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Everything posted by marcL

  1. I do this often manually on a bunch of audio clips that should have the same loudness, either before I do comping (I avoid to be misled by loudness) or when I construct a track out of several recordings. It is very labor-intensive! Most of the time the normalization to peak is absolutely unsuitable because the clips have too much difference in loudness range. It would be great to have such a Normalize function in 'Process > Apply Effect'. Otherwise the current normalize function could be extended with a choice of the target (peak, LUFS integrated, ...).
  2. Since the introduction of the automatic subfolder logic it happens to me from time to time that I end up with a folder constellation that I have not intended! ? Although I get more and more used to this 'special' logic with an automatic project folder with the same name as the project. IMO this is not really a good idea, because in any other program out there it is different and second, it makes it impossible to save a project with a changed name in the same or another folder (in such a case you have to save and then copy manually, crazy)! Just to make it clear I do not mind the automatic audio folder name, I don't care about that!
  3. Our oldest lady gets 21 years this summer. Most of the time she stays in my room on the easy chair, so to me there is only the office chair left! ? It is interesting that all of our 4 cats prefer the relation to us humans and the other cats are no real friends to them, even they accept the existence of the other ones! It proves that cats are loners, except when they are young.
  4. @yetoThe problem is that there is no proper way to define what is C3! There are different opinions about that, especially for guitar or male voices. The default for CbB for displaying the octaves is that it starts from 0 (I guess they made it like that to avoid negative octave values). But you can configure in 'Preferences > Customization > Display' the value 'Base Octave for Pitches', and if you set it to -2 it matches most definitions for Vst instruments, also for Ample Sound! I think it would be better if the Bakers would use this as default value, because many people have/had trouble with the current default value! ?
  5. I am not sure if I mean the same thing, but when I edit a MIDI clip, then as a result there are often several clip (layers) on each other. I handle it like that: I select the region in question in the time line and then the track with the clip and use bounce to clip. As a result I have only one single clip with all the combined MIDI data !
  6. What a strange offer if you already have Mixbus 5 ! ?
  7. That's why I dropped my comment above! ? Sometimes I am a bit dull! ?
  8. I thought the same, but then I realized that I have to enter my e-mail address first, then click on paypal and then click pay! Well, I managed it! ?
  9. For me the word 'modern' has become a swearword in the 21st century! ?
  10. I don't know who is that Mary Christmas everybody is talking about! Thus for me it is rather an ordinary Tuesday, the world is very cold out there!
  11. If you want that a track is really mono (recording), then you have to insure 2 things: First the interleave of the track has to be set to mono and secondly the audio input of the track has to be set to only one single input channel of your audio interface (no stereo input).
  12. Actually I only need one good reverb plugin and I should concentrate to learn how to use it best, but I have a couple of (good) reverbs and delays! ? So I wonder if it is really worth to download and install this freebe on all my systems? Is it better than usual reverbs, is it other? I just ask this, because I noticed the last time that I waste so much time installing and upgrading plugins and programs instead of making music! ?
  13. So this means the update itself does not reset the reactivation. I have to start BA and do that manually. Thanks a lot for this info!! I am glad that I can use the downloaded installer on my other pc and it is no big deal to start BA for reactivation! ?
  14. There is 'Acon Digital Multiply' and 'Duet' of Martin Eastwood (32-bit only), both free. But I think you can also use any vocal doubler like iZotope's Vocal Doubler (free). The 3rd possibility is to create 2 tracks with your guitar clip and change it in any way (different pan/delay/eq/compression/...).
  15. That's what I got until now. But to me the reactivation thing is still foggy. There are 3 questions that are open for me regarding BA, updates and activation: If I have installed CbB on more than one computer, is it possible to use the downloaded update or full installer on (an) other system(s)? (Important if you have a slow internet) When I update like described above, does the 6 month period restart also for the 2nd pc? If I start BA periodically does it automatically restart the 6 month period or can I use its reactivate action in advance (before it is necessary)?
  16. Oh, excuse me, I am slow on the uptake! ? I just thought because you did not mention something about the tempo change, you meant a simple pitch change! My misunderstanding! I like it! This describes in detail and in a better way what I tried to explain! I know exactly what this knob did on my Tascam 8-track tape recorder! I wanted to turn the attention in this thread exactly to the meaning of the last 2 sentences of the SOS extract! This is also my experience and that's the reason why I prefer something like the resampling in Samplitude/Audacity for recording something in another pitch/tempo.
  17. Sorry chuckebaby, I get your joke, but your pitch knob is not the thing we need as this is not the same as varispeed!
  18. I had already read the 7th post, but just to prevent that I do misunderstand something I read it again and tried it in CbB. Yes, you can do it like that, but it is a simple pitch shift with all the usual artifacts (you can do the same thing with your premix and the menu 'Process > Transpose ...', to me that seems easier!). But real varispeed means that you change the tempo with affecting the pitch in a natural way, it is not the same like changing the pitch with an algorithm (like it is surely behind the Loop Construction view)! Well, this is my last try to explain! Sorry, that I am so insistent! ?
  19. Maybe in certain cases you can (mis)use it for this application, but if you want to record a vocal track in another speed and go back to the original speed (as requested by the OP), then I do not see the usage of Loop Construction as a solution! ? And secondly Loop Construction does not preserve the natural speed - pitch relation as with real varyspeed, i.e. without artifacts! Try the "Change Speed ..." function in Audacity, then you see what I mean! ?
  20. I did not say that it does not work in general with vocals and so on, my statements only refer to polyphonic detection and there it depends on the simplicity of a sound whether it works (like piano). If you use it for example on a synthesizer track, then you may get too many voices, some voices do not continue, overtones are used as voices and so on, i.e. it would need endless manual work in the detection window to get it right, before you could begin to change!! And I believe there are many out there who can confirm this! ? I use Melodyne a lot, but mostly for single voice (melodic) stuff like single voice vocal and bass guitar tracks! But for that you do not have to upgrade to Editor from Assistant!
  21. I did this upgrade a long time ago. Although they say it can detect polyphonic material please just be prepared that for many stuff it doesn't work! Nevertheless I can remember a positive case when a keyboarder reached 2 keys instead of one and I could remove the faulty one. My impression is that polyphonic material only works for very clean material like piano (that was the positive case above), picked accoustic guitar and such stuff, forget about synthesizer, vocals and the like! ?
  22. I'm still using the 2.n.n versions of my guitars/bass! First I don't like that the whole plugin interface has been bloated with a lot of functions that I newer use (although I would like to use the amp page ?) and there's no way to get rid of it (you have always to check if those cheap stomps are off)! Second when I tried to download version 3 I was really shocked about the sample library sizes, they have even exceeded the 4GB limit, that means I cannot copy the installers with an USB medium to my offline computer and also on my internet connection it is a pain to download such monsters!!! ? I was very satisfied with the older samples, saw no need to have disk fillers!
  23. But it would still be possible to be implemented, see the Tascam 2488neo, it has it and it is also just an interface with a DAW software! And also in other DAWs and even in Audacity you can find a function like this (change speed affecting also the pitch without artifacts).
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