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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Wow - so many comments - cheers guys Thanks @Wookiee agree on Mr Hackett - 100 per cent and I'll try and get some more stuff posted when I find time Cheers @garybrun @daryl1968 and @amiller appreciate the critique @emeraldsoul no mics involved - the guitar in question is a curious beast - it is in fact a Yamaha Silent Guitar (SLG200N) that I got earlier this year - just DI'd via a Focusrite 2i4 interface and the reverb is an onboard effect. It's a great guitar for recording and comes to bits for easy storage - as well as being less annoying for Missus AndyB01 for when I have to do me some practice. :-) @Douglas Kirby I've always loved and played classical guitar since I was a kid (or tried to) and never owned a gut string before this year - how utterly crazy is that. Sad fact is, I rarely get the steel strung out of the case these days - I think I'm better on the nylon that's why. The only downside - re-stringing the beggar - that's a dark art! Thanks all for feedback
  2. Thanks for the listen @Johnbee58 and @Beagle - I'll see if I can have a crack at Blood on the Rooftops sometime. ?
  3. Agreed - his back catalogue is an incredible legacy and so many different styles - I saw him most recently last year on his Genesis Revisited tour and was completely blown away - simply stunning. Ah yes - I never quite mastered Blood on the Rooftops - another great song - perhaps I'll give it another go sometime - those hammers and pulls at the end of the intro are quite a trick to pull off. Thanks for listening and for the feedback - very much appreciated
  4. You are too kind and I know you're not blowin' smoke so I appreciate the comments - I certainly wouldn't describe myself as 'long-suffering' where your stuff is concerned. Maybe I should post more stuff but I got badly stung on a forum once by a particularly obnoxious individual and it kind of makes you wary about putting yourself out there. I'm working on a new song at the moment that's has been in development for a few months (I'm even playing the keys - with no assistance from Toontrack for a change) but there's still a lot to do so it might be a few weeks before it's ready for air play.
  5. Since finally getting my very own nylon strung guitar (after decades of owning only steel strung versions) I've been trying to re-acquaint my tired old brain and broken technique with the rudiments of classical guitar. This is my take on the classic Genesis track from Foxtrot - from the guitar meister himself, Steve Hackett (my all-time favourite guitarist). I've been trying to perfect this for years and - as you can tell - I still haven't mastered it! ? And yet, I feel it's got to a level where I'm not entirely embarrassed to share it publicly - so here goes: Apologies for the odd dropped harmonic - hopefully it doesn't detract too much. Enjoy! Andy
  6. Loved it - who rhymes Fitbit with Nitwit - brilliant! ? Fantastic lyrics, production, groove - really great stuff. Please, never stop songwriting - this was teriffic. Andy
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