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Mr No Name

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Everything posted by Mr No Name

  1. The reason is, is that CbB will still run for a while but won't be left available permanently, so the people who use it up until it's not available, will need it after this time to redownload / install incase of any mishaps or OS reinstalls ect. I would recommend saving it on your computer with all CbB software in it. Just in case. or else you really will be only using Sonar.
  2. Isn't pro tools rental daw for professional studios, some of these people pay over $1000 per year for it, so I believe, The Industry standard. all tax deductable of course.
  3. Hello John I have an old copy of Sonar 7 on disk, do you think I will be able to activate it once again? when I bought a new music computer (win xp installed) I was unable to access the activation servers. I have recently started going back to 32 bit daws and using j bridge. Would be interesting to see if I could get it running on win 10.
  4. I think if the people who ran the Cakewalk forum did a raffle once a month for a free years subscription to Sonar, that would be quite good, ask that Mike Creative sauce chap to do it on his facebook page. he has over 10,000 followers.
  5. if you know the right people you can get a perpetual license.
  6. that would be the MSDA , shurely ?
  7. what you need to do is get a monitor control room volume box (a volume knob) set it to the correct volume, then never touch it , mark it with a permanent marker or put tape on it. I have a pair of computer speakers with a volume knob on one of them, they have a strange quirk where the headphone amp bypasses the volume knob and they even work on headphone when switched off. the volume is unchangeable. Very useful for "perspective".
  8. The latest Spectralayers is supposed to be the best one, rip x is still full of artifacts.
  9. Nice songs. Where do you get the vocals from on your various songs ?
  10. I think their server gets overwhelmed, I've used it numerous times on the promos and had a buffering payment screen, one of those things imo.
  11. they are not a big company, I believe there is only 2 of them running it.
  12. Tbh, If you look at the bandlab site and the other brands associated that are mentioned above, they all run on a subscription model, seems to be the preferred way for that particular company? but who knows, I do agree if you are using a product you should be able to own it outright.
  13. I'm remembering some history of the old days, (Sweeney Todd) When Barbers used to be involved in amputations and these types of things. Pretty sure that they only do hair cuts these days.
  14. I had no idea you needed a license to be a barber. You learn something new everyday.?
  15. As an outsider looking in, I think you should be a bit more optimistic / supportive of how things are moving forward, The Cakewalk brand as it was, was practically lost as far as I can see, it was dragged back out of the ashes and is now reborn, and has become a "Brand" again. You dyed in the wool oldtimers should be pleased. Show some support and get a subscription. Do it for Cakewalk. Do it for Sonar. Long Live Cakewalk, Hurrah.
  16. It seems to have been relaunched somehow ? as it's own entity ? disclaimer: I not exactly sure of the internal workings of these corporations
  17. There was a post on this forum I read this morning from a Bandlab person when they first announced the new "Sonar" DAW. It say's that Cakewalk would be no longer a part of Bandlab but a separated part of the company, the new DAW "Sonar" (and Next) seems to be not actually anything directly to do with Bandlab anymore and is infact called "Cakewalk Sonar" It would seem this new business relationship between Cakewalk and Bandlab now involves the Cakewalk brand, licencing the DAW to Bandlab ? Things may have obviously changed since this announcement.
  18. fine imo, he was wearing the watch and as happy as larry. if they gave him a guitar that would be a problem.
  19. you'll be 80 by the time it's released, inflation will have pushed the price up unfortunately.
  20. nice track that, a slow burner, the main chorus build up / breakdown was good, could have been a temptation to over use the vocal, then a slow decent to the end, enjoyed. Nice.
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