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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. De-essing. Re-imagined. Whether you’re trying to tame sibilance in a lead vocal, rein in a sharp-sounding hi-hat, or reduce harshness while mastering, a truly great de-esser is as elusive as it is essential. Enter the Weiss Deess, available as an individual plug-in or as part of the Weiss DS1-MK3 collection. With a combination of the highly-prized sonics of the industry gold-standard Weiss DS1-MK3 – the go-to digital hardware de-essing unit used in top mastering studios the world over – and a totally modern and focused approach in design, Softube is psyched to announce the Weiss Deess Plug-in. Stop searching, start succeeding – this is the de-esser. Dual band action The Weiss Deess has two completely independent bands. Most de-essers have one, but almost no sibilant has a single-frequency focus, especially when you’re dealing with complex material or mastering applications. Concentrate on what's important The variety of filter shapes and excellent band-width control, allows you to home in on precisely what you need to deal with, without collateral damage. Low latency mode A low-latency mode allows you to de-ess in tracking, saving the tedium in the mix of what can often feel like a non-creative editing task. Nothing beats getting it right on the way in. This product supports Extended Features We love VU meters, Bakelite knobs, and analog quirks. But we want modern precision and workflow. The answer? Softube Extended Features. Easy-access panels with the innovations you need close at hand. In short World class de-essing, with code-ported algorithms from the industry standard DS1-MK3. Two bands of de-essing. This is the only de-esser you’ll need. Stunning and intuitive visualisations make this de-esser a breeze to use. Clean tweak-and-go faceplate, with immensely detailed controls hidden in side-menu. Ultra-professional tool, but without the daunting, complex look. Low-latency mode allows you to de-ess while tracking a vocal. All the versatility you need in terms of filter shapes, frequencies etc. $89 https://www.softube.com/deess also available at various resellers
  2. Softube Weiss EQ MP Surgical mixing with exactly the bands you need. Based on a 1:1 code port of the minimum phase algorithm of Weiss EQ1 A surgically-precise, ultra-transparent, high-fidelity EQ workhorse Optimized for big mix sessions with low latency and a light CPU load There are equalizers with beaucoup bands and loads of features to fiddle with, and then there is equalizing so pared-down-precise that it cuts like a scalpel. Paging Weiss EQ MP. Developed through the thriving partnership between Softube and Weiss Engineering, the Weiss EQ MP is an equalizer honed for professional-grade use. Built on the minimum phase algorithm of the legendary Weiss EQ1, we designed EQ MP for exacting mixing applications that necessitate a surgical EQ and sound quality that’s a cut above the rest. With seven bands, just like the acclaimed EQ1, Weiss EQ MP gives you that famous EQ1 transparency coupled with the sharpest accuracy possible. Achieve stunning clarity in your mixes with Weiss EQ MP, the sonic surgeon with the golden bands. Designed by Experts, Built on Legacy Softube has a long history of modeling professional gear. After nearly two decades working in collaboration with premium pro audio brands like Tube-Tech, Solid State Logic, Chandler Limited®, Weiss Engineering, and Trident, we have a solid track record recreating indisputable classics in software form that sound precisely like their hardware counterparts. Weiss EQ MP is built on this legacy, and we took the same meticulous approach we always do – everything needs to be exact, with skillful recording, precise testing, and fine-tuning to sound exactly like the hardware that inspired it or even better. Nothing less. The Specialist The Weiss EQ1 is undoubtedly the standard for mastering engineers the world over. And when you can sample from the best, you damn well do so. Weiss EQ MP is based on the minimum phase algorithm of Weiss EQ1 and boasts some of the same features. Both can do it all, but we sharpened EQ MP for the mixing specialist. Retinal Remedy Weiss EQ MP utilizes the EQ1’s Large Screen format and the ability to resize the user interface. Now, Softube unveils Dunkel, also known as Dark Mode, for EQ MP and EQ1 plug-ins. A great feature to have when working in a dark DAW mixing environment. Song Doctor As with the chief of mastering, Weiss EQ1, the Weiss EQ MP features double-precision, 64-bit processing with internal oversampling using Weiss low-noise filter algorithms. It has the same seven full-range EQ bands with -39 to +18 dB cut/boost range with their incredible Q- range of 0.2 - 650. The doctor is in. Face Lift: Presenting Dark Mode With the introduction of Weiss EQ MP, we present Dunkel—or Dark Mode. The perfect complement to a dark DAW. Expand the size of the plug-in window to your heart’s content. You won’t be blinded every time you open EQ MP. To strengthen EQ MP as a professional mixing EQ workhorse, we also included the same user interface as the Weiss EQ1 in Large Screen mode and made the window resizable. Need just one or two bands? Resize the window down to only show what those bands are doing, or enlarge it to fit the entire screen. How ever you use it, it's going to be easy on the eyes. In short Surgically precise, ultra-transparent, and high fidelity Developed in collaboration with Weiss Engineering Featuring the minimum phase algorithm and dual seven-band setup of Weiss EQ1 Low latency (17 samples in 44.1 kHz) and low CPU load Double-precision 64-bit, low noise processing with internal oversampling New Dark Mode GUI feature Easy to use, with no learning curve Product features 1:1 code port of the minimum phase algorithm from Weiss EQ1 Low latency and light CPU load Resizable UI and Dark Mode The same dual 7 full-range EQ band as Weiss EQ1 24 dB, 48 dB and 96 dB slopes added to the filters Double precision 64-bit processing and internal oversampling Linked/unlinked L/R and M/S Processing Incredible Q-range of 0.2 - 650 $89 https://www.softube.com/weiss-eq-mp also available at various resellers
  3. No problems with Softube Tape, or any other of my plugins (2180) all went fine. Problem was probably like you said. All up and running like nothing had happened here, theway it should be. Checked opening a few existing projects, all good. I can hear TONEX calling, got to go.
  4. BeatSkillz are having a sale on the Retro Bundle which has Drum sampler type dodads full of heaps of machines plus a synthy thing, also for $59, I had a little listen to that and this UVI thing, but I got other things on my mind, like TONEX and Studio One 6 Pro, I was going to get both even though it's not really my genre, I do dabble from time to time. I'll take stock of what I have already then make a discission, if I can put TONEX down for long enough.
  5. Would you prefer them to leave any bugs that show up and not fix them? I think it's great that they got on to whatever it was so quick. I have no issues thus far, has been solid as a rock. I have MAX so I don't have the issue of the 'you don't have access . . . ' message. From where I stand it seems to be a fairly solid release, with no issues for me, maybe things they could add or change, but no 'problems', and I've been hammering it night and day since release. Anyway, that's my take
  6. All you got to do is have the latest Amp5, 5.5 I think it is, select TONEX like you would any other amp, then select the TONEX setup you want, it's pretty easy. It's not really much different than selecting Amp5 stuff.
  7. and the Australian, around $1.54AU to $1US, but you just got to push through and push that 'Buy' button, tell yourself 'It's for the best', 'you're doing it for the kids', or even 'one of the big kids made me do it', but just do it ?
  8. I scored this, hey $8, wasn't expecting much, but it is quite nice, easy to add a nice bit of ? to the tone of overdriven guitar. $8 well spent IMO. Thanks.
  9. This thing absolutely ROCKS!!! The sound, the feel, it abounds and it's real!! Excellent job IK, I mean it's hard to stop using it to do anything else.
  10. I thought you were going to say, 'I'm getting tired of looking at that horrendous, hideous, God dang butt ugly UI'. ? But there you go. Now that the comedic relief is done I'm quite happy with the update, and $109.05 is a steal IMO Studio One 6, the best gets better!!
  11. Thank you kind Sir. ? $109.05 for me with my Bestcoin, excellent price, was expecting more.
  12. 48 hours only: the sovereign of analog mastering EQs Component-level modeling of the original germanium and inductor circuits mean that Curve Bender gives you outstanding sound quality and controlled power. Tune in to MixbusTV to see why it's the king of tone-shaping in the analog mastering realm. Use promo code CHANDLERBENDER and get 66% OFF https://www.softube.com/curve-bender
  13. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tonex/?pkey=tonex-sw-max
  14. I'm off to delve into the depths. Have fun.
  15. I hate them, and hated them in SONAR, along with many other things, probably why I stopped using it in 2015, but anyway, I think they look real tacky. Also you can see Dual Pan, De-Esser Plugin, Vocoder Plugin, lyrics track, no more looking now, the real thing will be in my hands tomorrow, along with IK's TONEX MAX. Going to have to get some sleep.
  16. It's a Google cache thingy, the webpage may not even be there now. I have saved a copy of it though.
  17. I have Dopamine and Sculptube on practically everything.
  18. Studio One 6 - Leaked? https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:EsGPD4uLE0sJ:https://vintageking.com/software/presonus-studio-one-6-professional-electronic-delivery&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=es Of course there will be the usual multitude of other stuff we will only find out about with the 'Full' list of stuff. Don't know why they do that, but anyway . . .
  19. OwnHammer 412 RECT Essentials Cabinet and Speaker Type The 412 RECT Essentials wave audio format impulse response library is based on and seeking to recreate the sound of a MESA/Boogie® 4x12 Rectifier® Standard (Oversized) closed back cabinet loaded with 2003 Celestion® T4335 Vintage 30 speakers. This particular combination - largely the result of the unique tonality for this narrow space in time of this speaker model's production - results in a sound that is full yet tight in the lows, authoritative and forward in the mids, and smooth on top, with just enough bite to cut through a dense modern mix when paired with the right mic/mix selection. The lack of overly whomping low end and harsh high end makes this file set incredibly versatile, and useful for a multitude of styles and applications. Feature Set 10 single mics (7B - 57 - 58 - 87 - 121 - 160 - 414 - 421 - 441 - 906) 10 core mixes 80 (r)Evolution mixes 90 mic pair mix permutations captured through major production/mastering grade signal chain File Format Wave Audio (.wav) Wave audio format IR's (.wav) are compatible with convolution reverb type loaders in recording software and outboard hardware units. The files in this library are: 24 bit resolution 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz sample rates minimum phase transformed 208 millisecond Mono $19 OwnHammer 412 Rect Essentials
  20. Cool, just nabbed a 5 pack to finish off my GEM collection ?
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