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Mr No Name

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Everything posted by Mr No Name

  1. some good ideas there, cheers folks
  2. the time range is the number of the bar or the amount of seconds the song starts on(sometimes there could be a gap at the beginning) and also where the song ends, this is the time range, and somewhere it is empty, it needs to be filled in with the start and end times of the song.
  3. also maybe try not "rendering" the file but recording the live output to a cdr or something. ?? they used to use DAT tapes in the old days.
  4. some plugins have a choice for different oversampling for render and playback, if they are set differently, it can affect the sound of the rendered file from the playback one. it might not be what is causing your problem but worth investigating.
  5. Might be something to do with oversampling algorithms, you maybe using plugins with two oversampling modes and they might be mismatching.
  6. Any tips and tricks to inspire and create "creativity" it's fine waiting around for a burst of it to come along, but wanting to find ways to give it a push in the right direction. What do the people on here do to inspire their creativity and get to making some music.
  7. What a brilliant piece of software, such great fun and very easy to use. thanks for sharing.
  8. https://www.soundradix.com/products/muteomatic/ "In addition, MUTEOMATIC can be used to automatically mute long effect tails or a monitor’s vocal effects when the DAW is no longer playing, clearing the air for intelligible conversation."
  9. Bought this the other day myself from the Apogee website, good plugin. $10 they didn't give a free gift unfortunately.
  10. I know that's why I like it.
  11. It might be more your DAW works at 32 bit float point by default, I also agree with what you said about not having to mess about gain staging, if you have a moment of inspriation it's handy to be able to grab your guitar/bass and just get it down with out having to mess around. Useful for sure.
  12. give me a nice country and western song any day.
  13. yes, but what happens when you convert down to 24 or 16 bit for finalizing and mastering tracks, gain staging is necessary at the mixing stage definately
  14. I'm guessing you need to use samsung drives ?
  15. Really? Wow, sounds good, did that include the operating system? win 10 in my case ?
  16. Pulsar Echorec is my favourite one, I must check this out, I not explored it yet.
  17. I got this in a pack a while ago called " 3 delays you will actually use", I've never used it.
  18. I always put my plugins through the washing machine before returning them 😆
  19. As the title says, I have a C drive, which is 500gb, and has about 60gb left free, it contains mostly vsts and programs, and obviously the operating system, any good ideas to migrate some stuff to another drive, I had heard it can cause problems, Could I migrate the whole drive "MINUS THE OPERATING SYSTEM" to a bigger one without having to reinstall any plug ins, and just leave the operating system on the C drive ? Thanks in advance
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