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Mr No Name

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  1. 32-Bit Conversion Explained - SSL Audio Interfaces 23 January 2025 15:15 This FAQ aims to demystify what 32-bit conversion technology implies, resolve the most common misconceptions and provide some insight as to why we use 32-bit converters in SSL products such as PURE DRIVE QUAD, PURE DRIVE OCTO, SSL 12, SSL 18, SSL 2 MKII and SSL 2+ MKII “Do I still need to worry about setting the input gain when using my SSL device that has 32-bit converters? I’ve heard 32-bit devices can’t be clipped...” In short - yes, you do still need to set an appropriate gain to make sure your SSL device does not run the risk of clipping. Why? We use 32-bit fixed point (also referred to as ‘integer’) converters. The confusion comes from a small subset of audio devices on the market that happen to use a 32-bit floating-point recording system. These devices usually involve complex multi-converter systems per recording channel (most often two converters, covering different ranges) as a way to achieve an extended dynamic range at the A-D stage. Also, the digital stream from the A-D stage is presented in a 32-bit float format, which numerically allows for a dynamic range beyond that of the actual converter stage. Such products are designed to suit specific industry needs like field-recording, where astonishingly high dynamic range material needs to be recorded or where it is not possible to know beforehand exactly how loud your source is going to be. Imagine been tasked with recording a space shuttle lift-off and having to ask for another take because your recorder clipped... Our friends at Sound Devices do offer products aimed at field-recording applications that deploy 32-bit floating point recording formats, if you’re curious to find out more about the technology. https://support.solidstatelogic.com/hc/en-gb/articles/24642897272221-32-Bit-Conversion-Explained-SSL-Audio-Interfaces looks like a decent interface tbf.
  2. the "security" of the cakewalk daw has nothing to do with google or facebook, who is going to hack into someone elses daw? Ridiculous nonsense. They'll be sending people around to peep through your letterbox by next week.
  3. Now I can forget about them other 2 ropey old DAWS
  4. Managed to figure it out, enable MMCSS for Asio driver in settings,
  5. Can you scan for drivers the same way you scan for plugins?
  6. How do you force Cakewalk to show Asio drivers in preferences? I have installed Audient ID22 drivers for an interface and the specific driver shows in 2 other DAWS and are useable, Cakewalk doesn't show the driver in choices in preferences, but does show and load the inPuts and outputs for the interface? It's only doing half the job it seems. How do you force the Asio driver into Preferences? can you drag and drop it in the registry or some folder? needless to say the interface is as yet unuseable in Cakewalk. thanks in advance.
  7. are people going to bother counterfeiting their software if they only charge $7.99 for it ?
  8. if you have more than one drive you could possibly drag the folder to a drive that is not being formatted, reformat your drive, and drag the folder back. A pendrive may work also. get a second opinion.
  9. One last question. Can you daisy chain them together to use one firewire output? the saffire pro 40's?
  10. If I was to use a saffire pro 40 and send an output to a scarlett 2i4 connected to a laptop via usb, would this negate the need for firewire and saffire drivers? can the saffire pro 40 be used passively?
  11. Can I ask which cables you are using to attach to a thunderbolt 3 port on your laptop ? or are you using a pc with a firewire card ?
  12. It seems to be the work of a man called Pete Brown. https://midi.org/microsoft-adds-midi-2-0-researches-ai-text-to-midi-in-2023
  13. Disclaimer : Always get a qualified technician to work on electrical equipment due to risk of electric shock.
  14. I've witnessed this before, maybe some sort of voltage issue. new psu needed ? blown capacitors? really need to open it up and get a multimeter on it and check capacitors ect. power surge (really big one) ?
  15. This is a point I was going to make previously, about 2fa being a slippery slope, and what would you say if some website said they wanted you to identify yourself by facial recognition? what it all is, is a slippery slope where you'll be constantly harrassed to identify yourself and prove who you are, obviously we are now just talking about people logging in from unrecognised devices, but eventually passwords will turn to facial recognition, everything will need "passwords" you can't enter buildings in China in most places without having your face scanned and being identified, these would be any building, not any special building. The whole thing is a long slow slippery slope. The mobile phone in the not too distant future will be used as an ID in itself, like in some places it's mandatory to carry an ID card, your mobile phone will have everything about you on it, your banking records, your health records, driving license, ID card, ect, it will more than likely be mandatory to carry a mobile phone, which is very easy as most people carry one already. Worth keeping in mind, imo. don't be too eager to go along with everything these websites ask you to do.
  16. We could get into a long and drawn out debate about this subject, but the fact is that 2fa is a form of ID check. I would suggest that soundcloud (or anyone else) should give their subscribers a choice of whether they want to use the 2fa system or not, they should have a choice to opt out imo, much like the poster Kenny said, It is also obvious as he said that people will in many cases have more than one device, if you decide to log on on another one you should not be OBLIGED to use 2fa to log in. On a slight side note you will usually see an option to use google of facebook to use as a verification. 2fa for banking purposes is a different story and a necessary security protocol when using a mobile phone.
  17. tell them to eff off. what does a music website need 2 factor authenification for?
  18. on sale again now for euro 49,,, until 27th Jan do I need it ?? 🤔
  19. If you are actually just wanting to make audio sound smoother, there would be a multitude of ways.
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