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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Thanks for this - not taken it in yet but it died on me six times already today, so it is definitely getting worse. I'll mention all this to the tech when I take it in. Andy
  2. Watch this and make notes I still refer to mine every time I use comping. Andy
  3. You could just route them all to a bus - presumably there's a reason you want to make a new track? That being the case, selecting entire mix and the relevant tracks should work as above.
  4. Love Jonathan Pie - seen him live - brilliant and spot on as always.
  5. "I've never been kissed before, it's been on my list before, a flick of the wrist before would do" 10cc: Head Room Technically three lines, but who's counting... Genius ??
  6. I did wonder about the very slow tempo until the vocal kicked in - but no, it's perfect as it is. Loving the seventh chords - sounds great. As usual, your vocals are the stand out. Are you sure about the guitar for the lead instrumental - there must be a lot of options you could consider there, everything from a smoky sax to a violin lament and back again. I'd try a few and see what works before you decide. Loving your work, as always Andy
  7. Your link above works ok here - might just be you Andy
  8. I love listening to you play - such exquisite control - I can't get anywhere near those kind of chops. You can make that thing talk, sing and dance. Great stuff. Andy
  9. Hmm they don't sound too bad but nothing I don't already have in either Guitar Rig or TH-U. I do have some EzMix stuff (which I mainly use for vocals) but Toontrack are in a very crowded space here - so I'm not surprised to see this discounted. Think I'll pass too. Andy
  10. I like the guitar sound (a little lost at around 2:20 as Mark commented) - vocals definitely need to come up in the lower registers. Loved the sentiment: UK politicians - I can relate - don't you just love 'em. Overall great track Andy
  11. I wouldn't describe myself as a Megadeth fan but this was an incredible cover - some truly awesome chops on show all round. Great job ??? Andy
  12. AndyB01


    Oops I missed this - classic country vibe - you make a great sound together on the harmonies. I'd have probably liked either a clean guitar or a bit more sustain on the lead but hey - that's just personal preference on my part. Still sounds pretty good as it as. What a catalogue of stuff you have Rex - another one to add to the collection. Well done Andy
  13. I've been trying to persist with Scaler - it's not an easy learn in my view, because there's not only a lot going on under the hood but also a lot of music theory that's worth delving into; in order to really get the most out of it. My current favoured workflow is to grab some of the built in song progressions I like and mess around with these in the pattern grid editor to build song parts (intro, verse, pre-chorus etc). I can map each of the pattern grids to key switches and 'play' in a song chord track. Record the resultant MIDI pattern into EzKeys and use the 'use browser midi' function in EzKeys to play the song sections (using suitable styles from the built in midi packs) to build up a song. Using this technique, I can create an underlying chord track and multiple more complex piano or other instrument tracks to layer in a song. I don't have any finished original projects to share yet, but I'm working on a few when I have time (bit busy at the moment though as lots of life stuff going on). Pound for pound, Scaler has to be the best value VST I've bought in a long time. Andy
  14. AndyB01


    I loved this Wookiee - the stereo panning effects sound stellar in my headphones - I agree with Mark that some (seascape?) video would accompany this very well. Terrific work. Andy
  15. You've been stung! Sorry, couldn't resist... I'll see me'self out
  16. Are you using the right adapter? You will need a specific TRS to TRRS adapter, otherwise the connection rings will not line up. Have you tried it with a standard pair of audio only headphones (no mic) that have a standard two-ring TRS adapter? If that works as expected, this confirms the issue. If not, then I'm wrong and something else strange is going on. Hope it helps and you get it sorted. Andy
  17. Thanks for the tip Jack. Fans all cleaned out a few months ago and were working then - I don't fancy messing with the heatsink so I'll pass that one over to my local friendly computer tech. He's very good, and charges a reasonable rate ? Andy
  18. I like the contrast between the bold sweeps of the keys and the percussion - maybe the drums could become a future theme - or then again... ?‍♂️ Looking forward to new projects or future instalments Andy
  19. @Jim Roseberry I am guessing these might be indicative of the problem Looks to be running a tad hot... Andy
  20. +1 to this - I use 1Password but have had LastPass in the past - other flavours of password managers are available. Forget Excel - just get one - it's life changing (in a good way); especially if you put the work in to update all your shared and simple-to-hack passwords with the random passwords generated by the app. Browser and multiple device integration is top drawer and autofill works perfectly a good 95+% of the time. Just make sure you set a strong, unforgettable master password and you'll never have to remember any others. Andy
  21. Thanks Jim, will do. I think I'll be coming to you to purchase some consultancy on a spec when the time comes for an upgrade. Regards Andy
  22. This ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Just spent three hours trying to load some eBooks on Mrs AndyB01's iPad. Christ alive, why is Apple kit so damned unintuitive and why do they have to make everything so painful and difficult to do? ? Give me a PC or Android any day of the week - at least then, I feel like I'm actually in control.
  23. @Kevin Perry yep that's a good shout too - I am definitely old enough to remember SCSI drives. ? Although, looking at the mobo on the laptop, I don't see too much physical wiring but you never know. Thanks for the suggestion
  24. You did a great job with it, I didn't mean to take you to task (my reply did come across as a bit heavy), we're all a bit self-deprecating about our own work at times (I know I am). Sometimes I guess we need to big ourselves up once in a while. ? Andy
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