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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Nice work John - especially on the bass line, strings and horns - not to mention an impressive vocal range. One of your best I think. Andy
  2. Sweet vocals and harmonies as always Rex. Not so sure about the sound FX halfway through - kind of jarred for me - but I could see what you were trying to do with them. There's a bit of vibrato on your voice in places that I haven't really heard or noticed before - really nice and so well-controlled. Overall another great track - well done. Andy
  3. Can't wait to hear the version with vocals - this was a super smooth mix and when I listen on headphones I can almost 'see' the instruments being played. Top drawer ??? Andy
  4. I've got most of his back catalogue - eclectic would be the word but there are some absolute gems in there - Field of Eternity is a particular favourite of mine.
  5. Hi Rik - nice work on the arpeggio (not easy to maintain the tempo) and tone is very nice. Did I detect an altered tuning or is it tuned to regular pitch? Some of those chord changes put me in mind of shades of Ant Phillips early solo work (Tregenna Afternoons). Lovely stuff - well played Andy
  6. AndyB01


    Mmmm lovely stuff to kick back and relax to - the mix sounds great on my cans. Andy
  7. Impressive chops indeed, enjoyed the listen. Andy
  8. Nice guitar work. Yeugh - slide rules - I never understood how to use that wretched thing (still don't). I still have my original one up in the loft and thought, that must be worth a few quid after nearly fifty years. ? It was too - circa £3.50! So much for my retirement heirloom ? Anyway, I digress, really nice job on the song. Andy
  9. Disagree Keith - I thought it sounded pretty good. Agree on Meghan ?
  10. Hi Larry I've got the same CPU (no Win 11 for me either). I used to have a Gen 1 Focusrite interface (2i4). One thing I learned was that it really did not like USB 3.0 ports and used to BSOD all the time if I used one - luckily I had a USB. 2.0 I could use instead. Also the general release driver for the Focusrite was unreliable and used to cause crashes (I never worked out why), but I did get more stability with a beta driver the guys at Focusrite sent me. I eventually upgraded to a Gen 3 2i2 and have had no issues since. My top tips therefore would be use the Focusrite support guys if you need them and avoid USB 3.0 for Gen 1 interfaces if you can. My approach to the BIOS is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' but I did find disabling fast boot was something that improved overall stability on my rig. For AV, I use Bitdefender, nice small footprint and never causes me an issue; but the stock offer from MS Defender is more than adequate these days and no longer the standing joke it once was. What drives does it have? Upgrading mine from spinners to SSDs had a great impact on performance and was a good value upgrade. I would recommend if you're trying to get some performance cost for a reasonable outlay. Finally, always worth checking sleep and power settings - especially for USB ports that have a habit of dozing off when you least want them to. I set mine to a high power plan. Hope some of that helps and good luck with the rebuild. Andy
  11. EzBass is smoking on this - I'm still struggling to get really decent results with it (I think I lack the patience to really get under the hood of it), but it's still better than I can do manually with a MIDI keyboard. This definitely sounds worthy of further investment to me, then again I can talk, I must have a dozen half-built, half-written songs and uncompleted projects on EzKeys. ? Andy
  12. Yep very enjoyable listen, really well done. Andy
  13. Sweet guitar tones and great use of silence (something that is definitely underrated). Really nice composition, I enjoyed the listen. Andy
  14. AndyB01


    Hmm, enjoyed this, second mix definitely better bass wise. Had a bit of a Fleetwood Mac vibe for me. Mix wise, I was listening on good cans and it sounded like I was in the room - that's as good as it gets for me. Great job. Andy
  15. Cheers, they found my serial but I can't upgrade anyway cos I don't own the right product. ? But apparently this is only the first in a series of new releases: "The Ivory 3 German D Upgrade is only available to Ivory II Grand Pianos owners. But keep in mind this is just first Ivory 3 product. There will be more."
  16. Actually - having bought my version through Time+Space (since gone bump) - I have just discovered I have no trace of a serial number. I registered and activated it via iLok and the product works just fine, but iLok rather unhelpfully doesn't show the serial. So I doubt I could upgrade even if I wanted to as I cannot effectively prove ownership and it isn't registered on the Synthogy.com website. Some suppliers have much to learn about continued access to and escrow of serials and other legacy info after they go bump in the night. I guess I could reach out to Synthogy support but I am not hopeful (even though I have proof of purchase emails). Andy
  17. Upgrade path is a bit steep for my taste - I have Ivory II, might be staying there unless a better deal comes up. Thanks for posting @cclarry else I would likely have missed this one. Andy
  18. Personally, I'd have said 'wife' but - then again - who knows these days! ? Loved that Keith, all the elements are there, very cool guitar leads (is that you playing?), a bit of Hammond thrown in, nice walking bass and killer BGVs (some of those oohs might overpower the lead vocal a hair in places, but I was listening on headphones. Great job. Andy
  19. Ha nice one Nigel - enjoyed the listen - great vid too. If I'm suitably inspired, perhaps I should write a song commemorating my completion of the Wales Coast Path (all 900 miles of it), but not sure I can spell all those Welsh place names. And anyway - what rhymes with Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. ? Andy
  20. Sounds great Peter and stands the test of time all these years later. Andy
  21. After being out of stock for what seemed like forever (I think Digitech were bought out by Cort so there's been some loss of production amongst all the corporate stuff), anyway these finally came back into stock so thought I'd give one a whirl. I have to say that reviews are mixed at best and ideally I'd just buy a 12 string. However, as I don't have room for another guitar (and the wife doesn't have the tolerance) this is my only real option if I want a 12 string sound. I have to say I didn't have particularly high hopes. First impressions are actually not that bad. On full chat for both tone and level, you do get the full experience, but you'll be reaching for both your EQ and Compression plugins as things can get quite muddy. Dial down the levels and you can still get some nice additional depth and shimmer. Is it as good as a real 12 string? That's a definitive no but it's a very commendable effort. Is it better than anything you can hack together with an octaver, pitch shifter, chorus and Melodyne - I'd say almost certainly yes, based on my experience of trying all four. In conclusion I'd say it gives a workable and usable 12 string sound, you might still have to play with it and build an FX chain around EQ, compression (and even a touch of reverb) to get really close to the sound you're after. It's not cheap at over £100 and it's mains only, so no burning through batteries at least. For now, I'd say it's a keeper and I'll see how good a sound I can get from it. Andy
  22. +1 to all the above - great rock performance - enjoyed the listen. One minor crit - didn't like the fade out - I wanted a big finish ? Andy
  23. If I had to choose a version I'd go for the second one without the drums - I just prefer the feel. On the vocal FX, it's all been said above so I won't go there, this a really good cover. Well done. Andy
  24. Nice oompah groove Keith - always a good start in my book. BGVs are just great - made me smile and kudos for getting 'misdemeanour' into a lyric - extra points for that. ? Andy
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