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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. A newish fad is Mock Meat. They are trying to make rice, mushrooms, legumes, yam flour, pressed-tofu, etc. taste like meat. But NO ONE is trying to make meat taste like rice, mushrooms, legumes, yam flour, pressed-tofu, etc. And there's a reason for that!
  2. Sometimes, when cutting and pasting acts up, I switch to the Selection Tool. Then, it's left mouse click and drag.
  3. Sadly, probably only for me, I use pure MIDI files and not projects. I would like it a system preference and not project based. Merry Christmas to you too!
  4. Not much music sounds better with headphones....but that piece certainly does!
  5. Screw that list. I want MY list implemented. 1) Quit making Velocity the default event in the PRV controller pane.
  6. Or, if the Smart Tool is the current tool, you can right-click and drag around the notes you want selected.
  7. It works on my system (I used a bagpipe for the drone sound). And used View/Tempo window to change the tempo. Did you check the event list for unwanted events? Did you solo the tracks to confirm the source of the problem?
  8. Fantastic. Free reverb is great....great....great....great....great,,,,great....great...
  9. https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/cakewalk-bandlab-tts-1-synth
  10. I got into Blender for a while. The learning curve is staggering (not Blender's fault, creating a world from scratch takes mountains of tedious effort). It toasted the CPU on my PC. Rendering graphics is very CPU intensive (again, not Blender's fault, the PC was under designed).
  11. Maybe there a dialog box waiting to be clicked that is hiding behind another window. You can toggle through all running apps by holding down the ALT key and pressing the ESC key.
  12. RobertWS


    I'm surprised anyone would say that. The violin sounds were recorded by Itzhak Perlman on a priceless Stradivarius violin built in 1714. The recording were converted to MIDI sound fonts. Well, not everyone is blessed with a good set of ears. ?
  13. In most states and Canada, 2nd hand stores and pawnshops, turn over a list of the items they bought that day to the police who compare it with their list of reported stolen items. (I wrote the software for one of the chain stores). That being said, there is a special place in hell for those who steal from musicians: Muzak is piped in 24/7.
  14. It not only cares which cell you are clicking in, it cares where in the cell you are clicking!
  15. You have snap to grid on. If you click in the left side/half of a cell, the closest line is the left one and the note is placed starting on that line. If you click in the right side/half of a cell, the closest line is the right one and the note is placed starting on that line. (I hope I understood your question correctly).
  16. Shouldn't this thread be in the coffee house? Well, it might be a little latte for that.
  17. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Channel 1 might be bass, Channel 2 might be piano. Putting everything in one channel means everything would be the same instrument.
  18. Say I have a track selected. If I add events in the PRV, and I forget to set the channel to the correct track, the events go to the wrong track. And sometimes, I am looking at a track and seeing events the belong to a different track! What good is that? It could be much better.
  19. Suggestion: When viewing controllers on a track in the PRV, when you go to add another (by clicking the + in the lower left corner) it would be very helpful if the channel defaulted to the current channel instead of always being Channel 1.
  20. Chet Atkins...is that you?
  21. When I listened to the intro I felt like I was about to see a movie...it was like a really good sound track. Then it got seamlessly got funky...what a great musical trip! I could see adding something near the end...wah-wah guitar?
  22. Isn't the correct spelling Hoser?
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