not quite correct however, so I'm clarifying in case some other VST developer reads this. We're not calling process to actually process audio. The VST3 SDK allows the host to call process to transfer parameter state to the plugin. In this case we are calling process using the documented workflow to transfer parameter changes. I'm quoting the FAQ from the VST3 spec below: The idea is that the process call is not only used for processing. Its also used to send parameter changes. When we load a project one of the things we do is set the default VST3 program change number. The u-he plugins expose this as a parameter so we set that parameter and then flush that parameter via the process call to notify the plugin of the state change. The plugin is mistakenly assuming that this is an audio processing call. Its not necessary to activate the plugin since audio processing has not yet started. I have had many discussions with Steinberg about this since it has been the source of innumerable problems where developers don't expect this behavior. IMO this part of the API is very non intuitive and a poor design choice since many developers do not expect this. Its also really poorly documented. FWIW the code in question I'm using to flush parameters came directly from the VST SDK so its not like it was my decision to do it this way In any case it seems like u-he is considering handling this. I'll touch base personally as well.
  14. The crash is a null pointer access in the plugin. You should pass that on to them. Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFB6BC5AC4D (Presswerk(x64).vst3) in _05032021_201459.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.
  15. @muzdol You are running the 04 release right? The crash dialog looks different. Have you tried the build that I posted here and setting the ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 5? You can also set it to 1 and attempt inserting that synth.
  16. We’re still collecting info and working on other fixes so it will be some more time.
  17. We'll look into why frozen tracks aren't uploaded as audio. Thanks.
  18. @Jacob Winkler do you have the high DPI setting enabled in preferences? If its not enabled there should be no change.
  19. Hi @Art Munson The problem isn't solved its only masked and could happen anytime randomly. This is definitely a crash in the plugin. We got the plugin from the vendor and were able to reproduce the crash. We'll send the details to them to investigate on their end. Its a deep stack that shows the plugin crashing when we load its state. The exception happens always in the debugger for us. With the ExceptionHandlingSeverity set to 5 for us it wont crash (at least outside the debugger) but that is not guaranteed. This is the main reason why we are now flagging these intermittent crashes more deterministically to allow faults to be found and fixed. In this case only the plugin vendor can address the problem. The partial stack for the crash is as below. STACK_TEXT: 00000000`00148380 00007ffa`854111e9 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00007ffa`00000000 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 00000000`00148460 00007ffa`8541121b : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : clr!NakedThrowHelper2+0x9 00000000`00148490 00007ffa`85411225 : 00007ffa`2689e75b 00007ffa`26965300 00000000`250a1420 00000000`00000000 : clr!NakedThrowHelper_RspAligned+0x1e 00000000`001489b8 00007ffa`2689e75b : 00007ffa`26965300 00000000`250a1420 00000000`00000000 00007ffa`83e359c0 : clr!NakedThrowHelper_FixRsp+0x5 00000000`001496d0 00007ffa`85416824 : 00000000`00149d30 00000000`00000000 00000000`00149a10 00000000`00000000 : clr!CallDescrWorkerInternal+0x83 00000000`00149710 00007ffa`855874c2 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00149900 00007ffa`26232a08 : clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x4e 00000000`00149750 00007ffa`85587935 : 00007ffa`26232a08 00000000`254f46c8 00000000`00000000 00000000`00149a30 : clr!CallDescrWorkerReflectionWrapper+0x1a 00000000`001497a0 00007ffa`843ad884 : 00000000`0014c440 00000000`0014a0f0 00000000`250ae660 00007ffa`8439fe00 : clr!RuntimeMethodHandle::InvokeMethod+0x465 00000000`00149dc0 00007ffa`843c51f2 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`0014a340 00000000`00149f20 00000000`250ae0b8 : mscorlib_ni+0x59d884 00000000`00149e30 00007ffa`2658e15a : 00000000`254f41a8 00000000`0014a230 00000000`0014a500 00000000`0014a340 : mscorlib_ni+0x5b51f2 00000000`00149eb0 00007ffa`85416913 : 00000000`250ae0b8 00000000`250a2478 00000000`254f41a8 00000000`00000000 : 0x00007ffa`2658e15a 00000000`00149f00 00007ffa`85416824 : 00000000`0014a340 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`0014c1e8 : clr!CallDescrWorkerInternal+0x83 00000000`00149f40 00007ffa`85571b27 : 00000000`00000002 00000000`0014c1e8 00000000`0014a230 00000000`00000000 : clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x4e 00000000`00149f80 00007ffa`854c09dc : 00000000`0014a340 00000000`0014a128 00000000`0014a448 00000000`0014c1e8 : clr!DispatchCallDebuggerWrapper+0x1f 00000000`00149fe0 00007ffa`854c1899 : 00000000`00000002 00000000`0014a128 00000000`0014a100 00000000`0014c1e8 : clr!DispatchCall+0x79 00000000`0014a0a0 00007ffa`854c3223 : 00000000`00000051 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : clr!CrossDomainChannel::MarshalAndCall_Wrapper+0x33b 00000000`0014a3c0 00007ffa`854c132a : 00000000`00000000 00000000`132de490 00000000`00000000 00000000`0014a418 : clr!MakeCallWithAppDomainTransition+0xe8 00000000`0014a4b0 00007ffa`854c0d3f : 00000000`12c53430 00000000`12c53430 00000000`00000001 00000000`0014c440 : clr!CrossDomainChannel::MarshalAndCall+0x4e8 00000000`0014c230 00007ffa`854c0cd7 : 00000000`71000000 00000000`12c53430 00000000`00000002 00000000`0014c0dc : clr!CrossDomainChannel::ExecuteCrossDomainCall+0x50 00000000`0014c270 00007ffa`854c0ba5 : 00007ffa`25ff6ac8 00000000`00000000 00000000`254f3e30 00007ffa`83e35dd8 : clr!CrossDomainChannel::CheckCrossDomainCall+0xb7 00000000`0014c2a0 00007ffa`85414b25 : 00000000`1303d5a8 00007ffa`85414835 00000000`0014c2e0 00007ffa`85411028 : clr!TransparentProxyStubWorker+0xc5 00000000`0014c4a0 00007ffa`25ef76da : 00000000`250ae110 00000000`250a2430 00000000`25288a50 00007ffa`83e35dd8 : clr!TransparentProxyStub_CrossContext+0x55 ........ 00000000`0014cc00 00000001`4059d485 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`23f30d10 00000000`0014cd90 00000000`23f2e0c8 : Cakewalk!CPlugWrapper::call_dispatcher+0xaa 00000000`0014cc40 00000001`4058cd6e : 00000000`00000000 00000000`0014cd90 00000000`23f2e0c8 00007ffa`ea3a2980 : Cakewalk!CPlugWrapper::SetChunk+0x45 ...... ...... 00000000`0014f300 00000001`40f80753 : 00000001`41fd5610 00000001`40f80740 00000000`00000000 00000001`41baa290 : Cakewalk!CCakewalkApp::OpenDocumentFile+0x4cb
  20. @Keith Lane details about capturing a hang dump are in my signature
  21. Are you still using the realtek asio driver? Which version of Cakewalk are you running?
  22. If it's exiting the app with that value set to 5 then the chances are that the same would occur in the previous release and it's a plugin bug. Are you sure this is a new issue?
  23. @David Baay is that new to this release though? FWIW Im not seeing any issue with a punch region starting at time zero. The recorded clip is placed exactly at time zero. Please post a recipe if you are seeing it.
  24. Hi Folks, Here is a new build that fixes the remaining sync issue with punch recording. Please try it and report back. If you can please test cases with normal record, loop record, punch record. With punch record also test combining it with loop record and try variations where the loop region intersects or fully encloses the punch region. Lots of permutations to test @Base 57 @David Baay @DeeringAmps @John Vere@giovannibuchelli
  25. @Art Munson This crash isn't directly in the plugin. I'm making some changes to avoid some of these internal exceptions being caught. For now you can try the build I posted here and follow the instructions to disable the strict checking.
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