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Everything posted by marcL

  1. Thanks! At least the key works also offline like the old ones. Still I don't like Amp Locker, 'cos: It is like Amplitude where you always get updates when they add new amps/components that you do not own! Thus for nothing! Like this it also grows in size! It is not easily visible what components you do own. You just see "trial" after you have opened them. AL looks more like a beta 0.7 to me! There are a lot of issues in the user interface IMO. But YMMV! I am glad if you are happy with it! ? I prefer the individual amp plugins.
  2. This is a good reminder for the ones that always require plugins to have updates! ? It is like with fixing issues and bugs in DAWs: Many are caused by new features and updates! ?
  3. It seems this is a real regression to their old authorization system! It's getting worse and worse! I'll pass and just use what I have.
  4. Wow, this is a real good deal! Regrettably, I already have it! Edit: Sorry, I should have said "luckily, I already have it"!
  5. Here it works as ever in version 2022.11 (build 21), i.e. if I select a clip and split it, then the left portion is being selected! My settings: Auto Crossfade = off and Crossfade Types = Linear
  6. Your right! I downloaded it last year and IMHO it is a good one!
  7. Thanks for the info! This encourages me, because I had seen fixes that I waited for a long time and I am glad that like that I don't want to miss them! ?
  8. Here it did only work if I installed a version before 2022.11. But then it works to get the full installer. But it seems 2023.09 cannot be activated offline! I tested this on my laptop to ensure it will work on my other offline systems. Although I could export an activation request, BandLab Assistent told me the request is invalid. Is this true?
  9. Not only in Ireland, I think it is all over Europe! Definitely in Sweden, the value of the Swedish Crown has decreased a lot!
  10. Do I have too many plugins now? ? The last few weeks there has been almost no interesting deal for me! Either I have the plugins already (like this one above) or it is still too expensive, or it is of a developer on my black list (cos I don't like his eco-system)! Regrettably the black list is growing (installation & authorizations get worse)! But as always YMMV.
  11. Although I would miss some changes in these old versions, it would be calming to be sure they still can be activated on a new system, i.e. you could open your old projects in any case (when CbB is no more available)!
  12. The threat is out there! Apokalypse now! ? This has been clear from the beginning! I never bought their flimsy excuses! ?
  13. That's the advantage of DAW-LP of Klevgrand! It does its work as soon as the transport is started only.
  14. @rasure Thanks! For me it worked! ? I used the Portal on my laptop that is online most of the time. The Portal did not delete the installers in my download folder (not necessary to copy) and it is even possible to stop the installation after the download (if you want the installer only for another system). Like this I was able to transfer the new installer files to my other offline systems! This way you can circumvent the downloads that are not current on their site!
  15. PSI Cymbals of Paper Stone Instruments £12.49 (full Kontakt required): https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/paper-stone-instruments/psi-cymbals I like it, they have great cymbal rolls and hits.
  16. Regrettably as some other updates the installers are not available on the download page!
  17. It is a difference to think about technology and use it in a rational way, than to follow the companies' promotions like sheeps! I never said that one should not use technology, but with carefulness! Often it's not the almighty thing that it is praised for!
  18. Believe me a lot of this is just promotion of the technology companies! I am sure that thousands have died because a) they drove some crazy, cos they thought the technology makes them immortal or b) they are using the cell phone during driving. I see this each day I drive here! Also there is a lot of technology that fails (not only software)! I was several times on a driving course and we could see that a) the ABS in several cars did not properly work (one owned by a former car mechanic!), b) some people were doing things that prevented the ABS to work (e.g. hard steering to one side during the brake operation)! But YMMV and I don't want to stop you from your believe in technology! ?
  19. Luckily I skip these 2 examples for now, cos I don't own a cell phone and an electric vehicle! I agree that Sonar has been a positive example so far, but I had several authorization issues with other music software companies where I was not able to use the plugin/program anymore. Therefore I even prefer iLok over online authorization. I will see how your authorization model will look like and will come to a decision then. Still I like Sonar/CbB and its workflow a lot, thus it would be a pity and make me sad, if I had to leave that route completely (maybe in that case we are still allowed to use Sonar Platinum).
  20. Yes Lord, I totally agree to this! One thing that you are missing IMO is the authorization thing. For me (and maybe some others, too) it is also relevant what we get to own! If we get a version of a software with a real offline authorization (like Reaper) that we are able to use and authorize even on a new computer anytime, or if we get at least a version of a software that can be authorized on a new computer as long as the company is alive, or if we get a software that has to be re-authorized after a certain time! Also if I buy a car I prefer that I am able to run it independently of the company's future or other dependencies. Sure I will depend on repair parts, but usually that can be solved in another way.
  21. Strange, I still have it installed! I think it is included in one of the Platinum plugin installers! Oh, I found it: It is contained in the BoutiqueFXSuite!
  22. Even if this looks like a no brainer I'll pass, because I was not able to do offline authorization anymore with some IK products! I had several issues in that area! Sad! But luckily I have the PSP Infinistrip that is really great! Good bye IK, go to hell!
  23. ^^^Absolutely agree! That's why I still have Sonar Platinum available on all of my systems! ... just in the worst case!
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