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Everything posted by marcL

  1. Yes, but this is an extra step that is not necessary. As I explained above you can focus on an area by using the zoom with the mouse pointer over your area!
  2. I understand that, it is not the common way. But I got used to do it differently. I focus on the section/notes that I want to zoom in and move the mouse pointer over there and then use the Alt+scroll wheel. Works perfectly! E.g. when I correct detected transients for AudioSnap I can even scroll indirectly with zooming out/in at the "right" mouse positions (without additional scroll operations). This is very fast and I like it! ? I admit that it may take some time to get used, but I swear it is worth it! Unfortunately some change in the last version 2020.05 made it a little worse (it is more difficult to aim for a location) and I can absolutely comprehend your trouble now.
  3. First I have to praise AudioSnap as IMO it is the best tool to quantize audio. One thing that most other DAWs are missing is the possibility to correct the transient detection manually. No automatic detection is perfect and thus the manual correction is so great and useful! ? Also does AudioSnap support a huge set of functionality compared to many competitors. But it would be great if the transient detection would be improved with certain parameters just like track type (rhythmic, vocal, bass, guitar, ...), grid (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, ...), minimum level and so on. I hope this request finds favour with the development team, because I cannot imagine to use another program than Sonar/CbB for quantization, it's simply the best! ?
  4. It is very interesting how different we humans are! ? I always preferred Sonar/CbB's zooming over all other programs ? (DAWs and Audio Editors) that I know (about a dozen). But I must admit that I am only working with the mouse and computer keyboard, no control surface. Especially I am in love with the Alt+mousewheel zooming, although IMHO it worsened a bit in the 2020.05 release.
  5. I have the same impression when I use Ctrl+mousewheel (scroll horizontally) and Alt+mousewheel (zoom horizontally). Especially the latter was much better before the new release. The smooth scroll/zoom were a thing I really liked of CbB compared to other DAWs!
  6. This sentence has so much significance for many software out there!
  7. I totally agree with you! But I would also add that additional memory can also make a huge difference if you avoid/reduce memory swap to disk. Multithread processing: This does only help if there is anything that can be done in parallel, but working in a DAW has 2 important areas that have to be serialized: The audio interface connection and the user graphics. So for many operations in a DAW multithread processing does not improve the performance substantially! Generally I think that sophisticated technics are used by the developers nowadays to compensate the performance waste generated by "modern" developing tools. For a counterexample look at the small executable of Reaper, its huge functionality and you will understand the advantage of traditional, more native programming in contrast of using "modern" tools !!! It runs super efficient even on "smaller" systems (even Windows XP). ? Furthermore, the sophisticated technics mentioned above lead to a lot of bugs and problems. I had tried a lot of years to explain developers multithread processing and fixed their bugs in relation to it.
  8. Here it works (I used Copy Special and Paste Special), except FX-plugins are not being copied, but I don't know if this has always been the case?
  9. Yesterday I noticed an issue with a Stereo/Mono plugin (Vertigo VSC-2) in Samplitude. When I use a mono track it still inputs stereo to the plugin. But in CbB it works perfectly, there is a mono input so that one channel is grayed (as it should behave)! ? IMO it is very difficult to handle plugins for any DAW provider, because the developer crowd is simply said very "chaotic". I see this always when I install/uninstall plugins (every provider has its own logic, own locations, own leftovers, ...). Also if I look at the keyboard and mouse behavior of the plugins, it is very annoying! E.g. fine tuning controls is sometimes Shift+wheel, Ctrl+wheel, Alt+wheel or not existent! Thus I think that CbB does quite well in supporting plugins from different vendors, but I don't know if Reaper is even better in this area (I did only a short test years ago).
  10. I bought this some time ago. I used it to extract or suppress individual drums in a stereo drum track (to generate MIDI afterwards). Works quite well, even if another drum instrument is positioned very close, because you also have low/high cut values. Like it! ?
  11. No I don't use workspaces and screensets. Just now I opened CbB (2020.05 build 39) 7 times and then created a new empty unnamed project (Ctrl+N). 4 times the Aim Assist Time was enabled and 3 times it was disabled (randomly)! Workspace was always set to none.
  12. Yes for mono output tracks (interleave=mono and vsti mono-output). The meters show about +3dB level increase and the same is valid for file export. Yes, it happens with all soft synths when you use a mono output. I had invested some time to create a simple project with all the explanation and I had sent it to BandLab (request 243054, December 19).
  13. +1, I would like this one, too.
  14. 1.) Still the project does not save the setting "Show Aim Assist Time" (I like it always enabled). When I open any project, sometimes it is disabled, sometimes it is enabled (randomly). 2.) +3dB weirdness: I have reported this several times and it is still valid: Having a softsynth (AD2) with several audio outputs, some mono (interleave and synth output=mono, e.g. kick, snare), some stereo (e.g. overhead) and having their volume level set to my taste, then when I freeze the synth/tracks all mono tracks increase their volume about +3dB! This makes the combination of mixing and freezing painful! Even more strange: If I copy a frozen mono clip to a new mono track, then the level is correct (+0dB), i.e. like pre-freeze (preconditioned that the volume of the new track is set to the same value). It is the same behaviour when I export the clip from the original track (+3dB) and from the new mono track (+0dB) to a file. I can handle the fact that exporting a stereo track as mono increases +3dB, this is logical. But the story above is obfuscating! ? Freezing should never change any level!
  15. Thanks, that ran perfectly like that! I really like those rollback installers! ?
  16. The only drawback is that BA decides the download version on the current system. If there is the last version installed, then it only downloads an update and if there is the current version you are unable to download it again (except when you uninstall). I ran exactly into this problem. But nevertheless I want to thank you so much that you provide a offline installation now, so cool! ?
  17. I guess "deactivates" means on local system only! In the first moment I thought I had not made clear that my Editor and Essential license are 2 different ones. But then I have understood. ?
  18. @Noel Borthwick Thanks for the infos! I have Melodyne Editor 4, but at the moment I do not have the cash to upgrade to version 5. Thus I have the following question: Is it somehow possible to use both Melodyne Essential 5 and Melodyne Editor 4 in CbB ? With 2 region FX entries ?
  19. For the main part I am afraid that there will happen bad things when I use "Ripple Edit All"! E.g. when I have 2 consecutive clips left of my now position and the 2nd one has position lock enabled, but it is currently not visible on the screen. If I use "Ripple Edit All" now to delete say 1 measure at the current position, then the 2nd clip (locked) overwrites the last measure of the first clip and probably I miss this at the moment, do a lot of other changes and save the project! Like that things may happen that later on you will wonder about and ask yourself what was my intention really??? ?
  20. @Starship Krupa Thanks Erik for your statement! But in general I think that like "Ripple Edit All" works in CbB today is nonsensical or even absurd, because the persistence on locked clips to be "unremovable" leads exactly to a LOGICAL MOVE of them !!!!!!!!!!!!! and may even overwrite other clips! ? Consider that adding a new part moves all (position) locked clips behind forwards and removing a part moves all locked clips behind backwards (from their logical position within the part). Isn't that crazy? It maybe even out of your screen area and you don't notice it at the moment! Does there exist any logical explanation why this could make sense? ?
  21. Well, that's exactly why I prefere offline installations! But nowadays this gets more and more difficult each day, because there are so many software providers that rely on fxxxing online installation/autorisation! And you never can trust Microsoft, they always change some of your settings in any new release! But this is the future, the 21st century, progress, ... I hate it!
  22. I wonder how this is possible, because there is only 1 Melodyne VST3 dll without a version number (Melodyne.vst3) ? And even if you would rename the old one (resp. other version) would you be able to use both as Cakewalk "Region FX" ? Maybe only the standalone versions are separate ? But it would be cool if it was possible, because I could test the new version 5 with my Essential from Sonar (upgrade to v5 is free) along with Editor 4 on the same system. ?
  23. Even if it is X4, the UPGRADE price for the X3 Suite would have been 199 EUR for me! And that means no new serial! Very strange pricing of Magix. ☹️
  24. Yes, you are right! But there was not written a lot with the runic system (here in Sweden you can find some dozens of rune stones). Clergy and nobility wrote mostly in latin in the early Middle Ages.
  25. I knew that such an objection would come! ? I am/was always very interested in the ancient world in Europe and wondered about the Germanic and Celtic history. I did a lot of self-study after school about this subject (books, internet). The more I was digging into the question "what is the difference of the Germanic and the Celtic tribes" I have come to the conclusion that there is essentially no difference. There were NO tribes that called themself Germanic or Celtic! Although there is a lot of dispute about this subject in science. But even the separatists cannot assign all tribes clearly to one group! Originally the grouping in Germanic and Celtic tribes was developed by the Romans, by Julius Caesar. The tribes that were conquered and integrated into the Roman Empire were called Celtic and the ones that were still enemies in the north of the Empire were called Germanic. That is the only logical answer that I have found in all the history documents about them. You can also find a lot of places in documents where they confirm that all those tribes could easily talk with each other at that time and documents of the vocabularies show that their languages were almost the same (very similar to Swedish and Norway, because those 2 languages have not changed a lot over the time; e.g. in the Swiss language you can find astonishing equality examples to Swedish). But the 1st and 2nd world war were another reason for peoples to insist on the old Roman "difference" of those tribes. Till today there are a lot of people on the islands that don't want to accept the real history. By the way the Normans had come originally from Scandinavia (Germanic territory) to France before they populated parts of Great Britain (especially Scotland) and they brought names like "Johnson". But I know that there is no absolut truth concerning history. There are a lot of assumptions and there is no real consensus about many subjects. There are devided opinions! But there is also a lot of willful blurring caused by politics. ? But now I stop to bore the forum people. I have shown enough that I am a freak! ?
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