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Jonathan Sasor

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Everything posted by Jonathan Sasor

  1. @puddy @thegaltieribrothers This will make its way out in general later today, but if you use the web installer I posted earlier in the thread, you'll get a new build which fixes this. Thanks!
  2. We'll have this sorted on the back end shortly, but in the meantime, the web installer will get you the latest update:
  3. I'm not currently able to reproduce this , it's getting the track names fine in 2021.11 builds. @msmcleod
  4. It's not intended to show the actual selected track name in this preview. It shows the first track in the project as an example of what the wildcards chosen will show.
  5. If you run Cakewalk/SONAR as administrator, the plugins will also run in adminstrator mode and should allow you to enter the registration code.
  6. @hhal9000 Please try downloading it via the web installer as opposed to BA, and let us know if that works for you. @Mark Williams I'm sending you a PM.
  7. This is now logged, thanks. If you CTRL + Shift drag the clips directly to a track lane, it should import them without the overlap.
  8. This is a known issue with Windows 7. Please use the web installer here instead:
  9. Melodyne 5 is significantly more stable than v4, so if you have the option to upgrade... it's well worth it. I haven't seen any issues with Melodyne clips recently, and I've been doing a lot of testing with various project with a bunch of Melodyne clips. Printing FX is not a bad idea to future-proof backups for your projects, but shouldn't be necessary on a day-to-day basis for projects.
  10. Can you capture a dump file when this happens?
  11. Notice on the upper right side- you have the Workspace set to "Basic". It's doing this by design. Set this to "None" instead.
  12. The Overloud plugins are installed with the full Cakewalk by BandLab installer versions, but if you use the updater from update to update, they shouldn't get touched as they're not changed on a regular basis.
  13. Go to Help | About Cakewalk, and double-check that you're on build 120. If so, close the app, then hold CTRL when launching Cakewalk. This will force copy the new presets.
  14. This is expected. Going to Advanced in the Export Module menu brings up the new dialog
  15. Usually crashes where the app just disappears as described are plugin-related. These types of crashes are why we implemented "ExceptionHandlingSeverity" as an option you can enable in the Initialization File section of the Preferences. Default value is 1, you can increase this to 7 if you're experiencing a crash, and it should then be able to get a dump file if it crashes again. At that point we can take a look at the dump file and if there's anything actionable on our end. In the meantime, normal saving of the project should work fine even if it subsequently crashes (the project just might not appear in the recent project list as that is populated on normal project close).
  16. Hi Olaf, Unfortunately we don't have ready access to many of the plugins in your project currently, so we're unable to get a repro as described currently, but we're still investigating. This issue is already logged on our end. Are you using a Workspace? I'm unable to reproduce this normally, but your description sounds like it may be reapplying a workspace on project load which would change those types of things in the UI. Is there a version of this plugin that's still available to test? It appears to be removed from their website. Also just because a plugin behaves one way in a particular DAW does not mean that the bug is not in the plugin. The things that @Noel Borthwick has seen... If you can provide details on this we'll investigate. I haven't heard of other reports of this. Are you changing the metering options that frequently? It might be easier to save a template with these configured as desired so you don't need to access the menu options as often. The issue with doing a redesign to implement a separate options page for this is it diverts resources from other features/fixes. We'll take it under consideration.
  17. The only way you wouldn't see an option to manually set the install paths would be if you already had an existing Cakewalk/SONAR install, in which case it inherits a path that you would have set previously. Not that you can't manually reconfigure paths after installation either. The OP's issue was with getting the download to run via BandLab Assistant. Other users linked them to a new installer that worked successfully for them.
  18. Nothing with our installers write anything to your router's internal memory. Sounds like you might have some sort of other system issue.
  19. Hello Christopher, Are you sure the input port for your surfaces is set correctly in the Preferences? It's possible that this might have changed, thus causing it to receive data from the app, but not send. I just tested that automation does work correctly with a FP8 on my end, so nothing should have changed within the app to affect this in general.
  20. The release notes are pointing to the main current release link, that hasn't changed since this build is in initial Early Access.
  21. The rollback link has been replaced with Rebuild 4 which should work, apologies for the inconvenience.
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