1,032 -
Everything posted by Heath Row
One of the best websites ever, I haven't spent so much money, and yet saved so much money, since I was made aware of musicsoftwaredeals and a couple of other sites. Excellent service??? . . . and wth has happened to this place? threads being locked, people dobbing in OP's, the LAW being laid down at the top of the deals 1st page, what have we come to? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question, I have just read all the ins and outs regarding the sad turn of events that have taken place here of late. As you were ??
Couldn't you just copy paste the Library.db file (documents\IK Multimedia\ TONEX) from the main machine to the others? Or is there something else that stops that from working? Easy enough to try, just back the file up first. I know if you remove or rename that file TONEX will just make a new one for you, but won't contain any captures that aren't IK's, so no downloaded captures etc. [Edit] I think you can even remove captures you have downloaded but don't really want if you open the file in something like 'DB Browser for SQLite' https://sqlitebrowser.org/ so they say . . . ?
Purchased with my $75 voucher and $24.99 cabbage leaves, even cheaper than 4EVA29, which I got 1 in the bank and I'll have another on the 8th as well. Then it's 1 on the 8th 1 on the 19th rinse and repeat, they are not put out plugs fast enough damn them ? Now to find something to throw my $25 voucher at, which is going to be hard. The things ya' do. ⚾ Batter Up!!
I'm going to throw my $75 voucher at that new black and yellow thing, don't know what I'm going to do with my $25 voucher yet. Then I got 2 x 4EVA$29 thanks to getting another 1 during that limited time redux thing they had not long ago. Can't even use 1 of them for the Kirchhoff-EQ when PA release it, as I get it for free because I purchased it before PA got their grubby little hands in on the action it just in case. I was originally waiting to see what happened with it on Black Friday, but the PA thing came along and thought it best I move things forward a bit just in case? You never know what havoc PA might bring now they are in the pot, keep it moving forward and not backwards hopefully. At least the original Devs are still there I think pretty much in control from what they said elsewhere.
I have everything from the start, Hendrix is awesome, honestly my expectations weren't high, but it surprised me. There is a lot more than Heavy, clean is clean is clean, there is some very nice crunch, and Hi Gain, which I don't really call hi gain, then there is Metal and Insane, they speak for themselves. I'm not much into hi gain anymore, certainly not the hi gain of today, for me it's around AC/DC ish, Black Sabbath ish which really is pretty mellow compared to stuff today. Having said all that I haven't used any of the BIAS stuff for a good few years ☺️ But when I get around to it I have a couple of tracks to finish that have BIAS FX (1) in, that sound absolutely awesome and I doubt I could replace them with anything else and have it sound the same and have the same impact. If memory serves me correct it's using one of the Choptones Mesa Boogie packs, really kicks you in the knackers.
Over 80% off SSL Fusion HF Compressor, now $34.99 instead of $199:
Heath Row replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
Bummer, they had this on sale with the EQ last week at Best Service and I grabbed it then. I was hoping for the Transformer this week, it's the last one to complete the collection for me. Guarantied it they'll make me wait until last.? Keep an eye out at Best Service, they throw in an extra plug quite often. -
It's here, had a bit of trouble getting my head around what it actually was at first, not sure I have grasped it yet, but I think it's 3 amps with some freaky stuff in each and some pedals. I'm going to have to buy it so I can get solid grip on what it is. I told myself no need for any more amp sims after TONEX MAX, because there just isn't any need, whenever I go back to one of my huge collection, I've pretty much got everything there is, they sound like crap. Sure enough here comes PG out of left field with something that seems a bit far out there, I must check it out or it will keep eating away at me.
Don't know the details, and haven't installed yet, but apparently have added HQ Oversampling and Compressor mix knob to the Channel Strip. https://www.solidstatelogic.com/support-page/downloads?page=8 Direct Injection https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu1.download.solidstatelogic.com/Plug ins/SSL Channel Strip 2 64-bit v2.0.27.exe https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu1.download.solidstatelogic.com/Plug ins/SSL Bus Compressor 2 64-bit v1.1.24.exe
Tape Face kicks buttocks, grabbed them both, haven't run Distinct! yet. Also not in that sale, but still on intro special, Xtressor is damn fine, use the code SUMMER35 to get $35 of any plugin purchase at the Kiive Audio Site. https://www.kiiveaudio.com/plugins
If you are talking about DSEQ3, they aren't even really similar beasts, I own all the Tonebooster stuff as well, and think they are great, but TB-EQ's can't do half of what DSEQ3 can do, and the answer to your question is yes it is, even if just in what it can do that TB-EQ's can't, and is it worth it at double the price?, you bet your sweet a s s it is ? think you best have a read up. https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/dseq If that's not what you're referring to, then as you were captain.
@balinas thanks for that, unfortunately it didn't work. Never mind, not a big deal in the overall scheme of things. When I find out there is an update available on the grapevine, I'll just update it manually. Thanks again ?
I installed RX10 Advanced manually, anyone know how to make the Portal see it as Installed? [Edit] without reinstalling it.
DSEQ3 is excellent, matches it with the big boys in that area that cost 3+ times more. Does some things better even. https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/dseq
Bummer, got ripped, paid the intro price direct from Audified. You win some you lose some. [Edit] Come to think of it, I may have won, this weeks SSL Fusion Plugin has gone up for sale, the Violet EQ, and I already own it, so there you have it, I've saved. Works for me. ?
Thank you muchly good sir, I'll have to give that a whirl.
You have an nVidia CUDA card? They are supposedly the bees knees, the ducks nuts, when it comes to TONEX capturing, slicing times right down. Personally, I have zero interest in capturing, just here for the capture, the capture and only the capture.
TAIP is supposed to be pretty good, might grab that. I'm going to score their Smooth Operator this afternoon as well, it's kinda like a Gullfoss/Soothe/TEOTE/DSEQ3/The God Particle type gizmo.
Yes, GK2Pro wasn't half bad, and on that note, Purchased, Downloaded and Installed.
I think you're in the wrong thread, you want the REAPER thread.
Can this do the Deliverance thing? Don't go squealin' like a pig now.
Are you sure after you registered your Artist 4 that there wasn't an upgrade waiting for you in your account? I don't know, I've never had cause to do it, But I was reading in one of the Studio One 6 threads around the place the other day where someone was asking about this, and a reply they got was that in the case of not getting the current version you should have the upgrade thing in your account.
Have them both I say and throw in Soothe and The God Particle to boot.
Thanks ?, yeah, apart TEOTE which I already own I really wanted SPAN Plus and r8brain Pro, and Elephant, there is always good words spoken about it, ahh, the thought/choice process was taking too long, so I just threw in the extra $100 and got the lot, I'm sure I'll get some use out of the rest, even if it's just entering the key code, setting them up and choosing a color scheme and GUI size ? or consider it a donation to a much maligned of late small developer, either works for me. ? Thanks again ?
I'd go Eventide or PA's ADA Flanger or Kuassa next. Kuassa will be cheaper by a long shot, and perhaps another sale around BF, although they just finished a half price sale not long ago so maybe not, but it's only $25. Kuassa make good stuff, better than the price may reflect. The eventide is $125, and the PA ADA is $99 but can get it much cheaper on a sale, either $19.99 or $29.99 can't recall, and if you have a voucher even lower. Eventide Instant Flanger MK II PA ADA Flanger Kuassa Efektor Flanger