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Everything posted by marcL

  1. I was not using 'Elastique Pro' as 'Offline Render' method, because IMO 'Radius xxx' has much better results. But also with 'Radius Solo' I have deviations of the original AudioSnap positions, but not so drastic as yours!
  2. But not if you live in Sweden (or Europe in general)! I have to pay additonal 25% tax. So to me it is no real deal ($31.24)!
  3. Although I think I am bad in rhythmics, I can hear the difference whether audio starts 5 ticks later or sooner (960 ticks per quarter). That's why I am a little bit irritated by this. On the other hand if I perceive my "bad" playing and see its inaccuracy, I totally agree with you! ?
  4. At the moment I am working a lot with AudioSnap. I like it really! But one thing makes me wonder, when I bounce some audio clips to another track, then the note start positions change a little bit (range -10/+10)! Is this normal? And why?
  5. DELETED: I repeat myself! I already said this in the thread some time ago!
  6. It is not only XLN! There is so many unnecessary stuff done by most of the installers and installation managers (AAX, menu entries, home page links, icons, 64+32-bit, vst3 32-bit, program folders for almost nothing, uninstallers that do not work, ...)! In fact for most of the plugins only a DLL and the presets is really needed! That's why I like those old and those free plugins that come with a zip only!!
  7. I meant if a note's MIDI ON is a few ticks before the start of the section (less than 1/64), then I would prefer that the whole note is moved/copied with the same negative tick offset to the target position, instead that this note is being split. But yes, if it is split it can also be handled manually with slip edit, can't it? To set the section boundaries before the begin of the section leads to the following problems IMO: It is impossible to choose the boundaries that they match the requirements of all tracks, i.e. slip edit is necessary in most cases. I guess there maybe conflicts when not all sections start at the same measure position, e.g. meas-01-00 or meas-04-48 or whatever, because a move or a copy of the sections leads to extra or missing beats (I have not yet tested this). It is not convenient when the sections don't start at the musically logical starting points like the markers. I understand your attitude not wanting to guess which notes should be included. And myself, I really detest so much guessing in today's software (e.g. in Windows 10 ?). The only way here would be that the user defines the allowed ticks outside the sections, either globally, in the sections or in the track properties. But I think it would be to complicate, not only for the program, but also for the users. Thus the only practicable way is to do manual slip editing! ? x
  8. But this is not the behavior I expect! If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially! With audio clips you can handle this with slip edit. But for MIDI notes, if you split them, you have to go back to the old place and cut(&paste) or delete the leftovers manually. For me this is no real solution. So I will prefer to do it manually with Ripple Edit. Copy each single track from the relevant position is far more convenient and you have better control not to miss something!
  9. Please read my comment and the answer of Noel in the "2020.04 Early Access 1". The problem is already addressed there! At the moment there are no settings. But as I mentioned in my comment for audio you can use slip edit, with MIDI it is more complicated.
  10. I like this one! It sounds cool. One of the best free synths IMO. I have used it since 2017.
  11. Yes, but in this case I can open a new space and then work/copy track by track. Like that all is under control and less risk to miss something! ?
  12. This would be great! I tested the Arranger a bit, but I am afraid to change something unexpectedly! Furthermore I have found out that there are some risks, so if you change the order of your song, you still have to manually handle "note overlaps", i.e. notes that start a tiny bit earlier then the section or those that do overlap the section a bit. Okay, you can do this with slip edit and cross-fades for audio tracks, but it is a lot of work if you have some of them. With MIDI tracks it is even worse, because some notes that were meant to be a part of the moved section stay at the old position, when their start is a tiny bit before the section's begin. If you have to set the beginning of the section earlier because of those reasons, then it gets much more complicated, too (and the manual audio clip fixing remains)! Thus for me the Arranger is just a play tool in the early state of a song where all MIDI notes can be quantized and audio perfection is not yet the purpose. I think probably I prefer to use Ripple Edit for a "real" order change of an advanced song. Also I have not yet tested the Arranger with Vst instruments that need some "minus time" for their notes and it also comes to mind guitar/bass Vsti's where you define behaviour that must last over a section.
  13. This is great that we have now presets for PC! The only thing I wonder is how can we copy the presets to another computer or back them up?
  14. No, beware! My computer keyboard looks more like:
  15. Yes, on my keyboard there are no letters at all! The keys are only white or black. ?
  16. Setting the display language to e.g. Swedish does not only affect Windows, but a lot of programs set their translation also to Swedish and believe me there is so much inventiveness in translation that you often don't have a clue what some words mean in the programs' context! ? But on the other hand if I have a Swedish hardware keyboard (in the laptop even built in), then I do not want to set English to my keyboard language, because it is a nightmare to find all the special charaters! ?
  17. It drives me crazy! All developers urge the users to use the newest versions of their software. The arguments are to prevent virus interaction, more stability, better experience, ... But my experience is completely different, especially with Windows 10 (but not only). From the beginning I had difficulty to define my language preference in Windows 10: English display language and Swedish keyboard language. Finally, some updates ago I managed to define this only language combination without any others that can be activated accidentally. But now those Microsoft development bastards have changed it again! And I have found no way to remove the language combinations with English keyboard without losing the English display language! Are they really so stupid or do they have fun to plague their users? In many programs (that use a modern layout) the settings get more and more stupid, intransparent, incomplete and illogical. I just hope CbB does not go this way! In any case the biggest virus to me is Windows 10, because it has stolen me so many hours with its problems and updates!
  18. Antares ASPIRE Evo Aspiration Noise Processor and SYBIL Evo Variable Frequency De-Esser for $21.00 each on JRRshop (instead of $59.00).
  19. I tried all of these methods today with some frozen mono synth audio tracks (AD2). No success with #1 and #4, they did boost by 3dB in my cases! #3 was not my favorite one, because you need another program then to split the stereo files. So in the end there remained only #2. Or #5: I opened the audio files generated by the freeze in the audio folder with another program and exported them in my target format. Finally I must admit the whole thing is a PITA, because you either have to use an additional program or you have to do actions that have to be reverted manually! ?
  20. Thanks scook, I never found this so clearly described! But nevertheless to me it feels a bit like a bug when exporting a frozen synth mono audio track (interleave=mono) or its clip copied to a usual mono audio track don't deliver the same result! It is exactly this inconstancy that confuses me. One time I think "Now I got it", but the next moment I get irritated because it does not behave as I expected! ? I have also observed that in some cases the indicated level on an instrument track (mono) had changed by +3dB after freezing when I reopened the project.
  21. Me too! Working with mono tracks is sometimes very cumbersome in CbB. I have especially problems with virtual instruments that output to a mono audio track (e.g. bass). If you look at the peak during play, it is sometimes completely different when frozen and then when you export anyway! If you copy the frozen audio to a new audio mono track, then the export is no more +3dB, very strange! To me it is not transparent anymore in what case there is a +3dB gain! So I had invested some time in creating a sample project that shows the troubles and sent it to the support in December. They said they have logged it for review/changes and I still hope it is being fixed one day! ?
  22. Don't understate! I would say after 25-30 years! ?
  23. A lot of Plugin-Alliance plugins that use the standard preset setting (drop-down list in the plugin header). With these plugins it is painful to load presets with the VST3 version ?, because you always have to select the correct folder manually!! It is valid for bx_bassdude, bx_rockrack, Noveltech Vocal Enhancer, SPL De-Essers, SPL Vitalizer MK2, Lindell 254E, Millennia TCL-2, Vertigo VSC-2, bx_hybrid V2, bx_panEQ, SPL Transient Designer Plus, SPL Attacker Plus, bx_meter ... By the way this is also valid for other plugin manufacturers!
  24. I avoided this, the PA deals were to expensive for me (with tax nearly $40)! ? Anyway I have almost all the plugins of PA that I am interested in.
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