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Everything posted by marcL

  1. Locking clip positions: Because I am not a real artist in using the mouse ☹️ it happens often that selecting a clip moves it a tiny bit. Sometimes I even don't realize this at once. That's why I got used to position lock the clips as soon as they are at the wished position. Counter intuitive: IMO the clips would actually not be really movable, they just would have to remain at the proper position of their individual parts! E.g. a clip that is in the 2nd measure of the solo has to stay there, even if I insert an additional chorus before the solo (and irrespective of the position lock)! That would be common sense or how a musician (maybe not a developer! ?) expects the "Ripple Edit All" to function!
  2. First of all IMO we have to distinguish between "language" and "writing". The Germanic/Keltic languages (English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian languages) already existed before their writing began in the Middle Ages (before they only wrote Latin)! Also we have to keep in mind that the concept was phonetic spelling/transcription at this time, i.e. there were no rules for individual words, but how each phoneme has to be written (very easy straight forward concept). The rules were somehow different in the individual contries/regions, but very strict! I know a little bit 6 of the European languages and I realized that only Swedish and Italien have really preserved the old concept. This is a huge advantage for people learning to write those 2 languages, because it is simple, you can learn it in 1 year without a lot of effort and you are able to write words that you even don't know the meaning of! On the other hand English is the writing that has departed most from the original concept as far as I know (a mix between different phonetic systems). I guess (but don't know) that English writing was very similar to the one of the other Germanic/Keltic languages, because the Germanic/Keltic languages were very similar 1000 years ago (that 's a fact). The writing in Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands was almost the same! People could easily understand each other across country/region borders. It's a pity that the English writing got so chaotic as it is nowadays! ☹️ And excuse the writing/language mistakes that I surely made above!!! ?
  3. Today clips that are position locked are not moved when a section is inserted or deleted with Ripple Edit "All". IMO this does not make sense, because clips (even out of sight) maybe overwritten (adjacent clips) or be misplaced after the Ripple Edit operation. It makes Ripple Edit fault-prone because you may forget to unlock some clips. I don't see any logical reason to keep the position of those clips concerning the Ripple Edit and don't think anyone expects this. So please include position locked clips in Ripple Edit operations.
  4. I would like that position locked clips are allowed to be bounced. Currently the "Bounce to Clip(s)" menu item is grayed if the clip is position locked.
  5. Exactly! IMO this would make more sense, because I only set the position lock to prevent inadvertent moves with the Smart Tool (I am really no mouse hoofer! ?). In contrast a Ripple Edit operation is something the user does deliberately. I think that position locked clips are not affected makes the Ripple Edit more fault-prone (I always have to ensure that all clips are unlocked also those out of sight!). I am convinced most people expect that if they insert a new section at a position (with Ripple Edit) that everything behind is moved by the length of the insertion. I don't think there are a lot of senseful examples for the converse!
  6. I have realized that clips that have position lock are not moved even when I set Ripple Edit to All and insert some new measures. IMHO this does not make sense with Ripple Edit, because the lock position is logically moved, so the clips have also to be moved!
  7. You can also download this plugin at http://www.vst4free.com! Anyways there you will find most of the free plugins and unlike to other plugin lists you can search for types, developers, newest plugins or plugin name. They also display whether the plugin is x64, linux, mac. The site does not look modern, but nevertheless IMO it is the best free plugin site!
  8. To me the Melodyne zooming (and scrolling) feels terrible! And I worked/work a lot with Melodyne, but till today I never get comfortable with zooming and scrolling! And there is no way to redefine it (like in Samplitude)! I prefer the zooming and scrolling of CbB with Alt+mousewheel, resp. Ctrl+mousewheel! I have even reconfigured Samplitude to zoom/scroll that way!
  9. I think the real problem is their sophisticated "shell solution". In fact with Waves you have only 1 single plugin, the shell. This shell handles the autorisation and all the other plugin stubs. Firstly, this is very tricky if you use different versions and secondly, this causes that the DAW plugin scanner cannot see whether a Waves plugin has changed, i.e. the Waves plugins have always to be scanned! This causes longer plugin scanning! Also like that you cannot organize the plugins like any others!
  10. Yes, I noticed this also. But I was to lazy to complain about! ? One other old bug that I found in this context (volume change) is the wave form graphic issue that happens sometimes when you change the volume of a PARTIAL clip more than once in the same clip. The waveform gets quiet (-90dB) in the area between the changed and not changed part of the clip (in high zoom level) and if you alter the zoom level then the 2 seperated wave forms move, i.e. the gap increases or decreases. When you zoom out, then the wave forms join again and it looks okay, but as soon as you zoom in the same mess again! Then it is nearly impossible to do detailed selections anymore. Even bounce to clip does not help, only if you do it more than once with some kind of change!
  11. To me it only happens with Drums Vsti audio tracks that I have set to mono. But it only happens if I use some audio outputs in mono and some in stereo of the same drums Vsti (e.g. AD2). When I freeze them, sometimes there is an immediate level increase of +3dB, other times it stays correct and first when I reopen the project the level is increased. But I am sure that in some cases the +3dB level increase is not transparent. Like that I have found out, that at times it makes a difference whether you export a frozen mono Vsti audio output or if you copy the frozen audio to a new mono track and export it from there. And this is surely not how one would expect!
  12. I do something similar, but use a combination of splitting/moving clip contents and audio snap. Like that I am quite fast. I split my audio clips into phrases (short components) that end with a long note (most of the time). I move the contents of those short clips (with Shift+Alt+drag: moves only the contents, not the clip!) into a compromise position so that all notes have minimal distance to the targeted positions. Then I set the track edit filter to "Audio Transients". I zoom in and correct the detected transients manually without stretching the audio (drag the transient at the diamont position). I select this clip, open Audio Snap (alt+A) and click "Quantize...". I set "Swing" between 47..53 (according to the original playing) and "Strength" somewhat lower than 100%. With the "Audition" (preview) button I search a proper setting. After pressing okay I bounce the clip (this is not necessary, but releases resources and avoids accidental (re)altering). When I have done all the short clips of a part, then I set manual crossfades between them (and bounce them together). With the approach above I reduce artifacts I retain some of the natural rhythmic divergence of the original performance. I really like the results, CbB is a great program with a lot of possibilities!
  13. If Elvis was the King of Rock'n'Roll, then Little Richard was the emperor of Rock'n'Roll IMO! Oh my soul! What a powerful voice (up to B4), what cool songs (made by himself)! I really prefer Little Richard! ? Elvis was more a beldam Rock'n'Roller (please don't feel attacked, you Elvis fans out there). ?
  14. IMHO this is a perfect example for a plugin provider that trys to earn money on something that has no value for a great part of the users! What's the value of MacOS Catalina support for a Windows user, what's the value of complete rewrite and use of the latest development tools and SDKs for all users? Probably a heap of new bugs and some installation work or even trouble! How can they charge such an update?
  15. IMO it is a sin to call such a nice classic just a "car"! I distinguish 3 things on wheels: Classics: I like them! ? Cars: That's what they built in the last century, they make less fun to drive than #1. ? Transportation things: That's what they built/build in the 21st century, personalized ugliness, they support numb transport from A to B! ?
  16. IMO it would be great if you could select multiple (or all) effects and then delete them. Like that there would be also the possibility not to delete the whole chain.
  17. I would also recommend something like Melodyne, because with it you can easily correct the occasional bad notes to your like! ? If you use an auto-tune plugin, then you probably spoil the rest of your vocal performance! Auto-tune is more useful for an instrument that has no continuing pitch changes like vocals, because there it is more straight forward.
  18. If you use only one microphone (mono) and your track interleave is stereo, then the doubling of the mono could cause a +3 dB increase of the input!
  19. I don't know if this is your intention, but maybe? If you want to "join" some MIDI clips to one, then simply select the clips and use "Bounce to Clip(s)" of the Clip menu!
  20. No, I never have used workspaces! I ckecked also if I had not enabled a workspace accidentally, no! But with some more trials I found out, that it does not happen every time. I tried with a couple of old projects and sometimes it was off, sometimes it was on. Even opening the same project had not always the same effect! Very strange! But it is definitely a "feature" of 2020.04. ?
  21. I have observed the Standard version for a long time and now there is the time to grab it! RX7 Elements is definitely missing some functions! I hope the budget is not stressed too much, the month has just begun!
  22. I definitly will not pick it. I am Waves-abstinent with utter conviction!! I refuse their foggy shell implementation!
  23. Yes, this happened also to one of my guitars! So I had to buy a new one! ?
  24. I found the following SMALL issues in the 2020.04 release: Sometimes when I select a range of clips and bounce, then an adjacent clip is also included, although it is clearly out of that range. Before I bounce this clip is also NOT marked as selected! I guess that probably there is a "micro"-overlap? The setting "Show Aim Assist Time" is always OFF when I reopen the project. It is a bit annoying, because I always like to have it ON. When I export a clip (via the right click menu) there is this "new feature": After the export the viewable section jumps to the NOW TIME! Very annoying when you forgot to set the now time somewhere in the visible area (to avoid it)!
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