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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Here is a forum thread that talks about the same issue. It may point you in the right direction. Basically you need to have your expression controller be seen by Windows and Cakewalk so that its inputs can be used. Select it in the Midi preferences of Cakewalk. Create a midi track to receive and record your expression input. The Gojira plugin should be in the effect bin of the audio track you are effecting. In the Gojira Plugin window enable midi input and configure the midi CC messages that your EV pedal produces to control the whammy
  2. I think that there are many people here who use Izotope products. My best best would be to post in the Instruments and Effects subforum.
  3. To me those look like muted midi notes or notes from a clip layer that is not the active one. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.10.html
  4. It sounds like to me what you want to do is very much like what youtubers or pod casters do. There are some on this forum that do a lot of this, I am not one. I would search for youtube or podcasting software.
  5. I use goldwave quite often as well. the $20 version is only a 1 year license, basically a subscription model. The $60 version is a lifetime version.
  6. I don't know about why the audio would be glitching, but if you make the audio into groove clips using the inspector panel, then they should follow the tempo of the song. However, the quality of the audio will degrade as the tempo is moved further from the recorded tempo Another option is to split the audio clips up and then manually stretch them to the correct length. Then once stretched, bounce them to insure that the offline algorithm is used to preserve the audio quality. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.08.html
  7. You could enabled dim solo and then solo the track that you are comping. That would have all the other non-solo'ed tracks playing back at a low level. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.15.html
  8. There is a subforum for these kinds of requests. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  9. I would say this forum https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  10. You need to submit these to Support@cakewalk.com
  11. Snap setting will allow you to snap the "now time" to bar or other musical time boundaries. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.19.html#:~:text=Cakewalk will snap to landmarks,visible in the Clips pane.&text=To access additional snap settings,the Snap to Grid button ).
  12. The top of this page seems to delineate the Cakewalk preferred method of using the Drum Replacer. Of course, it doesn't address the sync issues if soloed. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Region_FX.07.html
  13. That seems odd. Maybe the effect states are not getting saved or loaded correctly in the mix recall. If you turn one effect on and then hit the global FX button a few times do any of them respond? You could send a copy of your project and mix recall into support to see if they see the same thing.
  14. Make sure you have not disabled plugin delay compensation (PDC) https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.22.html
  15. What is "Synthwave"? Does it have something to do with El Nino?
  16. I am not sure what you mean by put it in the "workspace"? There is a shortcut key for split clips at cursor, you can use the mouse to split clips, on the control bar there is a module to allow a button press to run a command. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=ControlBar.17.html
  17. If you just want to edit the tracks volume automation manually then change the tracks volume envelope then select volume from the edit filter and then draw in your automation. If you want to use a midi controller to change the automation then you would need to setup a midi controller and then "write" is important to be enabled for the track. The track write automation button is located just below the edit filter dropdown https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Automation.08.html
  18. Usually, the one with the faster clock speed is preferred for audio applications.
  19. Are you trying to run the installer as administrator? If so, then try it as a regular user. Does the file "GroovePlayer.dll" already exist? If so delete it. Have you tried "ignore the error and continue" and then see what happens?
  20. I don't use it a lot but I keep this as a back up and a creative mixing rut buster due to its mixing desk like interface.
  21. I use a pretty basic AMD Radeon card. I had trouble with Nvidia and latency issues so I went with AMD and have no problems. Driving a 4k TCL TV.
  22. First things would be to make sure that windows sees your audio device and that all drivers are correctly installed. Then it is a matter of getting cakewalk setup to use your interface. Please look at the documentation. It has tutorial for setting all this up, in addition to the tutorials part of the forum.
  23. Check in the task manager to see if there is a cakewalk.exe process running. If it is kill it using the task manager. If there is not, then a reboot might solve the issue.
  24. Try clearing "zero controllers" and see if that makes a difference
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