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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Great work - faultless playing - loved it Andy
  2. Nice work Keith - great nostalgia trip. Green Shield Stamps - how were they ever a thing? I shudder to think what the glue was made of you had to lick to stick them in the book. Something long since banned and found to be a carcinogen no doubt. ? Andy
  3. I really loved this - top notch writing, performance and production - you had me from the opening riff. One really minor crit if I'm allowed - I'd have loved a hard stop ending instead of a fade. Terrific work. Andy
  4. AndyB01

    All of Your Heart

    Hmm I hear this on headphones too - it's a little distracting but still another great song - nice simple arrangement and beautifully sung as always. Yes those old Dim Pro instruments can still hold their own. I still use them from time to time. Andy
  5. AndyB01


    Lovely guitar sound, really nice. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment. ? Andy
  6. Very good point. Btw - I'm with you on the Genesis thing - been a massive fan since I first discovered their music back in 1980.
  7. Agree, I've never come across a plugin that enables me to create a unique and professionally played piano track from my own chord track composition, I consider that something of a game changer given my limited piano chops. Scaler 2 and uJam Virtual Pianist to some degree but neither are in the same league in my view. You can also (and I have) make very credible 'original' songs from the default midi packs - provided you can accept and live with the fact that thousands of others may well have used the same arrangement. You are only really constrained by the number and variety of midi packs you own. Andy
  8. AndyB01

    June 21

    There's a lot of great work here - the drums hold it together well. If stressful and intense was the mood you were going for - I think you nailed it (with just a hint of added chaos for good measure). ? Andy
  9. AndyB01

    Music Power

    Nice stripped back arrangement Keith - nowhere to hide here and you did a great job. A lot of power in the vocal and kudos to you for taking this on - love the choral build in the chorus - those BGVs and harmonies are just great. Enjoyed it. Andy
  10. Reminded me a little of The Return Of The Giant Hogweed. ? Great concept - really well executed - great job. Andy
  11. Agree with all of the above - really great song and mix - very 80s (in a good way). Terrific vocal performance. Enjoyed the listen. Andy
  12. Really great job - thoroughly enjoyed the listen. Wishing you every success with the album - deserves to do well. Andy
  13. AndyB01

    Asha - video

    Very good Bjorn - you did a great job on this Andy
  14. AndyB01


    Forking netiquette aside for a moment (I'm sure you guys will work things out - I also doubt any disrespect was intended) - this is nicely played - very enjoyable. Andy
  15. Reminds me of some classic tunes - harmonies are already sounding good and that oompah piano is the perfect accompaniment - personally I wanted a chorus to come back in after the guitar solo and fade away on some more of those soaring harmonies but it's a minor crit - agree with the above, there is clearly lots of potential in this one. Nice work ? Andy
  16. AndyB01

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    ?????? At last
  17. I'd agree with the above - I had a quick listen to a few of the tracks and have to say I really liked what I heard. As someone who is happy to devote 23 minutes - on a not irregular basis - to listen to Suppers Ready; I will give this a full listen when I get chance. However that will be a week or two as I have a lot on at present. Andy
  18. AndyB01

    Breaking Away

    Now there's an offer - I'd be very happy to let you have a crack at it Rex - you can have full creative licence to re cut as you see fit. Appreciate the offer because you seem pretty busy with all your other projects. PM me if you're interested. Andy
  19. AndyB01


    Wonderful tone and attack - I enjoyed this one a lot. Andy
  20. AndyB01

    Breaking Away

    Thanks for that nice comment John, yes I think we might share a common back catalogue. ? I just remember how unconstrained we all were back then. We used to sit around with our guitars playing for hours, and when we got bored of trying to emulate our heroes we'd just crank out some original material for fun. How I wish I had kept so much more of that old stuff. Andy
  21. Agreed - I think you can mark this one as done ?
  22. AndyB01

    Breaking Away

    Thanks @ramscapri and @Lynn Wilson for having a listen and giving this old thread a bump. I had a lot of fun re-recording this and it's been on my to do list for far too long. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the feedback. Andy
  23. AndyB01


    Liked the change up at the bridge - it's a great song. My one crit is that it slightly sounds like its being held back as an overall mix - I guess I just really wanted it to break out and fly. That said - it's a very minor crit - you did a great job on it. Andy
  24. Loved the opening - guitar has a great tone and drums sit nicely in the mix - I don't detect any vocal strain. Don't think the non-standard structure matters a hoot. Great work Andy
  25. Definitely a bit of phasing on the vocals but - with a groove like that - who cares. ? Lots to enjoy here. Andy
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