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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. Yeah Celestion SpeakerMix Pro is IMO an abortion. There is rumor of a new update to fix some of it's many bugs, however it hasn't materialized as yet. If it ever gets here I'll update and check it out, must give it a fair chance, but I don't have high hopes, it's just taking up drive space. Even their standard cab IR's are nothing special IMO, I never use them or SpeakerMix Pro, it's just waiting my time, I have much better available.
  2. You can use it outside of Amp Room, just like using any other vst, but you're stuck with the cabs/speakers that come with it, it's like proprietary stuff, even the cabs from the Marshall Suite aren't available in it, what you get is what you got. Very restricted. and yes, that would be the method, but don't be surprised if you find it to be a backward step.
  3. You don't get this boxy, poxy sound from it, it not meaning that specific amp, but TH-U in general, everything bar the Rig libraries? I don't like the sound of it at all, I only use it for the odd Rig Library, but not really since TONEX was released. I do use TH-U for SuperCabinet, basically using it as a Cab IR loader, that's all I use it for now, and that's not exclusively. The new Choptones Rig Library Super Magic is pretty good, the first I've purchased for some time. Some like potato, some like potarto I guess.
  4. It's not bad, I've had it since release, IMO and to my way of thinking it's fairly limited, in speakers, I mean what you got is what you got, it's not as if you can add anything. I never use it. The Spring Reverb is not bad, I get some use out of it, but I have better ones which get most of the use. The Mutronics Mutator, now there's an interesting beast, goes very nicely on the Guitar Buss, or even an insert, depending. Once you get it settled in on the Guitar Buss it's very hard to evict him? Takes a bit to get a grasp, well for me anyway, but once you do it can be very nice. A bit of Mutatin' is good for the soul ?
  5. Nothing fancy, just tickled my bones, it was talking about the release of the 'Cakewalk Reference Guide PDF' as you can see in the tab, your comment was made after Craig B mentioned how many pages.
  6. Perhaps he is talking about bugs, or clunkyness, or perhaps 'workarounds'. I still remember your comment about SONAR's manual over at Beyond My Daw, gave me a good chuckle then and still brings a smile to my dial when I have occasion to recall it, I think I even saved the page somewhere, good times. ?
  7. We live in a house that jack built ? ? ?
  8. Yes, I have all the SSL Plugins, however in this case I still prefer to go with the Waves version. They add some certain added bite to guitar/bass tracks which I really like, and wont let go of until something better imo comes along.
  9. What if new users are limited to 5 posts a day (whatever number) for 2 weeks (whatever period) or until they reach 100 posts (whatever number) If they register on the day they start the spamming there will only be a limited number of posts to clean up and you have them. If they are sleepers and don't start until a week, a month, a year after they sign up they will be held in check by the post reached limit and if they start they'll be held by the daily limit and you'll have them. I don't know, maybe some version of that, or maybe not ?. I know I saw a couple of posts short of 4 pages full the other day. I had the reason why it wouldn't be a burden on legitimate posters, but it has left me, the result of long term usage of some heavy duty pain meds and high dosage morphine patches, the memory can go to mush ?
  10. I knew I would be found wanting in the shadow of the great Bapu, there is none greater ?
  11. ? Yeah we be talking about the same company I've been around the block a lap or 2 myself, not exactly what you'd call a 'newbie' 'bin known by many a name here and on the old forums. I was a Pro Audio 9 user from around release, went through to SONAR Platinum (even got me some Lifetime Updates lol, but I'd already gone by then, deals), jumped ship in 2015 to Studio One 3 Pro, now happily with Studio One 6 Pro 6.2.1, and far from limited experience across multiple brands, Oh, and my plugin folder is just over 2650 plugins
  12. I like Waves, I've never had an issue with them or their software. I was bummed out when it looked like they were going Subscription only, that would have been the end for me, but the plugs would have kept working long enough to see me out, and if they didn't I could replace pretty much any Waves plugin if it come to that with what I already own, I just choose to use Waves. They are rock solid and generally speaking excellent quality. So apart from being bummed out, the Subscription only thing was of no concern to me, just business as usual, but I am glad the reversed the decision. Like any company/Dev, it's their prerogative to do whatever they decide to do, I mightn't like it, but I don't know the circumstances behind any decision they make. As to WUP, it doesn't bother me, buy it when there is something to benefit me, if not it's of no concern, still get any updates that may be required, and with Waves it's not very often it's bug fixes, usually adding something like more Head Phone Models, adding integration with this or that, I've never been personally aware of a bug let alone brought down by one, solid as. This last WUP'n has been pretty awesome with the amount of useful, quality plugins for free, and the WUP'n season is nowhere near over, so there could be more to come, if not it's more than paid for itself as far as I'm concerned, all praise to the mighty Mercury. Long live Waves, may they outlive my need for plugins at the least. Now where are those Melda threads, I got some pics of industrial strength eye googles going unused ?
  13. This usually takes me to the last post.
  14. those late nights, they're for the youngin's.
  15. Sorry for the OT again. Just grabbed a pack for the new Marshall Studio JTM ST20H from Jason Sadites it's pretty sweet and I'm not really a fan of Marshalls, even though I own a few. Downloaded and installed a demo from his site, played with it for 5 or so minutes and had to have it ? I had to get out of there because the Friedman pack was staring me down and my wallet started jumping around in my pocket. Like that will last long, anyway, back to normal scheduling.
  16. Yes indeed. I pre ordered TONEX MAX so have had it since day 1, as well as MAX I own all of the Amalgam Audio capture packs and a few selected packs from other vendors, I personally don't bother with the ToneNet, went through a similar thing way back with BIAS Amp, no thanks, comercial packs only for me, no more time sucking rabbit holes For me personally TONEX stands head and shoulders above all other Amp Sims, of which I also own just about all of them. I've dropped and no longer follow most of them, but I keep buying everything Kuassa, Nembrini and Softube release, don't use them after an initial checkout, but I like to support those 3 because you never know, they may jump onboard the new wave and push the envelope. It'll be an exciting day when something comes along and tops TONEX, whatever it is I'll be first in line, that will be one hell of a unit, might even be TONEX II, IK would be wise to jump on some of it's missteps from this round, although some which can for the most part be taken up by using TONEX from within Amplitube 5, and if they keep improving on what it has already done, the mind boggles.
  17. Just be aware, in case you don't know, that it's not like a separate vst plugin or anything, it can only be used within TH-U versions, and of coursed TH-U Premium (or whatever it's called) already has it. Having said that, it's not a bad Cab/IR loader, and although it uses propitiatory Cabs, of which the Jensen's are pretty good, it can load your 3rd party IR's. Apart from use as a Cab/IR loader, it's all I use TH-U for. TONEX has the market cornered AFAIC. Although it has some nice Rig Libraries, the new Supro Black Magick 1695T is pretty good, and seems to be of a higher quality than previous. I have a shit load of Rig Libraries, and I just demoed the new Supro out of curiosity as there is another Supro I was buying for TONEX, and it surprised me a bit, and unlike most of the previous Rig Libraries I purchased, it doesn't need to be used with 3rd party Cab/IR's, it's stands as is quite well. IMO But TONEX be King.
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