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Everything posted by marcL

  1. Though I prefer Amplitube 4, because the starting time of Amplitube 5 is terrible! @mibby You can also change the contents of the presets in Amplitube 4: Simply change the folder structure in "Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 4\Presets" to your liking!
  2. I did not refer to the name, but to the resemblance of his face to @Bapu.
  3. It depends on the seller, some fulfill the EU tax demand, some do not!
  4. I think it's a shame that criticism on the CbB development always gets that emotional! ? But on the other hand I felt sympathy for the concerns of @loqand @Will_Kaydo, though I refuse the provoking tone of their complaints! I agree that there are still a lot of issues in CbB (although I rarely have crashes), e.g. clip manipulation in take lanes is nearly impossible that's why I always insert a working track that is empty for clip manipulation! This works so far! Actually I had also preferred more bug fixes than things like the Arranger and Articulation Maps, though I agree with @Noel Borthwick that it's impossible to satisfy all users (especially such ungrateful ones like me ?). If I go thru the bug fixes in the last couple of releases, then I also see that many fixes are related to the new features! But after all I see it positive and hope that the new release is a turn and it will bring a lot of long awaited fixes! ?
  5. Is it you when you were younger? I see some similarity! ?
  6. Thus, as long as the current versions run, I will not update anymore! As I do not use Apple quirk, nor do I want to drop 32-bit/Windows 7 support, what would I win else than losing some precious time of my life? Especially with such odd installers that produce a lot of manual work to clean up the chaos! More and more I have the feeling that I should not update most of my plugins. It just generates a lot of work and mostly there are no real improvements for me!
  7. I am jealous of American musicians. They have really good prices for hard- and software. E.g. the Ampeg RB-112 is $399 in many U.S. shops, here in Sweden prices are $535 (foreign shops active in Sweden) up to about $650 in "real" Swedish shops/sites. This is only an example, it's with almost everything like that. And since the EU defined that all products bought via internet are taxed in the country of the buyer and since our mail company (almost federal) has decided a very high fee on imports it got less interesting to order things from abroad, even in the EU! Terrible! It reminds me absolutely of the Soviet Union!
  8. marcL

    Kuassa 50% off at JRR

    I just have bought Amplifikation Caliburn. Actually I didn't need any more amp simulations, but I couldn't resist! ? Nowadays I use a real amplifier with a D.I. for recording to avoid the irritating delay. But the Kuassa amp simulations are really first class! Most other (more well-known) amp sims are not nearly as remindful of the real thing like theirs! Caliburn's JCM800 emulation (2nd amp type) is absolutely superb. Many years I owned a JCM800 guitar amp combo and I loved it. It's a pity I had to exchange it with a bass amplifier (I had to replace our bassist at that time). By the way for the bass I bought a JCM800 Bass Series with a JCM 1984 Bass Cabinet, but regrettably I had sold them, too.
  9. By the way, a positve example of good change logs (online accessable) is Arturia!
  10. More and more plugin developers have very frequent updates, but do not provide (detailed) change logs! I hate it, because in many cases I don't need their updates (e.g. I don't use Mac, Pro Tools, ...). So it is a waste of time to always migrate my systems.
  11. Me too! Licensing is also a very important point to me. Thus, I will also add TBProAudio! They have really good products and file licences (cool for offline autorisation). Lately I found a small issue in an updated plugin. They answered my messages in less than 2 hours and they fixed the issue in less than 24 hours. Awesome! ? Else I have a positive impression of Audio Assault, Audiority, AudioThing, Boz Digital, eaReckon, Klanghelm, Kuassa, Melda (except their installation and documentation), Plugin Alliance, PSPaudioware, Rayzoon, ... Yes, I know, most of them are smaller companies (not as the OP requested)! But most big companies are not so customer friendly! The worst IMHO are online installers, I mean companies that force online installation (like NI, XLN, ...).
  12. I was completely fooled! I thought it would be an Easter wonder! ?
  13. marcL

    AAF support

    Hello almost any development standard! Most are too complicate and often some definitions are being omitted (not defined), because some companies disagree. And then there are the theorists (no, I did not say terrorists, even if it was not completely untrue! ?) who tend to endlessly blow up the specification!
  14. I have made the same experience! Especially if you have melody jumps (more than a sixth) in the vocals or if you had to correct a wrong octave detection (in detection mode). In such cases the transition from one note to the next may sound strange or wonky when doing pitch/time changes. Another problem with vocals and pitch detection in Melodyne is that it always assumes a 100 cent pitch value as correct! This is faulty for vocals (but correct for instruments)! Try it yourself, if you sing a melody with up and down jumps (maybe on the same syllable in the text), then it sounds only correct if the first note is on about 50 cents. You can also see this if you analyze vocal parts of well known artists. By the way, I learned this also in my music education.
  15. There are 2 good plugins from TBProAudio that do this, too: DynaRide (39 EUR) is similar to Waves Vocal Rider, but it has more possibilities and it can also be used for Bass and other instruments! GainRider (59 EUR) is more visual and more academic with a lot of controls. Tell me more!
  16. This is definitely not my company! I hate those kind of blackbox installers (Aquarius) and it seems there is no other way. More and more I pass on plugins (even free) using such intrusive installation/authorization processes. There are very good plugins on the market that allow you to control the installation and that have a really user-friendly authorization method (either included in your download or with an authorization file) that allows you to reinstall without problems on a new system (even if you are not online!).
  17. Irish? I prefer Guinness over bells and whistles! ? Sincerly, I bought the Uilleann Pipes, too. They are exceptional good. But as I do not play Irish folk music I am not in need of all kind of Irish instruments though!
  18. This reminds me of myself! It happens that I have not selected the track I thought. It has to do with the not-evident selection system in CbB/Sonar. The difference between selected and active is sometimes hard to see during the work! ... or I mean I miss it.
  19. That's exactly what I fear! More and more online hoax, so that the professional DAW gets lost! ☹️
  20. By the way there are still a couple of "bugs" editing in take lanes. This is not the only one! That's why I started to have an extra working track to do my edits on take lane clips, and then I move them back into the take lanes. Like this I can avoid most of the issues. But lately I had also such a cross-fade issue like the OP. I suspect it has something to do that it is the same clip split into several pieces and their contents is shifted within the clip. Then when you try to cross-fade the pieces sometimes it behaves strange (in different ways). Don't know! But to fix the problem I had to do cross-fade and bounce for 2 clips only at a time!
  21. Yes, I get this if I am using cross-fades in take lanes.
  22. This is it! But before you begin, first disable the transients in the vocal track to avoid that they are included in the merge: On the music track, right click (in an empty space) "Select Markers > All". Right click on one of the transient markers and select "Disable".
  23. That's why I would recommend to disable the Start Screen in the properties, if you perceive a long start time! I have disabled the Start Screen for years. Actually it is not necessary as you can create a new project (also with template) and open existing projects (there is a list of the last opened projects) from the File menu. And for me Cakewalk starts amazingly fast ?, even on my older laptop! Since the Sonar times I have noticed that the Start Screen and the automatic plugin scanning take most of the start time, but you can disable both! They're really not necessary!
  24. This happens to me also. Sometimes it only spoils other crossfades (changes them to a fade out/fade in) to the left and/or right!
  25. The problem is that the transient detection on the vocal track is not accurate. Thus there are 2 ways you can fix this: Correct the transients in the vocal track manually. If you are satisfied with the transients of the whole mix, then you can also extract the groove (in AudioSnap!) of the mix to the vocal track and then let it follow the project. I only don't remember if it is necessary to disable all the transients in the vocal track first.
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