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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. I wonder if it shows up late....like every bass player I've ever known!
  2. When you look at a painting, do your really care if it was painted using a horse hair brush versus a nylon brush?
  3. Are you using a CakeWalk project file or a plain MIDI file?
  4. Not the dorsal fin, the lateral fin. I guess I should have been specific so people didn't get confused ? <Huge Eye Roll>
  5. Roman Numeral Trivia for Gamblers. C-Note 100 dollars because C is 100. Sawbuck 10 dollars because X is 10 and looks like a sawbuck Fin 5 dollars because V is 5 and V looks like a shark fin.
  6. If you turn on the radio, you can get free chord progressions.....ALL DAY LONG!
  7. If you have a canister vacuum cleaner.... https://www.flowbee.com PS: Tattoo parlors are opening? Why were such essential services ever closed?
  8. I don't like that quirk either. You have to click Exit from the main screen to really exit the program...otherwise it stays in the background ready to leap into action!
  9. There is also a screen capture/recorder program called Screen Hunter. They have a free version. https://www.wisdom-soft.com/downloads/downloadfiles.htm
  10. If you use the Smart Tool, you just left click to select a note and then drag and drop. You click and drag the right mouse button to select a group of notes and then drag and drop. You can add to the group by pressing Ctrl and then left clicking a note.
  11. You'll never get smooth lines. It's digital and event based. What scook and Chappel said...Turn Off Snap Grid. I usually turn the snap settings to 10 ticks before drawing pitch bends. That gives events that sound smooth but doesn't overload with synth with too many events.
  12. That only makes sense if your are an assembly programmer or integrating CPUs into custom hardware devices. And please don't reply with "My spreadsheet runs better on AMDs!" That would be straight out of a Dilbert cartoon.
  13. There are layers and layers of software between the user and the processor. You could NEVER run a PC and tell what processor is underneath the hood. (Assuming you don't cheat by looking at system info).
  14. Did your post include some snarky political comment? Those aren't allowed here.
  15. Doesn't this genre usually have a lot more low end?
  16. On my system, I couldn't near the default note. Changing it worked. When I change a preference and click OK, I expect it to be saved. I understand every company wants you to use their proprietary file format so you are locked in to their product. I prefer MIDI files so I can effortlessly migrate if I choose.
  17. Change the MIDI key note from F#3 to C#3. Sadly, if you are using pure MIDI files, this setting will not be saved and you'll have to reset it each time.
  18. Pink Floyd...Dark Side of the Moon! Do I win any Money?
  19. You're not alone. We're in this together. I too, went through that frustrating scenario!
  20. I think the touch pad can be used like a slider.
  21. Well, it works on my box with a standard midi file so I don't think it's a bug. And there's not much you can do that's 'wrong'. The problem must be elsewhere. Maybe it's one of these settings:
  22. Have you run disk cleanup to reclaim space on your C_Drive? As a desperate, last gasp, work around, you can delete other applications from the C_Drive and install them to the D_Drive. Maybe then the C_Drive will have enough room.
  23. Maybe sound-fonts aren't as archaic as some people imagine.
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