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Everything posted by marcL

  1. This is a problem that I have reported before. First of all, I like the concept of AudioSnap, it is much better than in other DAWs, because there is the possibility to fix detection issues manually! The implementation: If you bounce an AudioSnap clip (either by itself, to another track or if you export it), then the notes (resp. the transients) move arbitrarily! If it was only by a minor value I could live with that (and most shifts are minor), but it happens all the time that there are major shifts in some notes that are absolutely unacceptable! I have been fighting with AudioSnap the whole afternoon and here is my last horrendous example: I have copied the AudioSnap clip to another track at exactly the same position and then bounced the copy (to make the differences visible). See self above how this note has been shifted by 80 ticks! Like that the music really loses the feel! Such things make me really sick, it puts me off making recordings and working with music (like today)! Like that AudioSnap/CbB is completely unusable to me! I am desperate and I don't know what I shall do? Switch the DAW? Are there better alternatives? In the past I used Melodyne for timing correction, but the detection is also very weak and often it is nearly impossible to see the note starts between blobs (this is much easier with CbB's wave representation!). Please fix this issue in the near future!
  2. I cannot find the new key binding! If I click the "Locate Key" and then the key that is the '=' on the US keyboard (the 2nd right to the zero) nothing happens, but I can click other keys (except those 2 left to the zero). Thus I tried to find the keybinding manually, but could only find "Toggle Track/Clip Gain in the Edit Filter" and I think this is not the new key binding, or is it?
  3. Unfortunately this command does not respect any selection(s) on clip(s) and or track(s). Thus for MIDI file type 0 it does not make a lot of sense (except when you have only 1 MIDI clip/track)! Also, it is nothing more then the "Save as", "Save copy as" with MIDI format selection.
  4. Thanks for this new full packed update! ? Oh, why could you not choose another key? This is really messy on the Swedish keyboard, because the '=' uses already SHIFT (is the '0' key with Shift) !!!
  5. You are right, you can do it that way, too! I just thought when you save it as MIDI immediately that all the clips in 1 track are joint together! Yes, in the first moment you have all the clips separated (as long as the project is kept open), i.e. you are still able to remove the ones you do not want in the MIDI file. But as soon as the MIDI project is closed and reopened it is as I have expected, all clips are joint together now. It is not possible anymore to identify the original clips.
  6. By the way how I do it with the current version: Copy the clip(s) that I want to export Create a new project with the same tempo Create a new MIDI track (Ctrl+Shift+T) Paste the clip(s) into the new project Use "Save as" and select the MIDI type that I want Like that there is no need to remove some tracks and no risk to accidentally save the original project in an unwanted state.
  7. I would definitely prefer to be able to "EXPORT" MIDI data like audio, because the advantage over "save/save as" is that you could simply select the clips to be included in the export!
  8. In the past I did not work a lot with MIDI controller data. But now I have found a really serious problem: If you want to copy controller data (e.g. piano pedal), then if you select data that is not precisely aligned, as it is natural, it always starts the selection at the first controller change even if you make the selection with snap enabled and start at measure begin. I.e. if you want to copy and insert your selection in a senseful way, then you have to set the now time precisely to the uneven measure position like the first controller change. This is very unhandy and time consuming! Please implement a way that it is possible to select/copy controller data from a measure start position and insert it in this way. Example: if I have a pedal down event at 002-01-186 and some events following, then I want to select measure 002 to 004 and then insert it at measure 005 so that the first pedal down is at 005-01-186. It should behave the same like copying note events though!
  9. What I really don't understand is why it is not possible to simply export MIDI like audio. It would be a logical solution: Select one or more MIDI clips, then use Export->MIDI, finally you could choose the MIDI type and file name. This is my way to understand common sense! ?
  10. Unfortunately the thing is not that simple! If you drag the MIDI clip to the desktop (or somewhere else on a storage location: folder, usb, ...), then it is always exported in MIDI Format 1 (as far as I know). If you want to have MIDI Format 0, then this method is unusable (for me!), because you cannot choose the format. The other method mentioned above ("save as", "save copy as") has the big disadvantage that if you want to export only 1 single MIDI clip or track, then you have first to delete anything else in the project (other MIDI tracks/clips) before you can use the "save as" or "save copy as" menu item. Like that there is the risk that you can mess with your original project! I don't know any better method in CbB and Sonar. It is really not satisfying! ?
  11. There are VOLA2 and TriLeveler from SonicAnomaly, both are very good IMHO. I also have Waves' Vocal Rider and TBProAudio's DynaRide and the 2 above do a pretty good job compared to those payed ones!
  12. Which "free market" are you talking about? You mean the one of the 20th century? Today there are many branches where a few companies define the market price (2-3 big competitors do not hurt themselves). There are many governments (and the EU) that define laws that restrict the free market. There is the industry that creates a lot of incompatible goods/repair parts to bind the customer to their overpriced stuff. In the EU, countries limit the free market by pushing up transportation/postage prices. Another example are big U.S. corporations (like some Jeans producers) that force the U.S. retail not to sell to Europe to protect the European importers. Those are just my 2 cents to this story, it is only a mouse view of the big mess that is going on! ?
  13. Ugh, I don't like their installation kind. It is a single DLL for all of their plugins (like Waves!) and their activation manager sounds also odd to me! And there is really spare information about their licensing and offline installation. I think I will pass to install it!
  14. Yes! No, IMO the contrary is true! All other DAWs that I have tested have less functionality. E.g. most do not have manual correction of invalid detected transients and this is crucial! Also the huge possiblities that you have in CbB/Sonar to use the transients is exceptional.
  15. VST3 64-bit: I have the plugins in the standard folder, but I made subfolders for plugin type (Dynamics, EQ, ...) for better overview and for Samplitude X3 that does not have a plugin manager but displays the names of the subdirectories. VST2: I have 2 main folders a FX and an Instrument folder and under them I have the same subfolders as above. The advantage of separating FX and instruments is that I define both in DAWs, but only the FX folder in Editors (Sound Forge, RX-7, Audacity, SpectraLayers, ...; also for MixBus that I only use for mixing). This reduces the scanning time for the latter. Actually this is not the whole truth! Physically I store the VST2 plugins in a 64-bit and a 32-bit folder with underfolders naming the plugin provider such as "Nomad Factory". In the FX and Instrument folders I have only symbolic file links (mklink) to the plugins in the provider folders. The big advantage is that I can define the "general" FX, instrument folders with the plugins that I want in all DAWs/editors. For plugins that run only in a single program I create special folders (e.g. for CbB/Sonar). Also I do not have to uninstall plugins that I currently don't use, I simply remove the link! Storing all the plugins of one provider in a single subfolder has also the advantage that they normally remember that folder if you install an additional plugin of them. That it is easier to manage I have all my plugin folders out of the "Program" folders (no admin rights required), except VST3. By the way this concept runs perfectly on more than 1 computer and using the same plugin properties on each computer and CbB/Sonar Platinum/X3!
  16. I agree that XLN is a prime example for that, but I had such problems with other plugin providers, too! But I cannot remember which ones! ? AD2: I like it and use it, too. But as one said before, there is a lot of processing in their presets and I prefer to do the processing in the DAW (CbB) by myself! I don't like those over-defined presets, because they often conflict with the rest of the mix. Yes, they sound cool when you run the drums on its own. But as soon as you add several other tracks (bass, guitars, synths, ...) they get your mix too busy! The 2nd thing that I dislike in AD2 is that many of their drum instruments are too roomy. If you listen e.g. to their snare track only, then it is very quiet, i.e. the snare goes mainly thru the overheads and room mics. This makes it very difficult to mix when you want to increase or decrease the snare, because you also affect other components and the sound of the snare. And if you want to choose your own room and reduce the room/overhead on some instruments, then the sound is quite weak (snare, toms). Regarding roomy the worst for me is the kick, because until today I have never managed to get the more natural sound that I want (that is very easy to achieve within NI drum kits).
  17. More and more I understand that VST3 is one step back compared to VST2! I have listed the disadvantages for me and the list gets longer and longer! ? Besides that some VST3 plugins cannot be relocated it is very annoying that each program that uses VST plugins has to scan all VST3 plugins, i.e. FX and instrument plugins, although a lot of programs like wave editors almost never need instruments, stupid definition! This was easy to handle with VST2 though (I have an FX and an instrument location that can be included in each program/DAW). Also preset handling is a real chaos in VST3's or in the programs using the plugins! And there is a lot more ... On the other hand there are much more regressions in the 21st century! Fxxx! I'm getting old!!!
  18. The only way to really turn updates off is to disable the network!!! And that gets more and more impossible with all those software providers that really don't support real offline installation! So in fact those software providers (no names) cause such issues! ? I don't wanna total all the hours that I have spent/lost to fix such Microsoft update problems. And each time when I look at the changes protocol of MS I get angry, because there is almost nothing that I really wanted! Just annoyance for nothing at all! I hate MS (but Apple is surely no alternative)!
  19. IMO it is very difficult to avoid such behavior. Thus I always use a power distribution with an off switch for my pc's. Like that I never run into such problems independent of my Windows/BIOS configurations! ?
  20. @Noel Borthwick IMHO the take lane behaviour has been much improved in CbB! ? But there are still some hassles that should be addressed: It is very difficult or even impossible to instruct whether edits (cross-fades/moving the split point, ...) are only for the current/selected lane or for all lanes with the same start/end. It often happens to me that I accidentally change multiple clips instead of 1. Sometimes the Smart Tool does not work on adjacent clips (e.g. for cross-fade), because there is a tiny tiny gap between them. The gap is as little that it cannot be represented in the clips start/length values in the clip inspector, but I can see it if I zoom in completely. It is the same thing when you select multiple clips that have the same start/length values in the inspector, but when you select them together it shows multiple values (tiny, tiny difference, almost unvisible!). In rare cases where you updated a clip (moved contents within clip, slip edited, ...) the contents moves when you apply a crossfade and it gets impossible to define where to start and end the fades! Sometimes it even does not help to bounce the clip as it is, you must change something else that the bounce really appears!!!
  21. I think there is no question concerning CbB where scook doesn't have an answer! ? Incredible!
  22. Thanks a lot! ? Fantastic, it works also in Europe and they even included VAT within the $39.99 !
  23. I don't know why they call themself "Musician's Friend", 'cos here in Europe I never reach the page with your links. It seems they are only "North America Musician's Friend"! ?
  24. Here in Sweden it shows a price of 599 crowns. That is about $64, too much for me now!
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