1,032 -
Everything posted by Heath Row
Someone give him a nudge, he seems to be stuck ?
Yeah, who hasn't? but the convenience isn't there, especially when the sound and the feel can't really be differentiated between, and all those different textures and iconic sounds from different eras and manufacturers are available to you at the flick of a switch, or press of a button.
Then you sir are missing out on the best Amp Sim there is due to your total misunderstanding. I have been onboard since day one and have never and will never spent one minute scrolling and trolling through ToneNet to get what I want. oh, and what I have sounds more than "almost right" in fact it sounds very right. I Pre-Ordered so I could get it on day one, I knew what was comming, and come it did. I have TONEX MAX, which regardless of what anyone may say, (usually those who don't have it) could be more than enough on it's own, but as we plugin addict types are, among many others there is Amalgam Audio, probably the best https://www.amalgamcaptures.com/tonex I have everything they make.
PA $75 Voucher - First In First Served, $99 minimum spend. Good Luck. 2023-08-75CWVECKYYYX
he's back, coincidence? or is he reading these here hallowed halls ? Alex, are you there?
Speaking of good old Alex, I fear I have killed or seriously wounded him over on the Studio One forums, he has not visibly returned for a couple of weeks since, he may be just lurking and not partaking anymore though?. Good old BobF (remember him?) gave a thumbs up type thing in approval.
Waves upgrade to Mercury (biggest discount ever)
Heath Row replied to Yan Filiatrault's topic in Deals
Listen not to the 'Fear Mongers' the 'Waves Haters' if you get a good deal, go for it, you wont regret it. As for WUP, good advice mentioned above, but I want to say that the plugins received this year have been more than worth it, I might go back and count them up, but it has been a good number of plugins, and useful good quality stuff as well. -
Coming up on the 9th Australian time (or thereabouts), A Darts game (not really, but hey. . . ), so get your throwing arm ready. The winner gets, Any Plugin Alliance Plugin for $1US Adhering to PA's rules, I believe Gig Performer is not counted as a 'Plug-in'.
We have a winner.
Seems like the $25 is generic, so I'll pull that. The code is 2023-01-25gIH9Zdf45rD8
We have a winner.
PA Vouchers $25 min spend $32 $75 min spend $99 First PM has it, 1 per customer Well I got to go, it would be nice if the honesty system was in play, one per customer, I'll leave the codes here Please leave a reply when you take one so others don't try $25 - 2022-12-25SG9P2Q3iTw27e $75 - 2022-12-75CE8GDDVXJC Enjoy.
I own everything bar the clap'n and clickin' bootscootin' whatever stuff, and it gave me $10 upgrade. It's only $10 not really worth worrying about whether I should or shouldn't have got it for free or not, quite happy to pay the $10 for the work they done on the new version. Come to think of it I might just Email him and see if I can pay the extra $39 and make it $49 like everyone else.
I got a reply from PA, first my question, then the reply Answer
Looking back at my 9th December Forever29, the PayPal receipt came in at 1.02am and the code from PA came in at 1.02am, pretty much how it alwas is, they both come together right now, over me, shhhtt dmmm, . . . . whooaah, freaky man, don't know what happened there, anyway you certainly got something in the way she moves going on there, so have I I think, I'm going to have a lay down sally down down deeper and down I'm out of here ?
There could be a certain symmetry to that ? I've been thinking about it lately, I was looking to get Auto Gain Pro MK2 for about $10, but I think I might bypass the HoRNet, pay a few extra $$ and get something like ABLM2 from TBProAudio for about $50, maybe make the bypass permanent ?
The forever bit is in reference to the perpetual license. From one of the Emails I received during the recent 48hour flash sale for forever$29 subscriptions.
I'll let you know the answer to that when I get a reply, which according to the Auto-Response could be longer than normal, so I'm expecting later than a couple of days at the minimum. I have 3 codes in the bank and will be getting another one on the 19th, then 2 a month from then, I hope, but don't think they will be releasing anything I'm interested in quick enough. Depending on the reply to my q's I might cancel 1, if I get it in writing that they don't expire, well . . . wait and see I guess. Already got all I want from the current line up with 134 total.
From memory I think it's a bit a r s e backwards, keep going through, and you will find the coupon place after Paypal or whatever payment type you choose, it's different to what you would think I realize it sounds to go against all common sense, but that's how it works there.
Phuckin' Ay!! and just to get Bill in on the action
I think your link doth stink ?, it giveth - Newsletter preferences - Subscriber not found. AutoGain Pro AnalogStage MK2 SpringVerb
It appears so . . . , Zo, and thank God for that, one can only take so much ugly. I haven't checked them all as yet, but I did check those that you mentioned above, and can confirm that their ugly has been contained to the regular old small sized windows.
hmmm, I get the upgrade for $89, that's a reasonable price for splitEQ I guess, apart from what I already own and splitEQ there's really nothing else there I want, guess I'll have to do it.
In my experience the scan for 3rd party vst's is, well, less than one might hope, it works, but . . . The best part is the Amp Cloning, for that you need the ACT Combo module. They have been saying a new version is coming for years, and supposedly had people Beta testing for years, so don't hold your breath.