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Mr No Name

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Everything posted by Mr No Name

  1. shut your Cakehole by Bandblab CbB
  2. why don't everyone chip in a few quid and we'll take over cakewalk how it used to be, buy bandlab out ? it could be called Cakewalk by Cakewalk Cbc.
  3. I believe they call this type of behaviour "gaslighting" I would say imo that they want people on a subscription model, it is more profitable.
  4. I've learned when they have some bloke giving a testimonial saying it's his grandmothers favourite plug in and a picture of him (cheesy emotional piano music is a new one) you know you don't need to buy it.
  5. Maybe consider investing in a faderport ? very useful for writing automation.
  6. can you not do "write automation" using the fader ?
  7. out here too, scheduled maintenance or service outage.
  8. Get rid of internet/smartphone, get a dumbphone. Personally I don't even carry a mobile phone on my person. gets left in the car or the house, if i'm not in earshot when it rings it doesn't get answered. Very liberating. If you have a girlfriend / wife who phones you every five minutes, even more liberating.
  9. Have you ever tried Voicemeeter Banana ? like an internal mixing desk for your computer. might help?
  10. Welcome to pluginaholics anonymous PA, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery, take it one hour at a time, before you know it it will be two. accept you will never be able to buy a plugin again, stay strong, don't blame cclarry. (maybe just put him on ignore)
  11. Mr No Name


    You should have been around in the 1970's, you could have had a job making TV theme tunes.
  12. They are very good, but they have the strange problem of having no GUI(or they did have) and tiny user interfaces, so instead of looking at a pretty plugin or digital picture of a piece oh hardware with lots of lights flashing, you had to listen to what it does and decide if it made an improvement to the sound of the audio. I think this put a lot of people off. plus they were free so had to be rubbish, Some people said.
  13. What music would sound like if everyone used only one digital eq.
  14. I have the microbrute version of that also, it would be literally impossible to recreate it in a softsynth, it's the literal sound of raw electricity. no other analogue synth sounds like it.
  15. No, It's not the same at all, I have the pulsar version which is ok, different eq curves, but the UAD is practically a clone of the hardware.
  16. bet they installed first and in about 3 seconds.?
  17. you need more UAD plugins it would go quicker.
  18. one of the best eq's imo, "Mix with your ears" https://www.audiothing.net/effects/blindfold-eq/
  19. you have plugins/hardware units that have proportional Q, or Sweep eq's, or fixed eq with different frequency bands. a fabfilter pro q 3 or equivalent, or stock digital eq in a DAW should all be exactly identical with the same Q selection, some go much wider or narrower than others though. you could get by using one of those, then using other plug in's after that mimic transformers or tubes or saturators, to make them sound analogue ect. there was a drama a while back with a company advertising a new wonder analogue eq plugin, someone tested it and it was a bog standard digital eq, not even any harmonics. lot of that goes on. Some eq plugins also don't have a correct representation of the frequency selected also - Amek 9099 channel strip eq for example, but people still like the "sound" of it.
  20. I agree with what he says in the sense that you could get along fine with one eq that you knew how to use properly, than just having 10 different ones you didn't, but "sounded" different. Digital eq's should all sound identical by definition assuming the Q / bandwidth was the same. Disclaimer: I have a lot of different eq's, I find a lot of them to sound different. My favourite one is Knif Soma, a passive one which specifically has no "sound"
  21. " Only plug ins that can be used in the DAW must be UAD"
  22. On your channel, below where it says "audio" or "midi" there is a box named "clips" in there there select "automation" and using the automation line, add to where you want the effect to be added on the track, you will need to add the vst effect as you have before first, it will show it in the list for selection.
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