1,032 -
Everything posted by Heath Row
The word is that this and it's EQ brother are supposed to be pretty good. Might have to get it and see if the word is right.
As there is a bit of talk about TS, and not buying now but waiting for TS4. I don't understand the TS MAX theory, it would be pointless for someone like me wouldn't it? I already own more than is in TS 3.5 MAX, I own everything, so buying that would be pointless for me? I couldn't wait maybe up to a year? or so until the next TS MAX was released to get a plug that is released between TS MAX's I buy on release day, unless it's something I am really really not interested in. I seen the $99 price on TS 3.5 MAX and was thinking how good a deal it was, just not for me, it would have been a waste of $99. So for those who buy the TS MAX's is that what you do, don't buy between releases? But even then it would be possible that something released between TS MAX releases won't be included in the next releases, so you'd have to buy it anyway, and you could have been getting good use out of it for a year or more already. I just don't understand, leaving money, cost out of the equation.
hmmm, makes me think you haven't tried it, because it's nothing like you seem to think it is. One thing you got right is that it's not as versatile as Sunset and Fame, but the 'aircraft hanger' thing lol. For me it will be getting a lot of use on the drum bus, and again for me it's one of those things that once you put it on, you can't go back to the way it was. I'm Rock, Hard Rock (don't read that as to mean metal) and it is fitting so well, makes the drums sound so good, love it.
Here's a little vid, which goes on to show/talk about Lil's big brother, 'Magma BB Tubes' I think, coming soon, he said it was out but I can't find it, I think he must have jumped the gun there.
The development companies' ethics aside, with a little work you can get the BIAS family of stuff to sound pretty awesome, overcoming their immediate 'shortcomings' in a little time. I have all their top tier stuff, well all their stuff, from BIAS Amp (1) forwards. Although I no longer use them, I recently purchased their OMNYSS expansion just after launch, sounds pretty damn fine, and very fitting if you have something dark and gloomy and deathly in mind. Very nice cleans, and certainly not just for the Metal side of town.
I could say 'fixed that for you' but I won't ? . I've owned the Waves PRS collection since release day, probably have only used them once since then just to confirm or deny my original opinion of them. Opinion confirmed ? I won't say YMMV, because it obviously does, as a HUGE Waves fan I truly am glad to see that ? I have all the IR Loaders mentioned in this thread plus a few more, settling long ago on Recabinet 5, followed up with Redwirez mixIR2 and mixIR3, with OVERLOUDs SuperCabinet coming on the scene later on. For SuperCabinet you are basically running TH-U as a glorified IR Loader, only having SuperCabinet loaded, it works great, but I only use it when I want to use its proprietary cab IRs, the Jensen's are super sweet. It can of course load other 3rd party IRs if desired. Apart from the infrequent use of some Rig Player Libraries, that's all TH-U gets used for. Apart from TONEX I mainly use Amplitube 5 which for me doesn't require 3rd party IRs, the first and 1 and only thus far, TONEX aside, everything else I have personally found 3rd party IRs to be a must. [Edit] except for Melda IR compatible stuff, I haven't used any of them, I don't use Melda stuff, I value my eyesight to much ?
I'm just grabbing the 'Get both for only $198' and the LiTtle guy comes along with it. An old thread about the Arousor popped up on GS a couple of weeks back, so I bookmarked the site waiting to pounce. It's pouncing time ?
Maybe it's location based, but I certainly pay with PayPal. Australia
Perhaps, but there was only once I recall seeing vielklang 2 go lower and I let it go. I thought this time I'm not letting it go 33% is good enough, been wanting it for a long time, so I took the dive and grabbed vielklang 2 and FENNEK, $79 each at Best Service?
Stange, that's all I use is Paypal, never had a problem with them taking it? Scored myself the Emperical Labs Complete, Chandler Zener Limiter, and Overstayer M.A.S. Apart from the Synth/Modular stuff which I am not really interested in, I got enough synths, trying not to demo the Softube ones, all that's left is the Acoustic Feedback gadget and some Biscuit thing with 8 bites taken out of it, not really interested in them. So until they release a good new on, that's Softube done for me.
They have released an updated version that addresses a number of bugs and 'missteps'. Not sure if this is the full release notes, but is what was mentioned in an Email they sent out recently.
I've had Kontakt since that sale they had when they joined the Soundwide thingy. I opened it once and thought REAPER in a smaller window and promptly closed it never to open it again, it nor any of the other stuff that came with Komplete 13 Standard. I've come this far being inKomplete, I'm sure I can make it to the end as is.
There was a time not that long ago where if I were asked what amp sim I thought was the best, I would have just TONEX without a doubt. It's not that my opinion on TONEX has waned or anything, I think it's just that my appreciation of other amp sims has grown significantly. What a time to be alive and be a guitarist, the stuff we have at our disposal is just mind blowing.
I would say that TONEX has a fuller sound, more feel, and generally closer to what it's targeting. Example, if you play a Fender amp you know it's a Fender amp, it sounds like a Fender it has that Fender signature, same with Vox, and Orange, probably most if not all. Not to say the TH-U rigs don't sound like what they are supposed to, just to me it's there to a lesser extent. Having said that, I don't really care how close something sounds to its target, as long as it sounds good, and they both have plenty that sound very good, and a number that don't. I was playing a Vox in amplitube 5, and it wasn't one of the Brian May ones, running it out ot a Vox 2x12 IR, and I was actually liking it more than some of the Vox's in TONEX, maybe I've burn't out? na, it just sounded good you can't argue with that. TONEX has the TONEnet where you can download free captures made by users, TH-U has a large supply of professionally done packs to purchase. I'd prefer the professionally done packs for purchase myself, so for me that lessens the argument for you can make your own with TONEX but not TH-U. I've started having a taste for the normal type of amp sim and have been playing Amplitube 5 and the Softube and Nembrini amps a lot lately, something I thought I wouldn't do again. I would hate to have to choose between TONEX, TH-U Rig Player, Amp5, Softube, Nembrini, Kuassa, I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, it's 3 minutes from midnight here, my eyes are getting weary, but yeah, I'd hate to have to choose. @fitzroy you might see a little cheaper especially in the next few weeks, but 50% is just about as good as it gets. I hear you with the cleans and crunch's, I'm heading that way more and more as time goes by, not that I was ever into seriously Hi Gain,
It is with a sad heart that I must report our dear old Redwirez no more, yes, they have come to the end of the road. They say they will keep the site up, have limited support, fix any minor bugs for around a year. So if you never kept your downloads, I suggest you keep an eye on the site and download and back up your files. You can't access the downloads at the moment, they say they are getting some stuff sorted, so keep your eyes on the site for when downloads resume. There are no more sales are being made. I have everything they have ever sold, and they are all backed up multiple times, so I am safe, just letting those who may not know, well . . . you know . . . know.
I have TH-U Premium or whatever they like to call it, pretty much the only thing I use it for is a glorified IR Loader with SuperCabinet. That's another bottomless pit you can get into. The Jensen's are very good, well suited to Fender/Fenderish tones, but also others. The Amp Factory (TAF) and of course ChopTones are also very good, the latter's Boogie and Bogner and Friedman being among my fav's of theirs. But as for TH-Us standard amps and cabs, they do nothing for me, they just sound horrible, always have, don't know why I've kept upgrading since TH2, probably the same reason I stuck it out with NI's Guitar Rig since GR3, Guitar Rig, now there's a S.P.O.S if ever there was one, FX are ok I guess, I think I was just hoping they would come good, alas . . . I don't mind some of the stuff available for the Rig Player, I have a shit load of them. These are some of my fav's BHS Friedman Hand wired 100W BHS Friedman Naked Choptones Fried Jackie Choptones Fried Jerry Mad In Italy MK50 MF TB 3Classic MF TB 008 TB Puncher Vocs 30 Heratige Hand Wired LRS The Snake Choptones Bogie Alone TAF 80's Hair High Gain, not as hi gain metal mania as it may sound, personally I like it alot. BM Filmprojector which was surprisingly good and very usable for an old Film projector amp/amps. Very good. There's just so many, but they are some of my fav's, some of the middle ones from Mad in Italy to TB Puncher are kinda like 'Boutique' style amps. Sorry for wondering off, back to normal programing.
Very nice stuff, purchased as soon as the Email hit. Only limited use yet, will be putting them through their paces over the weekend, I'm sure they will be useful, plus had to keep the Sonible collection complete ?
Well, there is a lot there to disagree with, and I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but by God you're a handsome young fella'
The Mojo Synthesis bundle and Syntronik Synth X will be coming home with me as well, there is some stuff in the Mojo bundle that by the sounds and feel of it will fit right in with the haunting deathly feel of this thing I'm doing with Positive Grids OMNYSS. For anyone interested, Positive Grids OMNYSS contrary to what they say, isn't just a metal mash, it can be if you want, but it does sound awesome out of its comfort zone .
I have both, been giving AC/DC1(that's what I call it, every time I looked at the name I saw AC?DC, so . . . ) a good working through since release and for me the Softube comes out on top, it has more balls, and you can coax to be more 'aggressive' in a nice way, it has character where for me AC/DC1 is bland and pretty much characterless. It seems to have a 'very' narrow sweet spot, not as easy to dial in. A lot depends on what you are feeding it, I feed my stuff 90% Hard/Heavy Rock, 10% a mellower rock diet. There seems to be issues with certain things like fine control using a modifier key. Gain reduction metering is useless, seems to be just eye candy. Problems with the headroom control affecting the dry signal with the wet/dry mix. It has issues, still a quality product all in all, but for me not keeping pace with Softube. I'll use it now and then, there's probably places it will shine. just IMO, YMMV etc etc etc.
hmmm, I'll have me those Bionic Drums for starters, I can use some of those toms at least right now, but there is nothing in the freebies, I have them all, but that's neither here nor there. Then I guess I'll have to go through the rest of that new stuff as time permits and see what gives. Off to the IK Store I go . . .
Quality, with a capital Q Yes, ALL Hell, $9 each . . . buy them twice!!! If you haven't got yourself VVV or for that matter any of the latest few amps, do yourself a favor and when the prices drop in the next week or so, jump without fear or trepidation, press that buy button like your life depends on it. Go hard or go home ☺️ Are any of these (chorus, compressor, phaser, tremolo) recommended?